Ex.1.Read the text and give a short summary of it.


Ex.2. Replace the parts in italics by synonyms.

The ancient name of the place, it is originated from the name of, it was convenient, one could meet merchants from all over Kazakhstan, produced by local craftsmen, the young state turned to the history, the ancestors the city received back its original name, numerous caravan routs gave birth to cities, the event occurred on, overall condition of the city, all these factors came to be decisive in making the choice.

Ex.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

Известен как, совет представителей, военное сооружение, ярмарка, молочные продукты, определяет название, предки, впоследствии, принимать решение, основная причина, перекресток, электроснабжение.


Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

1. The ancient … the place where Astana is situated today … as Karaotkel.

2. The caravan ford …. river to Karaotkel was convenient.

3. The wide assortment of …. products ….. by local craftsmen.

4. The young state turned …. history and the lost original roots.

5. According to …. Akmola steppes have always been a territory of … communication of various nations and cultures.

6. That decision was caused by …. location of the city in the centre of Kazakhstan and Eurasian continent


Grammar: Sequence of Tenses. Extension.

A characteristic feature of the English language is the so-called Tenses: tense of the subordinate clause depends on the time of the main clause. This rule "tenses" is particularly difficult when the verb in the main clause verb is expressed in one of the forms of past vremeni.V case in subordinate clauses can not be used forms of the present and future tenses of verbs, although it is about the actions that take place in the present or will be made in the future.

If the verb in the main clause is in a past tense, the verb in the subordinate clause and must be in one of the last times. Use the following scheme:

The time required to sense and situation (direct speech) Present Indefinite Present Continuous Рresent Perfect Раst IndeInde Раst Perfect Future Indefinite
Time actually-used in the subordinate clause (in indirect speech) Past Indefinite Past Соntinuous Раst Pеrfect Рast Perfect Past Perfect Future Indefinite-in-the-Раst

In such cases, there are three main options: 1. The action of the subordinate clause occurs simultaneously with the action of the main clause: in these cases, the verb in the subordinate clause is in the Simple Past or Past Continuous. (Simultaneously) For example: In such cases, there are three main options:

1. The action of the subordinate clause occurs simultaneously with the action of the main clause: in these cases, the verb in the subordinate clause is in the Simple Past or Past Continuous. (Simultaneously) For example:

Я знал, что он ежедневно играет в теннис.

I knew (that) he played tennis every day.

Я знал, что он играет в теннис и мне не хотелось его беспокоить.

I knew (that) he was playing tennis and I didn't want to disturb him.

2. The action of the subordinate clause precedes the action of the main clause: in such cases in the subordinate clause is used Past Perfect. (Precedence) For example:

Я знал, что Билл ещё не успел прочесть моё письмо.

I knew (that) Bill had not time to read my letter.

3. The action of the subordinate clause refers to a future time, and the action of the main clause - to the past, if a similar situation in the subordinate clause is used the so-called future in the past Future in the Past. (Adherence) For example:

Я знал, что Билл придёт ко мне после 10 часов вечера.

I knew (that) Bill would come to see me after 10 P.M.

It should be borne in mind that the modal verbs can and may have in the past tense forms: could, might. Past form called modal verbs should be used in the predicate of the subordinate clause, if the verb in the main clause as in the past tense. For example:

Он сказал, что не может прийти на вечеринку.

He said (that) he could not promise to come to the party.

Complied with the rules of tenses in subordinate additional proposals, including those in the indirect speech. In attributive, comparative, causal and other subordinate clauses, they do not work.

Jim says (that) it is interesting (now). it was interesting (yesterday). it will be interesting (tomorrow).
Jim said (that) it was interesting (now). it had been interesting (yesterday). it would be interesting (tomorrow).


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