Studying Law at Cambridge University (England)

At an English university Law is divided into different subjects or ‘ branches ’ for study. Below is a list of subjects students study in the Law Faculty at Cambridge University. Can you work out the names of some of these subjects in Russian language from their English names?

Now study the subjects in Groups II, III and IV of the list.

Where possible, decide:

· the name of the subject in Russian language

· if law students study that subject at Academy

How many of the 25 subjects studied at Cambridge University (see the list below) do you think you understand?


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE FACULTY OF LAW CHOICE OF SUBJECTS THE PAPERS for the Law Tripos, which are divided into Groups I- IV, are as follows:
Group I Paper 1 Roman Law I Paper 2 Constitutional Law Paper 3 Criminal Law Paper 4 Law of Tort GroupII Paper 10 Law of Contract Paper 11 Land Law Paper 12 International Law Paper 13 Roman Law II
Group III Paper 20 Administrative Law Paper 21 Family Law Paper 22 Legal History Paper 23 Criminology Group IV Paper 40 Commercial Law Paper 41 Labour Law Paper 42 Principles of Conveyancing Law Paper 43 Company Law
Paper 24 Criminal Procedure and Criminal Evidence Paper 25 Equity   Paper 44 Contract and Tort II Paper 45 Conflict of Laws Paper 46 E.E.C. Law Paper 47 French Law Paper 48 Jurisprudence Paper 49 Prescribed subjects (Half- papers)


The Law Course at Cambridge

Reading tasks

Understanding the General Content of the Text

1 Below is a description of the Law course at Cambridge University, published by the University for people interested in following the course. Before you look at the description, decide what kind of information you think it might contain.


2 The first time you read the description, you only want to know what information it gives in general. Check that you understand the following instructions. The text has four paragraphs marked A, B, C and D. Read the text quickly and decide which paragraph:

(1) gives information about the subjects students can study on a first degree course

(2) explains the general purpose and method of the course

(3) gives information about Master’s degree courses

(4) says what most law students do before and after they go to university.

For this activity do not try to understand the text in detail. Do not stop when you come to words or sections of the text you don’t understand, if you can complete this activity.

A Among all the courses read at Cambridge Legal Studies are very popular. The Law course at Cambridge is intended to give a thorough grounding in the principles of law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. There are opportunities to study the history of law and to consider the subject in its wider social context. The emphasis is on principle and technique. Skills of interpretation and logical reasoning are developed, and students are encouraged to consider broader questions such as ethical judgement, political liberty and social control.

B Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention of practising, many do not, preferring instead to go into administration, industrial management or accountancy. Candidates intending to read law need not have studied any particular subject at school. It is as common for undergraduates to have a scientific or mathematical background at A-level as it is for them to have studied history or languages.

C Undergraduates reading law for three years should take the so- called Tripos, an exam which consists of three parts. Part IA of the Tripos is usually taken at the end of the first year. This comprises four papers: Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, the Law of Tort and Roman Law. In the second year five subjects are studied for Part IB of the Law Tripos which is taken at the end of the year. The range of subjects on offer is wide - from Family Law to International Law – though in practice most undergraduates take Contract and Land Law as two of their papers. In the third year, five subjects are studied for Part II of the Tripos. The range of options is even wider than in Part IB. According to preference an undergraduate may develop his or her interest in Property Law (including trusts and Conveyancing Law), Commercial Law, Public Law (including Administrative Law and EEC Law), or in more academic and sociological aspects of law, such as Jurisprudence, Legal History, Labour Law and Criminology. Candidates may also participate in the seminar course, submitting a dissertation in place of one paper.

D Candidates for the postgraduate LL.M. take any four papers selected from a wide range of options in English Law, Legal History, Civil Law, Public Law, International and Comparative Law and Legal Philosophy.



