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2. Выберете из каждого текста по 10 предложений и выучите наизусть.
Business Telephone etiquette
There is a surprising lack of knowledge among people about proper business telephone etiquette. Following are a certain set of phone ethics will definitely lead to favorable outcomes for the entire business.
It is imperative to know all the rules while talking on a phone for business purposes. Business telephone etiquette should be taught to all members of the organization. This will leave a good impression of your organization on both the callers and the called.
When you pick up the phone, greet the person depending on the time of the day. While calling you should introduce yourself and give the name of your organization if you are working in one. Use short phrases and simple words while talking on the phone. Long-winding sentences will lead to disinterest and poor comprehension in listeners. Avoid the use of casual words and slang. Sales people could call you. It is not compulsory to hear out an entire sales pitch. One can ask the salesperson's name and business and politely express disinterest in the business or products.
Proper customer service is an integral part of telephone etiquette. There should be facility to leave a voice message on the phone if the person is not able to take the call at that particular time. If the phone gets disconnected due to some reasons then instead of waiting for the call, callback the person right away. You should avoid multitasking like handling different phone calls at one time.
If you dial a number that is wrong, apologize promptly and disconnect.
One ought to dial carefully and in proper lighting to avoid calling a wrong number and causing inconvenience to others. Etiquette demands that both the caller and receiver should write down information when required. Before making a call or taking one, be sure to have something to write upon. In case the conversation is confidential you should speak from a private room where no one else is present. In case this option is not available speak softly and at the volume not audible to neighboring colleagues. You ought to ask permission before putting the person on hold.
You should never eat food or chew gum while talking on the phone. It causes unpleasant sounds and could possibly irritate the user. Do not talk on the phone while driving. This is not only dangerous but will also divide your attention. Speak softly. Make sure the volume of the phone is not very high as well as speech should be able to be distinctly heard. The correct way to answer the telephone is 'hello'. Simply answering "yes" is an inappropriate and terse response.
You should never be rude to a caller no matter whatever provocation. You should always conduct yourself in a professional businesslike manner. Speak clearly and slowly when taking a business call. You ought to be mindful of different time zones. Try to call during the day as far as possible. Calls before 9am and after 9pm should be avoided.
Tips on making presentations
During the interview you may be asked to give a short presentation. Usually you choose the topic from a list which may include your hobbies, a recent holiday, a current affairs topic or one of your achievements, or sometimes you may be asked to make a presentation on a case study you have previously done as part of the extended interview. The purpose is not to test your subject knowledge, but to see how well you can speak in public. Typically, you will be asked to talk for five minutes, and will be given 20 or 30 minutes beforehand to prepare.
Dress smartly: don't let your appearance distract from what you are saying.
Smile. Don't hunch up and shuffle your feet. Have an upright posture. Try to appear confident and enthusiastic.
Say hello and smile when you greet the audience: your audience will probably look at you and smile back: an instinctive reaction.
Speak clearly, firmly and confidently as this makes you sound in control. Don't speak too quickly: you are likely to speed up and raise the pitch of your voice when nervous. Give the audience time to absorb each point. Don't talk in a monotone the whole time. Lift your head up and address your words to someone near the back of audience. If you think people at the back can't hear, ask them.
Use silence to emphasize points. Before you make a key point pause: this tells the audience that something important is coming.
Keep within the allotted time for your talk.
Eye contact is crucial to holding the attention of your audience. Look at everyone in the audience from time to time, not just at your notes or at the PowerPoint slides. Try to involve everyone, not just those directly in front of you.
You could try to involve your audience by asking them a question.
Don't read out your talk, as this sounds boring and stilted.
Don't look at your notes too much as this suggests insecurity and will prevent you making eye contact with the audience.
It’s OK to use humor, in moderation, but better to use anecdotes than to rattle off a string of jokes.
It can be very helpful to practice at home in front of a mirror. You can also record your presentation and play it back to yourself: don't judge yourself harshly when you replay this - we always notice our bad points and not the good when hearing or seeing a recording or ourselves! Time how long your talk takes. Run through the talk a few times with a friend.
It's normal to be a little nervous. This is a good thing as it will make you more energized. Many people have a fear of speaking in public. Practicing will make sure that you are not too anxious. In your mind, visualize yourself giving a confident successful performance. Take a few deep slow breaths before your talk starts and make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly.
One of the most important skills anyone can hold in daily life is the ability to negotiate. In general terms, a negotiation is a resolution of conflict. We enter
negotiations in order to start or continue a relationship and resolve an issue. Even before we accept our first jobs, or begin our careers, we all learn how to negotiate.
Some people are naturally stronger negotiators, and are capable of getting their needs met more easily than others. Without the ability to negotiate, people break off relationships, quit jobs, or deliberately avoid conflict and uncomfortable situations.
In the world of business, negotiating skills are used for a variety of reasons, such as to negotiate a salary or a promotion, to secure a sale, or to form a new partnership.
The Art of Negotiating
Negotiating is often referred to as an "art". While some people may be naturally more skillful as negotiators, everyone can learn to negotiate. And, as they often say in business, everything is negotiable.
The Negotiation Process
It's time to negotiate! Here are a few golden rules to successful negotiations:
1) Always try to negotiate for at least 15 minutes. Any less than that and it is unlikely that either party has had enough time to fairly consider the other side. Setting a time limit is a good idea. Approximately 90% of negotiations get settled in the last 10% of the discussion.
2) Always offer to let the other party speak first. This is especially important if you are the one making a request for something such as a raise. The other party may have overestimated what you are going to ask for and may actually offer more than hat you were going to request.
3) Always respect and listen to what your opponent has to say. This is important even if he or she does not extend the same courtesy to you. Do your best to remain calm and pleasant even if the other party is displaying frustration or anger.
4) Acknowledge what the other party says. Everyone likes to know that what they say is important. If the other party opens first, use it to your advantage, by paraphrasing what you have heard. Repeat their important ideas before you introduce your own stronger ones.
5) Pay attention to your own and your counter partner’s body language. Review the chart below to learn how to interpret body language during the negotiations. Make sure that you aren't conveying any negative body language.