Инструкция по управлению


Для управления игровой приставкой, необходимо подключить ее к сетевому USB адаптеру, а также присоединить VGA кабель монитора к разъему.

Для старта игры нужно использовать кнопки на контроллерах (на первом – войти в игру, стрелять, в игре paint – очистка экрана, на втором – выбор игры, выбросить мячик для второго игрока, в игре paint – поменять цвет).

Перспективы развития проекта

-Планируется провести усовершенствование проекта и увеличить количество игр в консоли до 6ти. Добавив игру “Тетрис” и “Змейка”

-Также планируется усовершенствование, путем добавления в консоль динамика для воспроизведения звука.

-Добавление кнопок на корпус приставки для упрощения взаимодействия с консолью


Проблемы реализации проекта

В процессе реализации проекта пришлось решить ряд технических задач и проблем:

1) Освоить язык программирования микроконтроллеров Arduino C++ Работа с библиотекой VGAX

2) Вырезание из дерева (фанера)

3) Пайка электронных компонентов


Об авторе проекта:

Павлов Алексей 7 класс. Мне 14 лет. Учусь в Колпинской школе №258.

Занимаюсь в Колпинском дворце творчества электротехникой и программированием более 2х лет.

В будущем планирую стать программистом разработчиком устройств с применением программируемых микроконтроллеров

Email: loshapavlov@gmail.com


Приложение 1

Код программы на Arduino C++


* *

* Arduino VGA Game — игровая приставка для VGA-монитора

* *



#include <VGAX.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <VGAXUtils.h>





#define PADDLE_WIDTH 2


#define LEFT_PADDLE_X 2

#define MAX_Y_VELOCITY 0.1

#define WHEEL_ONE_PIN 3 //analog

#define WHEEL_TWO_PIN 1 //analog

#define BUTTON_ONE_PIN A4 //digital

#define BUTTON_TWO_PIN A2 //digital

// NB: pin A0 is used for the sound


VGAX vga;

VGAXUtils vgaU;


//data size=570 bytes

const unsigned char fnt_nanofont_data[FNT_NANOFONT_SYMBOLS_COUNT][1+FNT_NANOFONT_HEIGHT] PROGMEM={

{ 1, 128, 128, 128, 0, 128, 0, }, //glyph '!' code=0

{ 3, 160, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph '"' code=1

//{ 5, 80, 248, 80, 248, 80, 0, }, //glyph '#' code=2

//{ 5, 248, 248, 248, 248, 248, 0, }, //glyph '#' code=2 - full rectangle

{ 5, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, }, //glyph '#' = 'full rectangle' code=2

//{ 5, 32, 160, 240, 120, 32, 32, }, //glyph '#' = 'planeR' code=2

{ 3, 80, 32, 112, 112, 32, 0, }, //glyph '$' = 'bomb' code=3

{ 5, 32, 40, 120, 240, 32, 32, }, //glyph '%' = 'planeL' code=4

{ 5, 96, 144, 104, 144, 104, 0, }, //glyph '&' code=5

{ 5, 248, 248, 248, 248, 248, 248, }, //glyph ''' = 'rectangle 5 x 6' code=6

//{ 5, 120, 160, 112, 40, 240, 0, }, //glyph '$' code=3

//{ 5, 136, 16, 32, 64, 136, 0, }, //glyph '%' code=4

//{ 5, 96, 144, 104, 144, 104, 0, }, //glyph '&' code=5

//{ 2, 128, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph ''' code=6

{ 2, 64, 128, 128, 128, 64, 0, }, //glyph '(' code=7

{ 2, 128, 64, 64, 64, 128, 0, }, //glyph ')' code=8

{ 3, 0, 160, 64, 160, 0, 0, }, //glyph '*' code=9

{ 3, 0, 64, 224, 64, 0, 0, }, //glyph '+' code=10

{ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 64, }, //glyph ',' code=11

{ 3, 0, 0, 224, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph '-' code=12

{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, }, //glyph '.' code=13

{ 5, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 0, }, //glyph '/' code=14

{ 4, 96, 144, 144, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph '0' code=15

{ 3, 64, 192, 64, 64, 224, 0, }, //glyph '1' code=16

{ 4, 224, 16, 96, 128, 240, 0, }, //glyph '2' code=17

{ 4, 224, 16, 96, 16, 224, 0, }, //glyph '3' code=18

{ 4, 144, 144, 240, 16, 16, 0, }, //glyph '4' code=19

{ 4, 240, 128, 224, 16, 224, 0, }, //glyph '5' code=20

{ 4, 96, 128, 224, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph '6' code=21

{ 4, 240, 16, 32, 64, 64, 0, }, //glyph '7' code=22

{ 4, 96, 144, 96, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph '8' code=23