Comparative Law n компаративное (сравнительное) право

Conflict of Laws n коллизия (противоречие) правовых норм

conveyance n составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества

Conveyancing Law право передачи правового титула (в основном на


consider рассматривать

Contract Law n договорное право

Criminal Evidence n доказательства преступления

Criminal Procedure n уголовный процесс

dissertation n диссертация

EEC Law abbr. from European Economic Community Law право

Европейского Экономического Сообщества

emphasis on упор на

encourage v поощрять, одобрять

Equity n право справедливости

grounding n подготовка

honors course n курс, дающий право на диплом с отличием

judgement n решение, мнение, приговор

jurisprudence n юриспруденция

Labour Law n трудовое право

Land Law n земельное право

Law of Tort n деликтное право

Master n магистр; Master of Laws (LL.M) магистр права

on offer v предлагается

paper n работа (экзаменационная)

postgraduate n аспирант

Property Law n право собственности

reasoning n аргументация

submit v представлять

technique n технический прием, метод(ы), учение, методика

thorough adj доскональный, фундаментальный

tort n правонарушение, деликт

Tripos a final honors examination at Cambridge university (originally in

mathematics) экзамен для получения отличия (в Кембридже)

undergraduate n студент

vocational adj профессиональный


Reading tasks

Answer these questions.

1 Does the course give an academic legal education or teach students to become lawyers?

2 What intellectual abilities does the course develop?

3 How many years does a first degree course last?

4 How many subjects do undergraduates study?

5 Does the course only include strict (pure) law?

6 Do most Cambridge Law graduates become lawyers?

7 Should people who want to read Law study (1) science subjects or (2) humanities (history, languages, etc.) at school?

8 Can students choose the subjects they study in the first and second years of the law course?

9 Do students have the same options in the second year and in the third year?

10 What is the relationship between the four groups of subjects (I, II, III and IV) in the list and each year of study on a first-degree course?

11 Must students take an exam in all the subjects they study?

12 How many exams do postgraduates take?

13 If you were a student at Cambridge University, which subjects would you choose to study?

Vocabulary tasks

A Match the following expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1 civil law a представить диссертацию

2 social control b этика права

3 to read law c навыки (умение) толкования

4 range of subjects d общественный надзор

5 submit a dissertation e изучать право

6 skills of interpretation f гражданское право

7 ethical judgement g спектр предметов

B Match the following English terms with their definitions.

1jurisprudence 2evidence 3equity 4International Law 5Criminal Law 6undergraduate 7postgraduate aa system of natural justice allowing a fair judgement barea of law that deals with crime punishment or penalties ca person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research da university or college student who is studying for their first degree eobjects, documents which help to show how a crime happened fthe scientific study of law glaw which regulates or governs relations between States

C Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Legal Studies are not really popular at Cambridge.

2 The Law course at Cambridge is superficial.

3 Experienced lawyers who work as teachers develop in their students skills of interpretation and logical reasoning.

4 The Law course lasts for five years.

5 All the students should take the so-called Tripos, an exam which consists of four parts.

6 Part IA is usually taken at the end of the first year.

7 The range of subjects on offer in part IB of Tripos is not wide.

8 In the third year students may develop their interest in Property Law, Commercial Law etc.

D Complete the sentences with the following words: develop, to take, range, to be reading, to consider, make the emphasis.

1 The … of options in the course of Legal Studies is really wide – from Family Law to International Law.

2 According to preference, an undergraduate may …. his or her interest in Property Law and other subjects.

3 She …. Law at Oxford.

4 It’s vital for all undergraduates reading Law …. Tripos.

5 Students have a unique opportunity …. the subject of Law in its social context.

6 Experienced Lawyers who work as teachers …. on skills of interpretation and logical reasoning.

E Fill in the sentences with prepositions: at, in, to, on.

1 The Law course gives students a unique opportunity to consider the subject of Law…. its wider context.

2 During the study the emphasis is mostly made …. Principles and techniques.

3 Part IA of the exam is usually taken …. the end of the first year.

4 The range of subjects …. offer is wide.

5 According …. preference, students may develop their interest …. academic and sociological aspects of Law.


F Paraphrase the following sentences using necessary words from the box.

develop an opportunity emphasize comprises consider range encourages me reading


1 You constantly give special attention to my disability to do overtime.

2 This job gives me a great chance to travel all over the world.

3 Your support makes me feel brave.

4 He’s doing a 3-year course at Cambridge.

5 Experienced teachers enlarge in their students skills of interpretation.

6 Before leaving the job, think about the effect it’ll have on your family.

7 The number of subjects on offer surprised Jim – it seemed to him he would have to become a bookworm.

8 The course of Creative Writing consists of seven lectures and seven seminars.


G Your education


People who do well in their examinations (“exams”) at school or at university usually have good academic qualifications. In Britain and the USA, the most common university qualifications are a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science) after three years and an MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science) after another one or two years. Many people in business also have some kind of professional qualification and for some jobs you must have such a qualification.

