A generalization is a statement which has a general meaning. It is concerned with what is true or applicable in most instances. It is not limited in scope, and involves the obvious features, not the details. For example [E. Kazarova, p.26-27]:

- In general

- Generally speaking

- On the whole

- All

- Never

- Every

- always

In writing it is necessary to support generalizations by giving facts, data, statistics, figures, examples, etc. so that the reader will be convinced by the conclusions you have come to. The opposite of generalization is specifics. The following is a list of vocabulary you need to know when you support generalizations with specific details:

- For example, for instance

- As an example

- Take___________, for example

- Consider ___________, for example

- For one thing

- To illustrate

- In one instance

- In other words

- As follows

- As proof

- Let me illustrate

- Let me cite as proof

- In substantiation

- To substantiate

- As an illustration

- In practice

- According to statistics

- According to statistical evidence

A note on generalizations:

Ø Good writers provide their readers with proof or with supporting details when they make generalizations. The supporting information must be relevant. If the paragraph includes the information irrelevant to the generalization, the reader will consider it illogical.


Another logical method of organization is classification. It is the grouping of items or data according to the similar or different features or traits. Some data can be classified in many different ways. Consider the following words: phoneme, morpheme, lexeme, phrase, etc. These words can be classified according to functional features they possess.

The following is a list of vocabulary you need when you write about classification [E. Kazarova, p.30]:


Noun phrases/nouns Attributes Verbs
kinds (main, major, basic kinds of) types methods attributes sources characteristics parts factors bases categories classes aspects qualities classifications fundamental (in)significant (un)important primary secondary minor (dis)similar contradictory opposite contrasting to classify to divide

A note on classification:

Ø When you classify data, choose the kind of classification that seems most logical to you.


Comparison and contrast are two methods usually considered together since they are closely related to each other. Comparison is a statement or estimate of similarities while contrast deals with differences. It is also necessary to make a synthesis which means you have to combine information from more than one source.

When we make a comparison, we write about similarities. When we contrast, we write about differences. Here is a list of vocabulary you need to use in writing comparison and contrast[E. Kazarova, p.32]:

Comparison Contrast
similar to, similarly like, alike, likewise correspond to, correspondingly resemble, resemblance almost the same as at the same rate as alongside with as, just as in like manner in the same way to have___in common common characteristics, etc. to be parallel in_______ differ from however opposite otherwise still nevertheless even so dissimilarly different from less than more than faster than unlike in contrast to in opposition to on the contrary on the opposite side on the other hand a large percentage than a smaller percentage than at a different rate from although while


Another major logical method is cause and effect. It explains why something happens. Cause and effect relationships are often related to chronological order in that the result usually follows the cause in time. Here is a list of some examples [E. Kazarova, p.34]:

- So

- Thus

- Consequently

- Therefore

- Accordingly

- For this reason

- As a result

- Hence

- Because (of)

- Owing to

- Since

- Due to

A note on cause and effect:

Ø Do not confuse chronological order with cause and effect. Not every chronological sequence is cause and effect.


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