{ 4, 96, 144, 112, 16, 96, 0, }, //glyph '9' code=24

{ 1, 0, 128, 0, 128, 0, 0, }, //glyph ':' code=25

{ 2, 0, 128, 0, 0, 128, 64, }, //glyph ';' code=26

{ 3, 32, 64, 128, 64, 32, 0, }, //glyph '<' code=27

{ 3, 0, 224, 0, 224, 0, 0, }, //glyph '=' code=28

{ 3, 128, 64, 32, 64, 128, 0, }, //glyph '>' code=29

{ 4, 224, 16, 96, 0, 64, 0, }, //glyph '?' code=30

{ 4, 96, 144, 176, 128, 112, 0, }, //glyph '@' code=31

{ 4, 96, 144, 240, 144, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'A' code=32

{ 4, 224, 144, 224, 144, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'B' code=33

{ 4, 112, 128, 128, 128, 112, 0, }, //glyph 'C' code=34

{ 4, 224, 144, 144, 144, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'D' code=35

{ 4, 240, 128, 224, 128, 240, 0, }, //glyph 'E' code=36

{ 4, 240, 128, 224, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'F' code=37

{ 4, 112, 128, 176, 144, 112, 0, }, //glyph 'G' code=38

{ 4, 144, 144, 240, 144, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'H' code=39

{ 3, 224, 64, 64, 64, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'I' code=40

{ 4, 240, 16, 16, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph 'J' code=41

{ 4, 144, 160, 192, 160, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'K' code=42

{ 4, 128, 128, 128, 128, 240, 0, }, //glyph 'L' code=43

{ 5, 136, 216, 168, 136, 136, 0, }, //glyph 'M' code=44

{ 4, 144, 208, 176, 144, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'N' code=45

{ 4, 96, 144, 144, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph 'O' code=46

{ 4, 224, 144, 224, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'P' code=47

{ 4, 96, 144, 144, 144, 96, 16, }, //glyph 'Q' code=48

{ 4, 224, 144, 224, 160, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'R' code=49

{ 4, 112, 128, 96, 16, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'S' code=50

{ 3, 224, 64, 64, 64, 64, 0, }, //glyph 'T' code=51

{ 4, 144, 144, 144, 144, 96, 0, }, //glyph 'U' code=52

{ 3, 160, 160, 160, 160, 64, 0, }, //glyph 'V' code=53

{ 5, 136, 168, 168, 168, 80, 0, }, //glyph 'W' code=54

{ 4, 144, 144, 96, 144, 144, 0, }, //glyph 'X' code=55

{ 3, 160, 160, 64, 64, 64, 0, }, //glyph 'Y' code=56

{ 4, 240, 16, 96, 128, 240, 0, }, //glyph 'Z' code=57

{ 2, 192, 128, 128, 128, 192, 0, }, //glyph '[' code=58

{ 5, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 0, }, //glyph '\' code=59

{ 2, 192, 64, 64, 64, 192, 0, }, //glyph ']' code=60

{ 5, 32, 80, 136, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph '^' code=61

{ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 0, }, //glyph '_' code=62

{ 2, 128, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph '`' code=63

{ 3, 0, 224, 32, 224, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'a' code=64

{ 3, 128, 224, 160, 160, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'b' code=65

{ 3, 0, 224, 128, 128, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'c' code=66

{ 3, 32, 224, 160, 160, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'd' code=67

{ 3, 0, 224, 224, 128, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'e' code=68

{ 2, 64, 128, 192, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'f' code=69

{ 3, 0, 224, 160, 224, 32, 224, }, //glyph 'g' code=70

{ 3, 128, 224, 160, 160, 160, 0, }, //glyph 'h' code=71

{ 1, 128, 0, 128, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'i' code=72

{ 2, 0, 192, 64, 64, 64, 128, }, //glyph 'j' code=73

{ 3, 128, 160, 192, 160, 160, 0, }, //glyph 'k' code=74

{ 1, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'l' code=75

{ 5, 0, 248, 168, 168, 168, 0, }, //glyph 'm' code=76

{ 3, 0, 224, 160, 160, 160, 0, }, //glyph 'n' code=77

{ 3, 0, 224, 160, 160, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'o' code=78

{ 3, 0, 224, 160, 160, 224, 128, }, //glyph 'p' code=79

{ 3, 0, 224, 160, 160, 224, 32, }, //glyph 'q' code=80

{ 3, 0, 224, 128, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph 'r' code=81

{ 2, 0, 192, 128, 64, 192, 0, }, //glyph 's' code=82

{ 3, 64, 224, 64, 64, 64, 0, }, //glyph 't' code=83

{ 3, 0, 160, 160, 160, 224, 0, }, //glyph 'u' code=84

{ 3, 0, 160, 160, 160, 64, 0, }, //glyph 'v' code=85

{ 5, 0, 168, 168, 168, 80, 0, }, //glyph 'w' code=86

{ 3, 0, 160, 64, 160, 160, 0, }, //glyph 'x' code=87

{ 3, 0, 160, 160, 224, 32, 224, }, //glyph 'y' code=88

{ 2, 0, 192, 64, 128, 192, 0, }, //glyph 'z' code=89

{ 3, 96, 64, 192, 64, 96, 0, }, //glyph '{' code=90

{ 1, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 0, }, //glyph '|' code=91

