How Much Power Does the US President Have?

Задание 1.

А) Прочитайте текст и переведите его устно.

Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, but she has no real power. In law the queen is the head of the exec­utive branch and a part of the legislative branch but in fact her role is mostly ceremonial. She acts on the advice of her ministers.

In Britain it is Parliament that has the power. Parliament makes laws. It is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The members of the House of Lords are permanent - mostly lords and people who have been made lords for life. The Lords can revise and even delay bills. They have real influence in politics. The Commons have much more real power. The members of the Commons are elected by the people. They control the executive branch and discuss most important political problems.

The largest party in the Commons forms the government and its leader becomes Prime Minister. The people do not elect the Prime Minister directly. Officially Parliament appoints Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet and non-cabinet ministers. They are all collectively responsible for the government, the executive branch, and individually respon­sible for their departments.

В) Ответьте на вопросы письменно

1. Is Britain a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch?

2. Has Queen Elizabeth II real power?

3. Who is the head of state in Britain?

4. Does Parliament have the power in Britain?

5. How many houses does the parliament make up?

6. Can the Lords revise and even delay bills?

7. Are the members of the Commons elected by the people?

8. Do the people elect the Prime Minister directly?

9. Who appoints Prime Minister?

10. Do the Prime Minister choose the Cabinet and non-cabinet ministers?

Задание 2

Какие функции выполняют представители власти в Великобритании?

Выбери правильный ответ.

1. A. The Queen votes on the bills.

B. The Queen signs the bills.


2. A. The Queen has mostly representative functions.

B. The Queen rules the country in fact.


3. A. The government represents the legislative branch of power.

B. The government represents the executive branch of power.


4. A. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.

B. The Cabinet Ministers revise bills from Parliament.


5. A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.

B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power.


6. A. The House of Commons controls the government.

B. The government controls the House of Commons.


7. A. The House of Lords has the power to delay bills for one year.

B. The House of Lords opposes the decisions of the House of Commons.


8. А. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government depart­ments.

B. The Cabinet makes laws.


Задание 3.

The distribution of power between the monarch and Parliament was different at different historical periods.

Распределение власти между монархом и парламентом было разным в разные периоды времени.

What functions did the monarch and Parliament have at different historical periods?

Какие функции имели монарх и парламент в разные исторические периоды и что эти функции означали?


1066 The Normans came to Britain. William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, ruled the country with a firm hand.

1215 King John signed the Magna Carta, limiting (огра­ничивающую) the power of the Monarch (in collecting taxes (налогов), for example) but it was the King who determined policies.

1295 Parliament was formed where lords and rich people discussed political problems and new taxes.

1509-47 King Henry VIII had great power: Parliament did what the King wanted.

1649-60 The rule of the House of Commons led by Oliver Cromwell after King Charles I had lost in the war with Parliament.

1660-1832 The Monarch and the House of Lords returned. They could no longer tell the Commons how to rule.

Today The Queen and Parliament act under the unwritten British constitution.


Пример ответа:

William the Conqueror ruled the country with a firm hand. It means that he made laws and determined policies. No one revised his bills.

Задание 4

А) Прочитайте и переведите текст устно.

How Much Power Does the US President Have?


The United States of America is a presidential republic. So, the President is the head of state there. But the President is elected directly by the people and he is not a member of the American Parliament, Congress.

Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are 100 senators, two for each state. The House has 435 members, the number of Representatives from each state depends on its population. Congress makes all laws and each house of Congress can introduce a new project. Each can vote against the proj­ect passed by the other. If both houses agree and the President signs it, the project be­comes law.

The President and his Administration represent the executive branch of the federal gov­ernment. The Administration includes the Secretaries, who are heads of the executive depart­ments. Each department is responsible for a specific area. The President appoints the Secretaries but the Senate must approve his appointments.

The legislative and the executive branches of government are involved in the system of, checks and balances.


В) Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1. Who is the heard of the executive branch in the USA?

Who is the heard of the executive branch in Britain?


2. Which officials in the USA are elected and which are appointed?

Which officials in Britain are elected and which are appointed?


3. Is the head of state elected directly by the people in the USA?

Is the head of state elected directly by the people in Britain?


4. Can the people of the USA exercise their power through their representatives?

Can the people of Britain exercise their power through their representatives?



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