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O. Henry «The Gift of the Magi» (for beginners)

(the most famous Christmas story)


Part 2

Jim was never late coming home from work. Della held the silver chain in her hand and sat near the door. Then she heard his step and she turned white for just a minute. She whispered: «Please God, make him think I am still pretty.»

The door opened and Jim stepped in. He looked thin and very serious. Poor man, he was only twenty-two and he had to care for a wife. He needed a new coat and gloves to keep his hands warm.

Jim stopped inside the door, when he saw Della. There was an expression in his eyes that she could not understand, and it frightened her. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor fear. He simply looked at her with a strange expression on his face. Della went to him.

«Jim, my love,» she cried, «do not look at me that way. I had my hair cut and sold because I wanted to give you a gift. My hair will grow out again. It grows very fast. Say ‘Merry Christmas!’ Jim, and let us be happy. You do not know what a nice— what a beautiful, nice gift I have for you.»

«You have cut off your hair?» asked Jim, slowly, as if he had not understood her words.

«Cut it off and sold it,» said Della. «Do you not like me just as well? I am the same person without my hair, right?

Jim looked about the room as if he were looking for something. Then he took a package from his coat and threw it on the table.

«I do not think there is any haircut that could make me like my girl less,» he said. «But if you open that package you may see why you frightened me at first.»

She quickly tore the string and paper. There was a scream of joy; and then, alas! a change to tears and cries. For there were the combs that Della had wanted ever since she saw them in a shop window. Beautiful combs, made of shells, with jewels at the edge. They cost a lot of money, she had wanted them without ever hoping to have them. And now, the beautiful combs were hers, but the hair was gone.

She held the combs and said with a smile, «My hair grows so fast, Jim!»

Then Della jumped up and cried, «Oh, oh!» Jim had not yet seen his beautiful gift. She held it out to him in her open hands. The silver chain seemed so bright.

«Isn’t it wonderful, Jim? I looked all over town to find it. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.»

But Jim said nothing and fell on the couch, smiling. «Dell,» said he, «let us put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while. They are too nice to use just right now. I sold my gold watch to get the money to buy the combs for your hair.»

The magi who brought gifts to the Baby Jesus were wise men. They invented the art of giving Christmas gifts. And their gifts were wise. This is a story of two young people who gave for each other their greatest treasures. It tells us that love and sacrifice is the greatest gift in the world.



Англо-русский глоссарий по теме «Музыка» (Music) с транскрипцией

English term Транскрипция Русское название
accordion [ əˈkɔːdjən ] аккордеон
album [ ˈælbəm ] альбом
balalaika [ ˌbæləˈlaɪkə ] балалайка
ballet [ ˈbæleɪ ] балет
band [ bænd ] группа
bass [ beɪs ] контрабас
baton [ ˈbætən ] дирижерская палочка
bow [ baʊ ] смычок
cello [ ˈʧɛləʊ ] виолончель
classical music [ ˈklæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk ] классическая музыка
compose [ tuː kəmˈpəʊz ] писать музыку
composer [ kəmˈpəʊzə ] композитор
concert [ ˈkɒnsət ] концерт
conductor [ kənˈdʌktə ] дирижер
cymbals [ ˈsɪmbəlz ] тарелки
drum [ drʌm ] барабан
drum sticks [ drʌm stɪks ] барабанные палочки
flute [ fluːt ] флейта
grand piano [ grænd pɪˈænəʊ ] рояль
guitar [ gɪˈtɑː ] гитара
harp [ hɑːp ] арфа
horn [ hɔːn ] рожок
microphone [ ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn ] микрофон
musical instruments [ 'mjuːzɪkl 'ɪnstrəmənts ] музыкальные инструменты
musician [ mjuːˈzɪʃən ] музыкант
orchestra [ ˈɔːkɪstrə ] оркестр
piano [ pɪˈænəʊ ] пианино
song [ sɒŋ ] песня
sound [ saʊnd ] звук
string instruments [ strɪŋ 'ɪnstrəmənts ] струнные инструменты
symphony [ ˈsɪmfəni ] симфония
trumpet [ ˈtrʌmpɪt ] труба
violin [ ˌvaɪəˈlɪn ] скрипка
wind instruments [ wɪnd 'ɪnstrəmənts ] духовые инструменты



1) Я люблю музыку

2) Ты любишь музыку

3) Я слушаю музыку каждый день

4) Битлз – моя любимая группа

5) Какая твоя любимая группа

6) Я умею играть на гитаре

7) Я не умею играть на пианино

8) Ты умеешь играть на скрипке?

9) Пойдем на концерт

10) У меня есть два билета

11) Извини, я не могу

12) Я занят (I am busy)

13) Я часто хожу на концерты

14) Я не могу жить без музыки

15) Я хочу стать музыкантом

16) Балалайка-русский народный музыкальный инструмент




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