{ 3, 192, 64, 96, 64, 192, 0, }, //glyph '}' code=92

//{ 3, 96, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, }, //glyph '~' code=93

{ 5, 32, 160, 240, 120, 32, 32, }, //= 'planeR' code=93

{ 4, 48, 64, 224, 64, 240, 0, }, //glyph '£' code=94



static const char str0[] PROGMEM="0";

static const char str1[] PROGMEM="1";

static const char str2[] PROGMEM="2";

static const char str3[] PROGMEM="3";

static const char str4[] PROGMEM="4";

static const char str5[] PROGMEM="5";

static const char str6[] PROGMEM="6";

static const char str7[] PROGMEM="7";

static const char str8[] PROGMEM="8";

static const char str9[] PROGMEM="9";

static const char str10[] PROGMEM="#";

static const char str15[] PROGMEM="Red wins!";

static const char str16[] PROGMEM="Green wins!";

static const char str18[] PROGMEM="Game Over!!!";

static const char str21[] PROGMEM="########";

static const char str30[] PROGMEM="Choose Arduino Game";

static const char str31[] PROGMEM="Pong";

static const char str32[] PROGMEM="Breakout";

static const char str33[] PROGMEM="Bomber";

static const char str34[] PROGMEM="Etch-a-Sketch";

static const char str35[] PROGMEM="Tetris";

static const char str40[] PROGMEM="X";

static const char str51[] PROGMEM="~"; //planeR

static const char str52[] PROGMEM="%"; //planeL

static const char str53[] PROGMEM="$"; //bomb

static const char str54[] PROGMEM="'"; //rectangle 5 x 6

static const char str59[] PROGMEM="'''''''"; //clear 'Hit' banner

static const char str510[] PROGMEM="Hit!!!"; //'Hit' banner

static const char str511[] PROGMEM="Arduino VGA Bomber";

static const char str512[] PROGMEM="Aleks PVL";

static const char str515[] PROGMEM="Game Over!!!";


void setup() {






// ************* Определение переменной Понг

unsigned char x,y;

boolean buttonStatus = 0;

boolean buttonOneStatus = 0;

boolean buttonTwoStatus = 0;

int wheelOnePosition;

int wheelTwoPosition;

byte state = 1;

int rightPaddleY;

int leftPaddleY;

int rightPaddleY0 = 30;

int leftPaddleY0 = 30;

byte ballX = 4;

byte ballY = 20;

byte ballX0 = 21;

byte ballY0 = 21;

float ballPX = 20;

float ballPY = 20;

float ballVx;

float ballVy;

byte scoreR = 0;

byte scoreL = 0;

int PaddleHit = 0;

byte ticPosition = 12;

//int xDrawing; --> ballX

//int yDrawing; --> ballY


// ************* Определение переменной Breakout

int padPosition;

int padPositionOld;

//byte PadLenght = 6;

byte ballXold;

byte ballYold;

float ballFX = 70.;

float ballFY = 30.;

float speedX;

float speedY;

float speedT;

float angle;

float angleDeg = 45.;

byte gameStep = 0;

boolean cancelSafe = 0;

byte hitScore = 0;

byte lives = 9;

int distanceX;

int distanceY;

int iDel;

int jDel;

//byte rowBricks = 7;

int ballXhit;

int ballYhit;

static const float pi PROGMEM = 3.1415296;

int nBricks = 0;

int color = 1;

static const float speedIncrement PROGMEM = 1.25992105;

int beginning = 0;


// ************* Определение переменной Bomber ***************************************

int shot = 12; // ------------ возможное количество кадров до следующего кадра ---------------------

int bombX;

// float bombY; --> float ballFY;

// float bombV0; --> float angle;

// float bombV0y; --> float angleDeg;

int bombX0;

// float ballFY0; --> float ballVx;

// float ballFY_0; --> float ballVy;

// float aereoX; --> float speedX;

// float aereoY; --> float speedY;

// float Vaereo; --> float speedT;

// int ricarica = 0; --> int beginning = 0;

//int t = 0; --> int iDel;

int score = 40;

int frame = 0;

int bombX_0;

byte planeX;

byte planeY;

byte planeX0;

byte planeY0;

//int BomberX --> int padPosition;

