Section V. Fabrication of Metals

Grammar: Participle II as an attribute.

Word-formation: Suffix –er of abstract and personal nouns.

Speaking: Techniques of forming and processing metals.

Practise the reading of the words:

technique [tek′nI:k]
liquid [′lIkwId]
dimensional [dI′menòənl]
accuracy [′ækjurəsI]
jewelry [′dჳu:əlrI]
crown [kraun]

Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:

to fabricate   производить, изготавливать
casting   литьё, отливка
forming   формовка, штамповка
machining   механическая обработка
joining   соединение, сборка
to pour in [pɔ:] заливать, разливать (металл)
die [daI] пресс-форма
investment casting   помещение в форму, точное литье по выплавляемым моделям
continuous casting   непрерывная разливка
cope   верхняя часть разъемной модели (верхняя опока)
drag   нижняя полуформа
die casting   литье в постоянные формы
wax [wæks] воск
slurry [′slə:rI] взвесь, суспензия
strand   пучок, поток
jet [dჳet] струя
to induce   вызывать, стимулировать, заставлять
forging   ковка
extrusion [eks′tru:ჳən] выдавливание, штамповка с вытяжкой
successive [sək′sesIv] последующий
squeezing [skwI:zIη] сжатие, сдавливание
strip   полоса, лента, рейка
I-beam   двутавровая балка
orifice [′ɔrIfIs] сопло, насадка
rectangular [rek′tæηgulə] прямоугольный
cross section   поперечное сечение
seamless   бесшовный, цельнотянутый (о трубах)
tensile [′tensaIl] растяжение, разрыв
tolerance   допуск
brazing   твердая пайка; пайка твердым припоем
soldering   пайка (мягким припоем)
riveting   клепка
cohesive [kou′hI:sIv] способный к сцеплению; связующий
bond   связь, соединение, сцепление


Vocabulary development: word building:

Exercise 1. Translate the original and derivative words, using a dictionary and create several new words by adding suffixes:

verb noun (abstract) noun (personal) adjective
- technics technicality technician technical
to liquefy liquefaction жидкость - liquid liquescent
to dimension dimension - dimensional
to temper temper - -
- accuracy accurateness - accurate
скручивать strand stranding strander - -
to forge forge ковкость forgery - forgeable  
to extrude extrusion extruder - -
to squeeze squeezability сжатие squeezer - squeezable
паять solder soldering solderer поддающийся пайке
to rivet rivet riveter riveting riveter -
to cohere связь coherency coherer сцепление cohesiveness - coherent связующий(ся)

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations with Participle II:

desired characteristics, required shape, complicated shape, mold formed by compact packing of sand, mold made of steel, refined metal, desired shape, forged products, applied forces, reduced area.



Read the text describing various means of metal fabrication:

Fabrication of metals

Metals are fabricated by different means to achieve metals and alloys of desired characteristics. Metal fabrication techniques are mainly of four kinds: casting, forming, machining and joining.

Casting is the process of giving a shape by pouring in liquid metal into a mold that holds the required shape, and letting harden the metal without external pressure. This technique is employed when a product is of large and/or complicated shape and when material is of low ductility. There are different casting techniques: sand, die, investment, continuous casting. In common casting methods sand is used as casting material. This method consists in a two-piece mold (cope and drag) formed by compact packing of sand around a pattern of required shape.

In die casting metal is forced into mold by external pressure at high velocities. Here usually a permanent two-piece mold made of steel is used. In this technique rapid cooling rates are achieved.

By investment casting the pattern (mold) is made of wax. Then fluid slurry of casting material is poured over which eventually hardens and holds the required shape. This technique is employed when high dimensional accuracy of fine details is required, for example, jewelry, dental crowns, gas turbine blades, jet engine impellers.

In continuous casting solidification and primary forming process are combined, where refined metal is cast directly into a continuous strand which is cooled by water jets.

Forming is the process of giving shape in solid state by applying pressure. In these techniques, a metallic piece is subjected to external pressures to induce deformation when material acquires a desired shape. Most common forming techniques are: forging, rolling, extrusion and drawing.