When students get grants from the government, they keep the money.

When they get loans, they have to pay the money back later.

A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. Doctors of Medicine are MDs.


Marcia Garcia tells us about her educational background. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases from the box below. You will need to put the verbs into the right tense. (You can then make similar sentences about your own education and qualifications — academic and professional.)



apply degree graduate (verb) grant higher degree job option PhD place primary school thesis secondary school stay on study subject



1 1 I started at primary school in London when I was five.

2 At the age of 11, I went on to __________, also in London.

3 At 17, I __________ to university.

4 I got a __________ at Manchester to __________ Engineering.

5 But at the end of the first year I changed to another __________.

6 I __________ from university in 1997.

7 I have a first- class __________ in Economics.

8 I decided to __________ at university.

9 So I did a __________ in Business Administration at the University of California.

10 During the course, I did an __________ on small business development.

11 I found the topic so interesting that I applied for a __________ to do a doctorate on the same subject.

12 Once I had got the money, I had to write a 50000- word __________.

13 So now I have a BA, an MBA and a __________.

14 All I need now is a __________!


Essential Vocabulary

arts, the arts n syn. humanities, the humanities гуманитарные науки (литература, языки, история, философия)

assistant professor n старший преподаватель

associate professor n доцент

BA abbr. for Bachelor of Arts n бакалавр гуманитарных наук (первая университетская степень)

background n образование; квалификация

BSc abbr. for Bachelor of Science n бакалавр естественных наук

credit test n зачет: At the end of each term we take several examinations and credit tests

education n учение, образование

adult and continuing education непрерывное образование взрослых

business education коммерческое образование

career education подготовка к трудовой деятельности

college education образование в объеме колледжа

compulsory education (всеобщее) обязательное образование

graduate education syn. postgraduate education 1 ступень высшего образования (после окончания колледжа в целях получения степени магистра); 2 аспирантура

high education среднее образование

higher education высшее образование

judicial education профессиональная подготовка судей

legal education юридическое образование

lifelong education syn. permanent education непрерывное образование

professional education syn. vocational education профессиональное образование

entrance exams n вступительные экзамены: What entrance exams did you take? What marks did you get in the entrance exams?

field n область (деятельности): In what field are you working now? to carry out work in the field of проводить работу в области

give a lecture v syn. to deliver a lecture читать лекцию

graduate n выпускник (школы, университета)

graduate student студент

graduate study syn. post-graduate studies аспирантура

graduate (from university)v окончить (университет, вуз)

grant n дотация; субсидия; (to student) стипендия

get grants получать субсидию (от правительства) на образование

student grant (a grant to pay for a student’s education at university) – грант/субсидия на учебу в университете

instructor n амер. преподаватель (колледжа, университета)

lecturer n англ. преподаватель (колледжа, университета)

loan n ссуда; student loan (money lent to students) ссуда на образование

MA abbr.for Master of Arts магистр гуманитарных наук (вторая университетская степень)

MD abbr.for Doctor of Medicine доктор медицины

MSc abbr. for Master of Science магистр (естественных) наук

mark homework v проверить домашнюю работу

PhD abbr. for Doctor of Philosophy степень кандидата наук (университетская высшая ученая степень)

point n балл: How many points did you score? (набрали)

post-graduate student n аспирант

present a thesis n представить диссертацию к защите

qualification n квалификация

reading room n читальный зал

research n исследование; to do research – заниматься научной работой

research worker n научный работник

revise for an exam v готовиться к экзамену

science n естественные науки (биология, химия, физика)

social science n общественные науки (экономика, социология, антропология)


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