//int BomberX0 --> int padPositionOld;



void processInputs() {

buttonOneStatus = digitalRead(BUTTON_ONE_PIN);

buttonTwoStatus = digitalRead(BUTTON_TWO_PIN);

wheelOnePosition = analogRead(WHEEL_ONE_PIN);

wheelTwoPosition = analogRead(WHEEL_TWO_PIN);

buttonStatus = buttonOneStatus || buttonTwoStatus; // При нажатии двух кнопок



void parameterPongIni() { // Pong

if (rightPaddleY < 30) {

rightPaddleY0 = rightPaddleY + 1;


else {

rightPaddleY0 = rightPaddleY - 1;


if (leftPaddleY < 30) {

leftPaddleY0 = leftPaddleY + 1;


else {

leftPaddleY0 = leftPaddleY - 1;


ballVx = random(50., 80.)/500. + (scoreL + scoreR)/35;

ballVy = random(40.)/1000. - 0.02;



void parameterIniBomber() { // Bomber

speedX = 10 + random(VGAX_WIDTH - 20);

speedY = 10 + random(VGAX_HEIGHT/4);

bombX0 = speedX;

ballVx = speedY + 4;

speedT = 0.1 + random(20)/100.;

angle = speedT - random(-10,10)/100.;

angleDeg = random(10)/200.;

score = 40;

lives = 0;

buttonOneStatus = 0;



void gameIniBreakout(){ // Breakout

lives = 9;

speedT =.06;

gameStep = 0;

beginning = 0;

angleDeg = 180/4;









void waitForStart(){ // Pong

buttonStatus = 0;

if(scoreR == 8 || scoreR == 0){


ballY = ((wheelTwoPosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;



if(scoreL == 8){


ballY = ((wheelOnePosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;



if (buttonStatus == 1){

ballPX = ballX;

ballPY = ballY;


scoreL = 0;

scoreR = 0;


buttonStatus = 0;

state = 3;




void drawPaddles(){ // Pong

// ----------------- выводим вправо ----------------------------------------------

rightPaddleY = ((wheelOnePosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 1;


if (rightPaddleY!= rightPaddleY0 || PaddleHit > 0){






// ----------------- Рисуем левую ракетку---------------------------------------

leftPaddleY = ((wheelTwoPosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 1;


if (leftPaddleY!= leftPaddleY0 || PaddleHit > 0){








void drawBall(){ // Pong

if ((ballX!= ballX0) || (ballY!= ballY0)){

vga.putpixel(ballX0, ballY0, 0);

vga.putpixel(ballX0, ballY0 + 1, 0);

vga.putpixel(ballX0 + 1, ballY0, 0);

vga.putpixel(ballX0 + 1, ballY0 + 1, 0);

vga.putpixel(ballX, ballY, 3);

vga.putpixel(ballX, ballY + 1, 3);

vga.putpixel(ballX + 1, ballY, 3);

vga.putpixel(ballX + 1, ballY + 1, 3);




void drawNet(){ // Pong

for(int i=1; i<VGAX_HEIGHT - 4; i += 6) {

vgaU.draw_column(VGAX_WIDTH/2, i, i + 3, 3);




void drawPlaneBomber() { // --------------- рисуем самолет ------------------

if(speedT > 0 && planeX!= planeX0) {

vgaPrint(str54, planeX0, planeY0, 0);

vgaPrint(str51, planeX, planeY, 1);


if(speedT < 0 && planeX!= planeX0) {

vgaPrint(str54, planeX0, planeY0, 0);

vgaPrint(str52, planeX, planeY, 1);




void drawBombBomber() { // -------------------- Рисуем бомбу ---------------

vgaPrint(str53, bombX_0, ballVy, 0);

vgaPrint(str53, bombX, ballFY, 2);



void drawBombBomberard() { // ----------------- Кидаем бомбу--------------

if (padPosition!= padPositionOld) {

vgaU.draw_column(padPositionOld, VGAX_HEIGHT-4, VGAX_HEIGHT-7, 0);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-4, padPositionOld-2, padPositionOld+3, 0);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-3, padPositionOld-5, padPositionOld+6, 0);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-2, padPositionOld-5, padPositionOld+6, 0);


vgaU.draw_column(padPosition, VGAX_HEIGHT-4, VGAX_HEIGHT-7, 3);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-4, padPosition-2, padPosition+3, 3);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-3, padPosition-5, padPosition+6, 3);

vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-2, padPosition-5, padPosition+6, 3);




void drawShotBomber() { // --------------------- Рисуем выстрел ----------------------------------------------

if (beginning == shot - 1) {

vgaU.draw_column(padPositionOld, 2, VGAX_HEIGHT - 7, 0);


if (beginning == shot) {

vgaU.draw_column(padPosition, 2, VGAX_HEIGHT - 7, 1);





void drawScoreBomber() { // Bomber

vgaU.draw_line(VGAX_WIDTH - (116 - 1), 1, VGAX_WIDTH-score-1, 1, 0);