Forging involves deforming a single piece of metal by successive blows or continuous squeezing. Forged products have very good mechanical properties and typically include crane hooks, wrenches, crank shafts, connecting rods.

Rolling involves passing a piece of metal between two rotating rolls. Deformation is terms of reduction in thickness resulting from applied compressive forces. This technique is employed to produce sheets, strips, foil, I-beams, rails, etc.

Extrusion is the technique in which a piece of material is forced through a die orifice by a compressive force. Final product will have the desired shape and reduced constant rectangular cross sectional area over very long length. The main extrusion products are: rods, (seamless) tubes, complicated shapes for domestic purpose.

Drawing is pulling material through die orifice using tensile forces. By using drawing technique rods, wire and tubes are commonly produced.

Machining is the process when metal is removed from certain areas of the workpiece to give final required shape to the product. Machining is usually employed to produce shapes with high dimensional tolerance, good surface finish and complex geometry.

Joining is the process where different parts are joined by various means: welding, brazing, soldering and riveting. The first three techniques involve melting metal which upon cooling provides cohesive bonds. In riveting parts are put together by mechanical locking. These techniques are employed to join two pieces of metal with complicated shapes.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

1. There are four main methods of metal fabrication…

2. In casting metal hardens without…

3. The main casting techniques are …

4. In die casting metal is forced into mold by…

5. In investment casting the mold is made of…

6. Forming metals is realized in solid state by…

7. The most common forming methods are …

8. Forged products have very good…

9. Machining produces goods with high dimensional…

10. In riveting different parts are joined by the following means…


Exercise 4. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

1. (Изготовление металлов) is realized by different methods.

2. (При литье) (жидкий металл) is poured into molds.

3. Casting technique (применяется) in the case of large and (сложных форм).

4. In die casting (внешнее давление) is applied.

5. By investment casting (форма) is made of (воск).

6. (Высокая точность размеров) is required in (лопастях турбин), (пропеллерах реактивных двигателей).

7. By forming the details (подвергаются) (внешнему давлению).

8. One of the forming techniques is (ковка).

9. By drawing process (прутья) and (проволока) are produced.

10. (Механическая обработка) is the process of removing metal (с заготовки).


Exercise 5. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements:

1. To achieve necessary characteristics of metals four main fabrication methods are used.

2. The most common method is to pour in liquid metal into the mold.

3. There are some varieties of casting technique.

4. As a rule a mold consists of two parts.

5. Metal molds allow quick cooling.

6. When high accuracy of small details is needed the special molds are used.

7. In continuous casting two processes are joined.

8. The materials acquire a designed shape when they are subject to external pressures.

9. Deformation of metal in forging process results in good mechanical features of products.

10. Rolling technique gives the opportunity to fabricate products of small thickness.


Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1. Существуют различные способы обработки металлов и сплавов.

2. Наиболее распространенными способами являются: литье, штамповка, механическая обработка и сборка.

3. Обычно литье осуществляется в формах, где металл затвердевает.

4. Способы литья разнообразны: песочная форма, пресс-форма, по моделям и непрерывная разливка.

5. Как правило, форма состоит из двух частей: верхней части и нижней полуформы.

6. Металлические формы способствуют быстрому охлаждению жидкого металла.

7. Все способы литья дают точные размеры деталей.

8. При штамповке детали придается форма в холодном состоянии.

9. Технология формовки включает ковку, прокатку, выдавливание и протяжку.

10. Сборка – это механическое соединение деталей различной формы путем сварки, пайки и клепки.



Exercise 7. Give the summary of the text, using key vocabulary and tell about:

a) casting metals;

b) types of molds;

c) the difference between forming and forging;

d) opportunities to meet requirements of high dimensional accuracy;

e) various means of joining.


Checklist for Section V:

1. How is Participle II is translated into Russian in the function of an attribute?

2. What is the difference of the suffix – er for abstract and personal nouns?

3. What are the main techniques of metal fabrication?

4. What are subdivisions of processes of metal fabrication?


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