Exercise VI. Write the names of the fruit and vegetables on the picture.

Lesson Three. ТП/б 1 курс 1 семестр

«About Myself. My Likes and Dislikes»


fridge – холодильник

entrance – вход

butcher’s counter – мясной отдел

greengrocer’s – бакалея

confectioner’s counter – отдел канцелярских принадлежностей

foodstuff – продукты питания

baker’s - булочная


Task I. Read and translate the text.

Mrs. Richards’ Shopping

Last Sunday Mrs. Richards looked into her fridge and saw that it was nearly empty. Mrs. Richards does not like it when there is nothing in her fridge. She took a big bag and went shopping.

There is a good supermarket not far from Mrs. Richards’ house, and she went there. When Mrs. Richards came to the shop, she took a basket at the entrance and went inside. First she went to the butcher’s counter. They didn’t have beef that day, but there was a good choice of pork. Mrs. Richards took a good piece of pork and two chickens. Then she went to the greengrocer’s, because she wanted some potatoes and cabbage. She did not like the potatoes and decided to go to the market later. But she took a good head of cabbage.

After that Mrs. Richards stopped at the delicatessen counter. She bought a piece of cheese and a piece of sausage. They sold ham, too, but she decided not to take ham: there was too much fat on it.

On the way to the cash-desk Mrs. Richards stopped at the confectioner’s counter to buy some candy and biscuits for tea. She also took a chocolate roll. There were two or free people in front of Mrs. Richards at the cash-desk, and she had to wait a little. When her turn came, she paid for the foodstuffs she had bought and went home.

On the way home she called at a dairy-shop to buy a bottle of milk. She did not buy eggs, because her bag was full and she was afraid (боялась) to break the eggs. She decided to go later for eggs and also to the baker’s to buy a loaf of bread.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is the text about?

2. What did Mrs. Richards take in the supermarket?

3. Why didn’t she buy eggs?

4. Where else did she decide to go after the supermarket?

5. What is your usual list of products?

6. What did you buy yesterday?

7. Do you go to the supermarket or to the market for buying food?



Task II. Прочтите текст из Задания №1 еще раз. Choose the best answer:

1. Last weekend Mrs. Richards found out that her fridge was…

a) empty b) nearly full c) not empty d) not full

2. She decided to go to …

a) the butcher’s b) the greengrocer’s c) the grocer’s d) a supermarket

3. At the butcher’s counter she didn’t buy…

a) pork b) veal c) meat d) beef

4. Mrs. Richards decided to go to the market later to buy …

a) a good head of cabbage b) some vegetables

c) the potatoes d) cabbage and some potatoes

5. She also bought …

a) some cheese and some sausages b) a piece of cheese

c) a piece of sausage d) some sausage and some cheese

6. There were … in front of Mrs. Richards at the cash-desk.

a) three persons b) several persons c) nobody d) some people

7. After the supermarket Mrs. Richards went …

a) to a diary-shop and the baker’s b) to the butcher’s c) to the diary-shop d) home



Exercise I. Реши, какое из выражений верно. Are these sentences true or false?


1. Lobster is a kind of fruit.

2. Salad is usually a mixture of uncooked vegetables.

3. A lamb is a baby sheep; lamb is also the name of the meat of that animal.

4. A calf is a young pig.

5. Salmon is a kind of shellfish.

6. Oil and vinegar are often used with a green salad.

7. Peas, couregettes, aubergines and cucumbers are all the same colour.

8. Lettuce and cauliflower are vegetables.

9. Cod, hake, plaice and herring are seafood.

10. Garlic is a small onion.

Exercise II. Вставь подходящее по смыслу слово.


Example: I want to buy ___vegetables___ such as carrot, cabbage, potato at the market.- Я хочу купить овощи, такие как морковь, капусту, картофель на рынке.


A toys B stationery C furniture D electrical appliances

E jewellery F household goods G fruit

1. There were _______________ all over the children’s room: teddy bears, dolls and lego.

2. I need to buy some _________________: pens, writing paper and envelopes.

3. There was too much ____________ in the room: tables, chairs, armchairs everywhere.

4. It’s a very cheap place to buy ____ _____ such as washing powder and other cleaning products.

5. __________ _________ such as TVs, stereo and washing machines are very cheap in this country.

6. ____ aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit.

7. She wears beautiful ___________: a lovely gold bracelet and earrings.

Exercise III. What are the names of these shops?

a. department store b. supermarket c. butcher’s d. greengrocer’s

e. boutique f. chemist’s g. newsagent’s

h. shoe shop i. baker’s j. toy shop

The place where you can buy:

1. furniture, toys, TVs and many other different things;

2. any type of food or household goods;

3. just meat;

4. just fruit and vegetables;

5. fashionable clothes;

6. medicine;

7. newspapers and cigarettes;

8. shoes;

9. bread and rolls;

10. toy, ball or doll.


Exercise IV. Какое из слов лишнее? Which is the odd word in each group?


1. A pork B veal C salmon D beef

2. A salmon B shrimp C oyster D lobster

3. A lettuce B aubergine C tomato D cucumber

4. A peach B onion C mushroom D courgette

5. A chicken B lamb C beef D mussels

Exercise V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Купи, пожалуйста, морковь, лук, бутылку масла и пачку соли.

2. Это ресторан со швейцарским столом (Swedish Board).

3. Мне понравился хорошо приготовленный стейк.

4. Говорят, овощи, фрукты и рыба – очень полезны для нашего здоровья.

5. Можно мне померить платье? – Проходите в примерочную.

6. Сколько пальто стоит? - Двести долларов, платить только наличными в кассу.

7. Где можно купить канцтовары?

Exercise VI. Write the names of the fruit and vegetables on the picture.




Exercise I. Translate.


A 1. He met the guests in the airport. 2. Last time they ordered a good dinner. 3. Yesterday we tasted delicious dishes. 4. The marmalade was sweet. 5. She went shopping two minutes ago. 6. They boiled meat and fried fish and potatoes. 7. I prepared the breakfast myself.


B 1. The steaks are well done. 2. The list of dishes is printed in the form of card. 3. Soups are usually served hot. 4. The supermarket is located near the drug’s store. 5. Is seafood sold here? 6. The goods are packed in the special packages with the shop’s brand. 7. This product is chosen by him because of its quality.


C 1. Be careful with any boiling liquids. 2. Cooking is the very difficult thing. 3. Before making a salad with the fresh ingredients wash and clean all the vegetables. 4. He needs a good knife for cutting meat. 5. This oven has so-called smart heating surface.


D 1. I prefer roasted meat to grilled meat. 2. Last time she bought canned fruit, smoked and half-smoked sausages. 3. He likes marmalade with buttered toast for his breakfast. 4. Boiled eggs are the essential ingredient for this dish. 5. We order steaks with fried potatoes.


Exercise III. Поставьте предложения в форму Past Simple.


1. We work in the kitchen. 2. Mary cooks the meals. 3. She often fries fish in oil. 4. He roasts chicken on the grill. 5. I usually serve six tables. 6. The guests order fresh tomato and cucumber salads. 7. Our friends usually have breakfast at this café.

Exercise IV. Translate the sentences.

1. The man sitting at the table is our cashier.

2. Going home he met an old friend.

3. The barman is standing behind the bar counter.

4. Coffee and tea are served after the meal.

5. They are working in the dinning room now.

6. The restaurant is closed on Monday.

7. Manager prepared the list of provision for the supplier.


Exercise V. Выберите правильный вариант.


For example: The cheese ____ in many countries. –

The cheese is produced in many countries.


Is eaten, is produced, is used, are produced, is added, are eaten, is made,


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