vga.putpixel(VGAX_WIDTH - 116, 1, (lives + 2)%3 + 1);

vgaU.draw_line(VGAX_WIDTH - 1, 1, VGAX_WIDTH-score, 1, 3);



void drawGameScreenBomber() { // Основная функция отрисовки игры




vgaU.draw_row(VGAX_HEIGHT-1, VGAX_WIDTH, 1, 2);





void parameterUpdate() { // Breakout

angle = angleDeg/180* pi;

if (speedX > 0) {speedX = sin(angle)*speedT;} else {speedX = -sin(angle)*speedT;}

if (speedY > 0) {speedY = cos(angle)*speedT;} else {speedY = -cos(angle)*speedT;}



void drawLives() { // Breakout

vgaPrint(str10, 110, 10, 0);

if(lives == 9) {vgaPrint(str9, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 8) {vgaPrint(str8, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 7) {vgaPrint(str7, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 6) {vgaPrint(str6, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 5) {vgaPrint(str5, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 4) {vgaPrint(str4, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 3) {vgaPrint(str3, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 2) {vgaPrint(str2, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 1) {vgaPrint(str1, 110, 10, 3);}

if(lives == 0) {gameOverBreakout();}



void gameOverBreakout() { // Breakout

vgaTone(660, 200);

vgaTone(330, 200);

vgaTone(165, 200);

vgaTone(82, 200);

vgaPrint(str18, 25, 40, 1);


//if (state!= 1){

if (state == 4){





buttonStatus = 0;

buttonOneStatus = 0;

buttonTwoStatus = 0;



void ballStart(){ // Breakout

ballFX = padPosition;

ballFY = 55;


ballY = 55;

drawBallBreakout(ballX, ballY, 2);

//while (buttonStatus == 0 && state!= 1){

while (buttonStatus == 0 && state == 4){

padPositionOld = padPosition;


padPosition = map(wheelOnePosition, 1023, 0, 7, 93);

if (padPosition!= padPositionOld){



drawBallBreakout(ballX, ballY, 0);

ballFX = padPosition;

ballFY = 55;


ballY = 55;

drawBallBreakout(ballX, ballY, 2);


if (buttonTwoStatus == 1){

state = 0; //*********************************************

buttonTwoStatus = 0;

buttonOneStatus = 0;

buttonStatus = 0;








void drawBorderBreakout() { // Breakout

vgaU.draw_line(0, 0, 0, 59, 3);

vgaU.draw_line(0, 0, 99, 0, 3);

vgaU.draw_line(0, 59, 99, 59, 3);

vgaU.draw_line(99, 0, 99, 60, 3);



void drawPadBreakout() { // Breakout

vgaU.draw_line(padPosition - 6, 58, padPosition + 6, 58, 1);

vgaU.draw_line(padPosition - 6, 57, padPosition + 6, 57, 1);



void cancelPad() { // Breakout

vgaU.draw_line(padPositionOld - 6, 58, padPositionOld + 6, 58, 0);

vgaU.draw_line(padPositionOld - 6, 57, padPositionOld + 6, 57, 0);



void brick(int x, int y, int col) { // Breakout

vgaU.draw_line(x - 5, y + 1, x + 5, y + 1, col);

vgaU.draw_line(x - 5, y - 1, x + 5, y - 1, col);

vga.putpixel(x - 5, y, col);

vga.putpixel(x + 4, y, col);



void drawBricksGrid(int n) { // Breakout

nBricks = 0;

if (n%3 == 0)


for (int i = 1; i <= int(100/13 - 1); i++) {

for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) {

color = (i + j)%3 + 1;

brick(8 + i*12, 3 + j*4, color);

if (color |= 0) {nBricks++;}




if (n%3 == 1)


for (int i = 0; i <= int(100/13); i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {

color = (i + j)%4 + 0;

brick(8 + i*12, 3 + j*4, color);

if (color |= 0) {nBricks++;}




if (n%3 == 2)


for (int i = 0; i <= int(100/13); i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {

color = (i + j)%3 + 1;

brick(8 + i*12, 3 + j*4, color);

if (color |= 0) {nBricks++;}






void searchHitBrick(int bX, int bY) { // Breakout

distanceX = 120;

distanceY = 60;

for (int i = 0; i <= int(100/(13)); i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {

if (abs(8 + i*12 - bX) < distanceX){

distanceX = abs(8 + i*12 - bX);

iDel = i;


if (abs(1 + 2 + j*4 - bY) < distanceY){

distanceY = abs(1 + 2 + j*4 - bY);

jDel = j;




brick(8 + iDel*12, 3 + jDel*4, 0);


if (nBricks == 0){nextlivesBreakout();}



void drawBallBreakout(int x, int y, int col) { // Breakout

vga.putpixel(x, y, col);

vga.putpixel(x + 1, y, col);

vga.putpixel(x, y + 1, col);

