3.1 Итоговая аттестация проводится в форме сдачи государственного экзамена по специальности и защиты дипломной работы (проекта), или в форме сдачи государственных экзаменов по специальности и дополнительно по профилирующим дисциплинам.

3.2 Защита дипломной работы (проекта) включает написание дипломной работы (проекта) и процедуру защиты. При этом дипломная работа (проект) имеет целью выявление и оценку аналитических и исследовательских способностей выпускников.

3.3 Для подготовки студентов к итоговой аттестации в форме государственного экзамена выпускающие кафедры организуют чтение обзорных лекций и проведение групповых консультаций. Проведение обзорных лекций и консультаций поручается ведущим преподавателям кафедр, обеспечивающим изучение этих дисциплин, которые могут входить в состав ГАК. Тематика обзорных лекций определяется выпускающей кафедрой.



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В соответствии с Государственным общеобязательным стандартом высшего образования от 23 августа 2012 года № 1080 по специальности 5В011900 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» программа государственного экзамена представлена в совокупности перечисленных ниже дисциплин и их основных разделов - теория и практика:

1. Методика преподавания иностранных языков.

2. Теоретический курс основного иностранного языка.

3. Практический курс второго иностранного языка.

Билеты государственного комплексного экзамена для студентов специальности 5В011900 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» имеют следующую структуру:

1. Вопрос по методике преподавания иностранных языков, состоящий из двух подразделов: теоретического и практического.

2. Вопрос по теории основного изучаемого языка (английского), состоящий из двух подразделов: теоретического и практического.

Вопросы по теории основного изучаемого языка (английского) включаются в следующем соотношении:

1. Теоретическая грамматика – 6 вопросов (20%);

2. Теоретическая фонетика – 6 вопросов (20%);

3. Лексикология – 6 вопросов (20%);

4. История языка – 6 вопросов (20%);

5. Стилистика - 6 вопросов (20%).

3. Вопрос по практике второго иностранного языка, состоящий из двух подразделов: монологическая речь на заданную тему и диалог на заданную тему.

Государственный экзамен для обучающихся по специальности 5В011900 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» главным образом основан на теории и практике основного и второго иностранного языка.

Экзамен проводится в устной форме в режиме беседы студент-преподаватель на английском/немецком/китайском языке. Основной рабочий язык государственного экзамена - английский.

В ходе подготовки экзаменующиеся имеют право использовать программу государственного экзамена, а также одноязычные толковые, лингвострановедческие, терминологические словари.


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Модуль 1. Вопросы по методике преподавания иностранных языков


1.a) Speak about motivation in language learning. b) Think about a lesson or a part of a lesson that you taught which really interested your learners. Why were they so interested? How could you encourage that interest again in a future lesson?


2. a) What are exposure and focus on form? b) Learners need time to acquire language. They may need a silent period before they can produce new language and we cannot expect them to learn things immediately. Learning language is a gradual process. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


3. a) Speak about direct method and grammar-translation method in teaching English. b) Which method of learning English would you prefer: communicative, form-focused, grammar-translation, or a combination of these? Why?


4. a) What is the role of errors in language learning? b) What are the differences between error and slips?


5. a) What are the differences between L1 and L2 learning? b) Sometimes, particularly in fluency activities, it is better not to pay attention to learners’ errors (ignore them) so that the learners have an opportunity to develop their confidence and their fluency, and to experiment with language. To what extent do you agree?


6. a) How did the age, ways and context in which you learnt English influence your success at learning? b) How can you motivate your students in order to learn foreign language successfully?


7. a) What are learner characteristics? What are learning styles and strategies? b) Comment the following statement: “Learners are not all the same. They do not all learn in the same way”.


8. a) What are presentation techniques and introductory activities? b) Can the assessment affect what we teach, how we teach and our learners’ motivation for learning?


9. a) Speak about Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) lesson and Task-based Learning (TBL) lesson. b) Which are better assessments for English learners: tests that focus on communication or tests that focus on accuracy?


10. a) What are practice activities and tasks for language and skills development? b) Do you agree or disagree with the following concept: "The syllabus or the course book will give us a general direction for planning our teaching. To decide



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on specific aims for a particular lesson, however, we should think about our learners’ needs and the stage they have reached in their learning"?


11. a) What are assessment types and tasks? b) Comment on the following statement: “Written lesson plans are helpful when you first start teaching, but experienced teachers don’t need them”.


12. a) Speak about lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching. b) Speak on the best methods to teach grammar.


13. a) Speak about planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons. b) Speak on the following topic: “Teaching vocabulary: many ways to reach one end”.


14. a) How do we identify the different components of a lesson plan? b) Speak on “The status of the modern teacher”.


15. a) Speak about selection and use of resources and materials for English lessons. b) Comment on the following question: “Will computer replace the human teacher?”


