Список слов к топику At the Theatre

At the Theatre


The 20-th century brought great change into the theatre. Television, radio, cinema, video altered the course of the major performing arts and created the new ones. But still there are hundreds of musical comedy theatres, drama theatres, opera houses, puppet theatres, philharmonics and conservatoires where the audience is excited at the prospect of seeing a play and the actors are most encouraged by the warm reception. But first, I’d like to tell you some words about the theatre. It is a building where plays, operas or ballets are performed. Of course, it has a stage for the actors and an auditorium where the audience sits.


The curtain usually separates the stage from the auditorium. As a rule, the curtain is dropped of lowered between the scenes or acts of a play. The most expensive seats are in the stalls, boxes and dress-circles. The seats in the balcony, pit and the upper circle are comparatively cheaper. An intricate system of lights illuminates the stage. While the curtain is down, the workers on the stage can change the scenery and prepare the stage for the next part of the performance.


A play lives a long life it makes its appearance on the stage before the audience. It is a real part of art and its creation calls for inspiration, talent and artistic ingenuity. A playwright conceives an idea and after months of hard work his idea develops into the script of the play. And finally, when everything is ready and the rehearsal goes off without a hitch, a dress rehearsal is called. After some time the curtain rises, the play faces the audience on its first night.


As for me, I am not much of a theatre goer but sometimes I like to go to the theatre with my friends or relatives just to relax. But I’ll never forget my last visit to the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre. My mother bought two tickets at the advance box-office for the performance “Eneiyda”. It was a stage version based on the I. Kotlyarevskiy’s novel.


There were brilliant actors and actress in the cast, I should admit. The leading actress was inexpressibly moving and top favorite. It seemed to me she was at her best and the play kept the audience in suspense from beginning to end. The company gave the truly remarkable play – moving, captivating, provoking laughter and tears by turns. Besides, it was a great educational value. During the interval everybody talked about the brilliant acting of the actors.


The concluding scene was exciting enough, the final moment was thrilling and unforgettable. The actors received a tremendous acclamation from the packed audience. There was no doubt it was warmly received by the audience, many of pieces were encored. I admired everything: the wonderful scenery, marvelous acting, charming music. And it was obvious that the play was a great success.


Список слов к топику At the Theatre


to alter – изменять (-ся)

performing arts – исполнительские виды искусства

to create – творить, создавать

puppet theatre – кукольный театр

musical comedy theatre – театр оперетты

philharmonic – филармония

conservatoire – консерватория

audience – публика, аудитория

prospect – надежда

to encourage – воодушевлять

reception – прием

to perform – исполнять (роль)

stage – сцена

actor – актер

actress – актриса

auditorium – зрительский зал, аудитория

curtain – занавес

to separate – разделять

stalls – партер

box – ложа

dress-circle – бельэтаж

balcony – балкон

pit – амфитеатр

upper-circle – первый ярус

comparatively – сравнительно, относительно

intricate – запутанный, сложный

to illuminate – освещать, проливать свет

scenery – театральные декорации, пейзаж

performance – представление, исполнение

play – пьеса

to make an appearance – показываться, появляться

inspiration – вдохновение

ingenuity – изобретательность, замысловатость

playwright – драматург

to conceive an idea – замыслить

script – рукопись

rehearsal – репетиция

first night – премьера

to buy tickets – купить билеты

advance box-office – касса предварительной продажи билетов

stage version – инсценировка

cast – состав исполнителей

leading actress – ведущая актриса; актриса, исполняющая главную роль

inexpressibly moving – невероятно трогательная

top favorite – самая любимая

to be at one’s best – быть в хорошей форме

to keep the audience in suspense from beginning to end – держать зрителей в напряжении от начала до конца спектакля

truly remarkable play – действительно замечательная пьеса

moving – трогательный

captivating – увлекательный

provoking laughter and tears by turns – вызывающая поочередно то смех, то слезы

to be a great educational value – иметь большое воспитательное значение

interval – перерыв, антракт

acting – игра актеров на сцене

concluding scene – заключительная сцена

thrilling – волнующий

to receive a tremendous acclamation – получить грандиозную овацию

encore – бис

marvelous – чудесный, изумительный, превосходный

obvious – ясно, очевидно

to be a great success – иметь большой успех, пользоваться большим успехом



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