vga.putpixel(x + 1, y + 1, col);



void ballCoordinatesBreakout() { // Breakout

ballXold = ballX;

ballYold = ballY;

ballFX += speedX;

ballFY += speedY;

ballX = int(ballFX);

ballY = int(ballFY);



void nextlivesBreakout() { // Breakout


speedT = speedIncrement*speedT;




void drawBorder() { // Pong







void drawScore() { // Pong

vgaPrint(str10, 52, 4, 0);

vgaPrint(str10, 64, 4, 0);

if(scoreL == 0) {vgaPrint(str0, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 0) {vgaPrint(str0, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 1) {vgaPrint(str1, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 1) {vgaPrint(str1, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 2) {vgaPrint(str2, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 2) {vgaPrint(str2, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 3) {vgaPrint(str3, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 3) {vgaPrint(str3, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 4) {vgaPrint(str4, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 4) {vgaPrint(str4, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 5) {vgaPrint(str5, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 5) {vgaPrint(str5, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 6) {vgaPrint(str6, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 6) {vgaPrint(str6, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 7) {vgaPrint(str7, 52, 4, 1);}

if(scoreR == 7) {vgaPrint(str7, 64, 4, 2);}

if(scoreL == 8) {

vgaPrint(str8, 52, 4, 1);

vgaPrint(str15, 12, 24, 1);

ballX = VGAX_WIDTH - 6;

buttonStatus = 0;

while(buttonStatus == 0){


ballY = ((wheelOnePosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;




if(scoreR == 8) {

vgaPrint(str8, 64, 4, 2);

vgaPrint(str16, 66, 24, 2);

ballX = 4;

buttonStatus = 0;

while(buttonStatus == 0){


ballY = ((wheelTwoPosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;




if(scoreL == 8 || scoreR == 8){ //****************** Pong Конец**

buttonStatus = 0;



} while (buttonStatus == 0);

if (buttonOneStatus == 1){

state = 0;







state = 2;





void drawPongStartScreen() { // Pong

vgaPrint(str10, 52, 4, 0);

vgaPrint(str10, 64, 4, 0);

vgaPrint(str0, 52, 4, 1);

vgaPrint(str0, 64, 4, 2);

vgaPrint(str16, 66, 24, 0);

vgaPrint(str15, 12, 24, 0);

vgaPrint(str21, 11, 24, 0);

vgaPrint(str21, 65, 24, 0);



buttonStatus = 0;




void drawGameScreen() { // Pong




ballX0 = ballX;

ballY0 = ballY;

leftPaddleY0 = leftPaddleY;

rightPaddleY0 = rightPaddleY;



void gameOverSoundBomber() { // Bomber


vgaTone(660, 200);

vgaTone(330, 200);

vgaTone(165, 200);

vgaTone(82, 200);



void bomberHitSoundBomber() { //Bomber

vgaTone(880, 200);

vgaTone(440, 200);

vgaTone(220, 200);

vgaTone(110, 200);



void nextlivesSoundBomber() { //Bomber

vgaTone(440, 100);

vgaTone(880, 100);



void vgaTone(int freq, int time) {






void vgaPrint(const char* str, byte x, byte y, byte color){

vga.printPROGMEM((byte*)fnt_nanofont_data, FNT_NANOFONT_SYMBOLS_COUNT, FNT_NANOFONT_HEIGHT, 3, 1, str, x, y, color);



// -------------------------------------- Основной цикл игры ----------------------

void loop() {


//if(state == 8) { vga.clear(0); state = 1;}

if(state == 1 || state == 0) { drawStartMenu(); }

if(state == 2) { waitForStart(); } // Pong

if(state == 3) { pong(); }

if(state == 4) { breakout(); }

if(state == 5) { tetris(); }

if(state == 6) { bomber(); }

if(state == 7) { drawingToy(); }


// ------------------------------------------- Конец основного цикла --------------


void drawStartMenu(){

if (state == 0) {

state = 1;

ballX = 4;

ballY = 20;

ballX0 = 21;

ballY0 = 21;



vgaPrint(str30, 20, 2, 3);

vgaPrint(str31, 38, 12, 2);

vgaPrint(str32, 38, 20, 2);

vgaPrint(str33, 38, 28, 2);

vgaPrint(str34, 38, 36, 2);

//vgaPrint(str10, 70, 52, 3);