16. a) Speak about teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom. b) Which aids are the most motivating for your learners? (for example, younger learners may learn best through playing games, while teenagers may enjoy working with computers.)


17. a) Speak about classroom management and teacher's roles in it. b) Comment on the following statement: “Different learners - different learning styles”.


18. a) Speak about innovative methods of teaching English. b) Speak on the following topic: “High-tech gadgets in teaching a foreign language”.


19. a) Speak about the importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. b) Speak on “Traditional teaching and modern teaching”.


20. a) Speak about the management and leadership of learning. b) Speak about the staff that The World Wide Web offers ESL teachers.


21. a) Speak about critical thinking for children and young people in the classroom. b) When we prepare a class test, it is important to include a number of different tasks, so that we get a good picture of our learners’ strengths and weaknesses, and



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to test the main things we have taught. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


22. a) Speak about using ICT in teaching and learning. b) We need to choose assessment tasks very carefully for young learners, making sure that the tasks are familiar and not too difficult or too abstract. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


23. a) How to use new technology in teaching language? b) What are the reference resources you use most often when preparing lessons? If you had to go and teach in a place with very few resources, which three reference books would you take with you?


24. a) Speak about management and leadership of learning. b) Think about the aids you use most often. What learner characteristics make some aids more successful than others in different classes?


25. a) Speak about using authentic materials in FL teaching. b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technical equipment in the classroom? (think about planning, motivation and technical problems).


26. a) Speak about Learner Strategy Training in the Classroom. b) What is feedback? How do we give feedback?


27. a) Speak about the Bloom’s Taxonomy. b) Feedback should be positive. We should tell learners what is good, what they are doing well, what they need to do to improve and how. This is particularly important for weaker or less confident learners. What is your opinion of this statement?


28. a) Speak about the whole curriculum and the National curriculum. b) Do you thing that learners make mistakes if they are not learning?


29. a) Speak about inclusion, equal opportunities and diversity. b) It is best to separate weak/strong or shy/dominant learners into different groups or pairs. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?


30. a) Speak about managing behavior in the classroom. b) Teacher can be as a planner, informer, manager, parent/friend, diagnostician, resource. Isitpossible?


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Модуль 2. Вопросы по теории основного изучаемого языка (английского)


История языка


1. a) What historical events account for the influence of Latin on Old English?

b) Explain the origin of the following place-names: Britain, Scotland, Great Britain, Bretagne, England, Sussex, Essex, Northumberland, Wales, Cornwall.

2. a)Why does the Old English vocabulary contain so few borrowings from the Celtic languages of Britain? b) Name the Old English suffixes and prefixes which are still used in English and can be regarded as productive today.

3. a) What are the distinctive features of New English in comparison with ME and OE? b) Account for the interchange of vowels in New English child – children, wild – wilderness, bewilder (Middle English bewildren), behind – hindrance; in Old English the root vowel for these words was [i].

4. a) Speak about the Norman and the Scandinavian Conquests, and their effects on the English language. b) Which of the following words were English and which were French by origin? a) king, queen; b) scholar, master; c) beef, mutton; d) marmalade, cuisine.

5. a) Compare the historical productivity of different form-building means: synthetic (inflections, sound interchanges), analytical, suppletive. b) Describe the sources of the modern plural forms of nouns and the spread of the ending –(e)s.

6. a) What conclusions can be drawn about the nature of contacts between the English and the Scandinavians from the nature of Scandinavian loan-words? b) Comment on the English-Scandinavian etymological doublets – skirt-shirt, scatter-shatter.


1. a) Speak about the homonymy in the English language, homonymy of words and homonymy of word-forms. What classification of homonyms do you know? b) Find homonyms in the following sentences and define their types: 1. Excuse my going first, I'll lead the way. 2. Lead is heavier than iron. 3. He tears up all letters. 4. Her eyes filled with tears.


2.a) Speak about the semantic equivalence and synonymy. Describe criteria of synonymity and patternsof synonymic sets in Modern English. b) To what extent are the following sets of synonyms interchangeable? Analyze their meanings,


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provide your answer with examples: 1. hope, expectation, anticipation. 2. experience, undergo, sustain, suffer.

3. a) Speak about the object of lexicology, its branches and links with other linguistic sciences. b) Define the following terms: set expression, syntagmatic relationship, paradigmatic relationship.

4. a) Speak about word-formation and affixation as the main type of word-formation. What are derivational and functional affixes? What is their classification?b) Analyze the formation of the following words and describe the used suffixes: fashionista, barista, selfie, lappy, sheddie.


5. a) Speak about the word-building. Define shortenings, blendings and abbreviations. b) Analyze the following neologisms,define the ways of their formation and meaning: staycation, blizzaster, snownado, neet, newpeat, locavores, BYOD.

6. a) Speak about the borrowed words of the English language and define borrowings as the main source of enriching vocabulary.b) Give the analysis of the origin of the following neologisms: wiki, emoji, umami, caxirola.


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