Unit 31 Legal Education in the USA


Before you read


Discuss these questions.

1 What is the principal occupation of the lawyer related to?

2 Do lawyers of different countries differ from one another? Prove your opinion.

3 What institutions develop legal education in Russia?

4 Why did you choose the institution you study at now?


Text A

Lawyer’s Training.

To practise law in the courts of any State or other jurisdiction, a person must be licensed, or admitted to its Bar, under rules established by the jurisdiction’s highest court.

Nearly all require that applicants for admission to the Bar pass a written Bar examination. Most jurisdictions also require applicants to pass a separate written ethics examination. To qualify for the Bar examination in most states, an applicant must complete four years of college and graduate from a law school approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) or the proper State authorities.

The required college and law school education usually takes seven years of full-time study after high school: four years of undergraduate study followed by three years in law school. Although some law schools accept a very small number of students after a three course of college, most require applicants to have a bachelor’s degree. A number of law schools have night or part-time divisions.

Preparation for a career as a lawyer really begins in college. Certain courses and activities are desirable because they give the student the skills needed to succeed both in law school and in the profession. Essential skills, such as proficiency in writing, reading and analyzing, thinking logically and communicating verbally, are learned in high school and college. During the first year, or a year and a half, in law school, students generally study fundamental courses such as Constitutional Law, Torts, Civil Procedure and Legal writing. They may also choose specialized courses in fields such as Tax, Labour or Corporation Law. Law students often acquire practical experience by participation in school sponsored legal aid, in school’s moot court competitions, in practice trials under supervision of experienced lawyers and judges, and through research and writing on legal issues for the school’s law journal. Graduates receive the degree of Juris Doctor (J.D.) or Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) as the first professional degree. After graduation lawyers must keep informed about legal and nonlegal developments that affect their practice. Many law schools and State and local Bar associations provide education courses that help lawyers stay abreast of recent developments.

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admission to the Bar n разрешение (адвокату) практиковать в суде

American Bar Association (ABA) американская ассоциация адвокатов

applicant n претендент (на должность), кандидат

Civil procedure n гражданско-процессуальное право; гражданское судопроизводство

legal issue n юридический вопрос, юридическая тема

hold jurisdiction v осуществлять юрисдикцию; отправлять правосудие

licence n лицензия, разрешение; be licensed получить лицензию/


local bar association n местная ассоциация адвокатов

moot n учебный судебный процесс (в юридических школах)

proficiency n мастерство, умение

quality for быть допущенным к чему-либо

stay abreast of быть в курсе

train v обучать, готовить (к чему - либо); lawyers’ training подготовка


Reading tasks

Answer these questions.

1 What particular is necessary to practise law in the courts of the USA?

2 What do applicants have to do for admission to the Bar?

3 How many years does it take to qualify as a lawyer?

4 What is the first law degree ordinarily conferred by American law schools?

5 Where does preparation for a career as a lawyer begin?

6 What skills does a law student need in order to become a successful lawyer?

7 What subjects are offered in law schools?

8 What are the methods and purpose of the law course?

9 What is the first professional degree?

10 When can the students be awarded a bachelor’s degree?

11 What kinds of specialized degree do you know?

Comprehension check

Say whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 For the students whose goal is to attend law school there is no need to complete a bachelor’s degree.

2 To qualify for the bar examination, an applicant is not required to graduate from a law school.

3 Preparation for a career as a lawyer begins in college.

4 The law school education usually takes five years.

5 Students can’t choose the subjects they study.

6 Lawyers must keep informed about legal developments that affect their practice.

Vocabulary tasks

A Use an appropriate word or phrase from the box to complete each sentence.

lawyer law practice law degree application requirements graduate legal processes admission degree


1 A student who completes his or her course at university gets a _______ from the university.

2 She (he) is then called a ________.

3 The American ________ ________ is called the Juris Doctor (J.D.).

4 In the United States it takes seven years to become a ________.

5 _______ to law school is very competitive.

6 In order to get into law school you need to complete all _________ ________.

7 A law school graduate should have mastered the ________ ________ and should thoroughly grasp the role of law in the affairs of society.

8 Some graduates who initially enter _______ _______ later become business executives, civic leaders, government officials and judges.


B Match the following words and phrases with their definitions.

1Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) 2bar examination   3law school   4licence 5Master of Laws (LL.M) 6moot court   7training   8Juris Doctor (J.D.) apermission to do something which would otherwise be illegal ba law degree conferred on those completing graduate- level legal study cthe process of learning the skills that you need to do a job da first degree in law efictitious court where law students argue hypothetical cases fgraduate school offering courses in law leading to a law degree gthe law degree most commonly conferred by American law schools hwritten examination taken by prospective lawyers in order to qualify to practise law


C Make up word-combinations.


to qualify to succeed to pass to study to practise to graduate to admit to approve from in by to for –     law an examination a law school the Bar profession the State authorities the Bar examination fundamental courses

Language focus

Make the sentences passive.

1 They organized the apprentice training in the offices of practising lawyers.

2 A law school applied office methods of instruction.

3 They teach legal history and legal philosophy in a law school.

4 They used English models in American legal education.

5 A number of American lawyers received their education in the Harvard law


6 Law school develop legal education for vocational purposes.

7 He submitted the report to the commission for consideration.

8 Harward and Yale universities maintain schools of law.

Text B


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