//vgaPrint(str35, 38, 44, 2);

vgaPrint(str40, 26, ticPosition, 1);



if (buttonTwoStatus == 1){

buttonOneStatus = 0;

vgaPrint(str40, 26, ticPosition, 0);

ticPosition += 8;

if (ticPosition > 36) {ticPosition = 12;}

vgaPrint(str40, 26, ticPosition, 1);



if (buttonOneStatus == 1){

buttonOneStatus = 0;

buttonTwoStatus = 0;

buttonStatus = 0;


if (ticPosition == 12) { // Pong

state = 2;

ballY = ((wheelTwoPosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;



if (ticPosition == 20) { // Breakout

state = 4;

buttonTwoStatus = 0;

buttonOneStatus = 0;

buttonStatus = 0;




if (ticPosition == 28) { // Bomber


state = 6;


if (ticPosition == 36) {state = 7;} // drawingToy

//if (ticPosition == 44) {state = 5;} // Tetris




// ----------------------------------------------- pong ----------------------------------

void pong(){


ballPX += ballVx;

ballPY += ballVy;

ballX = int(ballPX);

ballY = int(ballPY);


if(ballPY <= 1 || ballPY >= VGAX_HEIGHT - 2) {

ballVy = -ballVy;

ballPY += ballVy;

ballY = int(ballPY);




// ---------------------------------------- движение влево -----------------------

if(ballVx < 0 && ballX == LEFT_PADDLE_X+PADDLE_WIDTH -1 && ballY >= leftPaddleY - 1 && ballY <= leftPaddleY + PADDLE_HEIGHT) {

ballVx = -ballVx;

ballVy += 0.2 * ((ballY - leftPaddleY + 1) - (PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2)) / (PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2);

vgaTone(660, 30);


PaddleHit = 2;



//----------------------------------------- движение вправо---------------------

if(ballVx > 0 && ballX == RIGHT_PADDLE_X - 1 && ballY >= rightPaddleY - 1 && ballY <= rightPaddleY + PADDLE_HEIGHT) {

ballVx = -ballVx;

ballVy += 0.2 * ((ballY - rightPaddleY + 1) - (PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2)) / (PADDLE_HEIGHT / 2);

vgaTone(660, 30);


PaddleHit = 2;




//limit vertical speed

if(ballVy > MAX_Y_VELOCITY) ballVy = MAX_Y_VELOCITY;

if(ballVy < -MAX_Y_VELOCITY) ballVy = -MAX_Y_VELOCITY;


if(ballX <= 0) { // ------------------------- Мяч слева-------------------------

vgaTone(220, 200);



ballX = 4;

PaddleHit = 1;

while(buttonTwoStatus == 0){


ballY = ((wheelTwoPosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;


PaddleHit = 0;


ballPX = ballX;

ballPY = ballY;




if(ballX >= VGAX_WIDTH - 2) { // ------------ мяч справа------------------------------------------

vgaTone(220, 200);



ballX = VGAX_WIDTH - 6;

PaddleHit = 1;

while(buttonOneStatus == 0){


ballY = ((wheelOnePosition / 8) * (VGAX_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT-1))/ 128 + 4;


PaddleHit = 0;


ballPX = ballX;

ballPY = ballY;



ballVx = -ballVx;


//if (state == 1) {

//if (state!= 2) {

if (state == 1 || state == 0) {




else {drawGameScreen();} // ************************************* Pong end check ******************************

PaddleHit -= 1;

PaddleHit = constrain(PaddleHit, 0, 10);


// ---------------------------------------- void pong() end ----------------------------



// ----------------------------------------------- breakout -----------------------------

void breakout(){

if (beginning == 0){

padPositionOld = padPosition;


padPosition = map(wheelOnePosition, 1023, 0, 7, 93);



beginning = 1;


padPositionOld = padPosition;


padPosition = map(wheelOnePosition, 1023, 0, 7, 93);


if (padPosition!= padPositionOld) {cancelPad(); drawPadBreakout();}




if (ballX!= ballXold | ballY!= ballYold) {

if (cancelSafe == 0) {

drawBallBreakout(ballXold, ballYold, 0);

cancelSafe = 1;


if (vga.getpixel(ballX, ballY)!= 0) {hitScore += 1;}

if (vga.getpixel(ballX + 1, ballY)!= 0) {hitScore += 2;}

if (vga.getpixel(ballX, ballY + 1)!= 0) {hitScore += 4;}

if (vga.getpixel(ballX + 1, ballY + 1)!= 0) {hitScore += 8;}

if (hitScore == 0) // *************************************** ball did not hit anything and can go ahead ************


drawBallBreakout(ballX, ballY, 2);

cancelSafe = 0;


else // ******************************* Мяч попадание***********************


if (hitScore == 3 | hitScore == 12)


speedY = -speedY;




if (hitScore == 5 | hitScore == 10)


speedX = -speedX;




speedX = -speedX;

speedY = -speedY;



if (ballY > 55)


if (vga.getpixel(ballX, ballY + 1) == 1 | vga.getpixel(ballX + 1, ballY + 1) == 1) // ******* ball hits the paddle *************


angleDeg = angleDeg - 2*speedX/abs(speedX)*(padPosition - ballX);

if (angleDeg < 20) {angleDeg = 20;}

if (angleDeg > 70) {angleDeg = 70;}



else // *************** мяч падает вниз *************************



lives = lives - 1;

