I think it's true. - I don't think it's true. / 1 think it's false.

Education was influenced by

a) Physics

b) Physiology

c) Biology

d) Chemistry

Psychology helps to understand

a) nature

b) biology

c) intellect

d) philosophy

Epistemology is a part of

a) philosophy

b) psychology

c) biology

d) knowledge

Empiricists claim that

a) people leam through experience

b) people "write" their experience on slates

c) the origin of knowledge is in the brain

d) knowledge is internalized by reason

Rationalists assume that

a) sensory experience is not important

b) sensory experience enables us to learn the truth

c) sensory experience is less powerful than reason

d) empiricists are absolutely wrong

Piaget believed that

a) empiricists were right

b) rationalists were right

c) both empiricists and rationalists were right

d) both empiricists and rationalists were wrong

According to Piaget,

a) physical and logico-mathematical knowledge have the same source

b) the source of physical knowledge is in the child

c) the source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in the objects

d) the source of physical knowledge is mainly in objects


5. Подтвердите правильность предложений или исправьте ошибочные утверждения, используя следующие выражения согласия/ несогласия:

I agree... -I disagree...

I think it's true. - I don't think it's true. / 1 think it's false.


1. We cannot say exactly what influences education. I think it's true

2. I agree, Psychology is the study of the nature and origins of knowledge.

3. I agree Empiricists Locke, Berkeley, and Hume argued that knowledge has its source outside the individual and that it is internalized through the senses.

4. Rationalists such as Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant denied the importance of sensory experience. I disagree, they did not deny the importance of sensory experience

5. The only way the child can find out the physical property of objects is by acting on them materially and mentally and finding out how objects react to his action. I think it's true

6. The source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in every object. I disagree. the source of logico-mathematical knowledge is in the child.

7. Mental actions of the child help him to coordinate relationships between different objects and develop logico-mathematical knowledge. I think it's true

8. Each child constructs the basic framework of knowledge in interaction with the environment. I think it's true

6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя словосочетания в рамочке:

1. Piaget's theory is a psychological theory which helps to understand the nature of intellectual and moral development of children.

2. Piaget is often believed to be a psychologist, but he actually was an epistemologist.

3. Piaget makes a fundamental distinction between physical knowledge and logico-mathematicaL knowledge.

4. Physical knowledge refers to knowledge of objects which are out there and observable in external reality.

5. The examples of the simplest relationship between two objects (a red bead and a green one of the same size, both made of wood) are as follows:

1) the two beads can be considered "different";

2) The same beads can be considered "the same".

3) A third example of a relationship created by the child is "two".

6. Knowledge comes through the interaction between the objects in the environment and the knowledge that the subject brings to the situation.

7. The basic framework of knowledge is constructed in interaction with the environment, he proved that reason is not innate in man but the result of his creation.

8. More accurate, elaborate and well organized information in turn constitutes better structured logico-mathematical frameworks.

7. выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения.

1. All of my students devised a variety of techniques to insulate themselves from
further stress and discomfort.

Для чего дети разработали эти техники?
What did my students (children) devise these techniques for?

2. So much instructional time are diverted to dealing with these "survival" behaviors in the course of a teaching day.

На что отводится столько много учебного времени?
What are so much instructional time diverted for?

3. The theory helps to understand the nature of intellectual and moral development of children.

Что помогают понять его теория?
What does the theory help to understand?

4. Piaget was an epistemologist.

Пиаже был эпистемологом, не так ли?
Piaget was an epistemologist, wasn’t he?

5. Epistemology is the study of the nature and origins of knowledge expressed in questions such as How do we know what we think we know and How do we know that what we think we know is true?

Эпистемология это наука о природе знания?
Is Epistemology the study of the nature?


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