if (lives |= 0){vgaTone(110,100);}


//if (state!= 1 && state!= 0) {ballStart();}

if (state == 4) {ballStart();}

cancelSafe = 0;

speedY = - abs(speedY);



else if (ballX > 1 && ballX + 1 < 99 && ballY > 1) // *********** ball hits a brick *******************



if (hitScore == 1 | hitScore == 3) {ballXhit = ballX; ballYhit = ballY;}

if (hitScore == 2 | hitScore == 10) {ballXhit = ballX + 1; ballYhit = ballY;}

if (hitScore == 8 | hitScore == 12) {ballXhit = ballX + 1; ballYhit = ballY + 1;}

if (hitScore == 4 | hitScore == 5) {ballXhit = ballX; ballYhit = ballY + 1;}

searchHitBrick(ballXhit, ballYhit);


hitScore = 0;




// ---------------------------------------- void breakout() end -----------------------


// ----------------------------------------------- tetris ----------------------------------void tetris(){


// ---------------------------------------- void tetris() end ----------------------------


void drawingToy() {



ballX = map(wheelOnePosition, 0, 1024, VGAX_WIDTH - 1, 1);

ballY = map(wheelTwoPosition, 0, 1024, VGAX_HEIGHT - 1, 1);

vga.putpixel(ballX, ballY, color);

if (buttonOneStatus == 1) {


vgaTone(262, 80);

vgaTone(330, 80);

vgaTone(392, 80);

vgaTone(524, 80);

//buttonOneStatus = 0;


if (buttonTwoStatus == 1) {

if (color == 3)

{color = 0;}


{if (color == 2)

{color = 3;}


{if (color == 1)

{color = 2;}


{if (color == 0) {color = 1;}}



//buttonTwoStatus = 0;

vgaTone(440, 60);



if(buttonOneStatus == 1 && buttonTwoStatus == 1) {

state = 0;

//ballX = 4;

//ballY = 20;




// ---------------------------------------- void bomber() -------------------------------------------

void bomber() {

if (beginning == shot) {

if (padPosition > speedX - 2 - lives && padPosition < speedX + 2 + lives) { // plane is hit ------------------

speedX = -10;

score += 8;





if (padPosition > (bombX - 2) && padPosition < (bombX + 2)) { // bomb is hit ----------------

ballVx = speedY + 4;

bombX0 = speedX;

angle = speedT - 0.1*lives + random(-100,100)/1000.;

angleDeg = 0.1*lives + random(100)/1000.;

iDel = 0;

score += 8;







if(speedX > VGAX_WIDTH || speedX < 0) { // -------------- самолет улетел -------------------------------------------- score += -3 - lives;

speedT = random(200)/1000.0 + 0.2 + 0.2*lives;

speedY = random(VGAX_HEIGHT*2/3*100)/100.0 + 2;

if(random(1000) > 500)

{speedX = 10;}

else {

speedX = VGAX_WIDTH-10;

speedT = -speedT;




// положение плоскости ---

speedX += speedT;


// положение и траектория бомбы ---

bombX = bombX0 + angle*iDel;

ballFY = ballVx + 0.6*angleDeg*iDel + 0.08*iDel*iDel/(60 - 20*lives);

if(ballFY > VGAX_HEIGHT - 5 || bombX < 0 || bombX > VGAX_WIDTH){

if(bombX >= padPosition - 6 && bombX < padPosition + 6){ // ---------------- Бомбардировщик был подбит -

vgaPrint(str510, 50, 10, 1);


vgaPrint(str59, 50, 10, 0);

vgaPrint(str59, 51, 10, 0);

score += -30;


ballVx = speedY + 4;

bombX0 = speedX;

angle = speedT - 0.1*lives + random(-100,100)/1000.;

angleDeg = 0.1*lives + random(100)/1000.;

iDel = 0;



{iDel = iDel + 1;}


// проверить выстрел --

if(beginning!= 0) {

beginning += -1;


if (buttonOneStatus == 1 && beginning == 0) {

score += -.5;

beginning = shot;

padPositionOld = padPosition;

buttonOneStatus = 0;



// игра окончена проверить счет

if(score < 0) { // Конец Игры

buttonOneStatus == 0;


vgaPrint(str515, 40, 20, 1);


padPositionOld = padPosition + 1;




} while (buttonStatus == 0);


if (buttonOneStatus == 0){state = 0;}



if (score > 116) {

score = 58;




planeX = byte(speedX);

planeY = byte(speedY);

padPosition = int((((1024 - wheelOnePosition) / 8) * (VGAX_WIDTH - 12))/ 128 + 6);

if(state == 1) {






bombX_0 = bombX;

ballVy = ballFY;

planeX0 = planeX;

planeY0 = planeY;

padPositionOld = padPosition;




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