Study at Tax Academy in the legal Faculty

syllabus n программа, учебный план

take courses v читать курс

take a post-graduate course v учиться в аспирантуре

thesis n syn. dissertation диссертация

tutorials n практические занятия; (yearly) essay n курсовая: Each year we write an yearly essay and make reports.



Over to you

Complete the following activity in your own time.

1 Which subjects offered by Cambridge University interest you most?

2 Choose one of the following courses: Conflict of Laws, Constitutional Law,

Law of Contract, EC Law, Family Law, International Law, Jurisprudence,

Roman Law or Tort.

3 Prepare to describe the course you have chosen. You should:

· say what the main topics on the course are

· if possible, say how the Cambridge course is different from or similar to a course in the same subject at the Academy.

· say which part of the course you would find most interesting and use and explain some of the most important vocabulary you have learnt.

4 Describe your course to the other students. Discuss any points of interest.

Write your description down and say it out loud.


Text B

Legal Latin

Lawyers use Latin words and expressions when writing legal texts of every kind, from statutes to emails.

The following excerpt is from the Legal document known as an “answer”. It was submitted to the court by the defendant from the previous Listening exercise.


1) Underline the common Latin words and phrases in the text. Do you know what they mean?


The claim for breach of contract fails inter alia to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action, is uncertain as to what contract plaintiffs are suing on, and is uncertain in that it cannot be determined whether the contract sued on is written, oral or implied by conduct.


The complaint alleges breach of contract as follows: ‘At all times herein mentioned, plaintiffs were a part [sic] to the Construction Contract, as well as intended beneficiaries to each subcontract for the construction of the house. In light of the facts set out above, defendants, and each of them, have breached the Construction Contract’.


On its face, the claim alleges only that defendants ‘breached the Construction Contract’. But LongCo is not a party to the Construction Contract. Therefore LongCo cannot be liable for its breach.


2) Match each Latin word or expression (1—8) with its English equivalent and the explanation of its use (a—h).

1 ad hoc   2 et alil (et al.) 3 et cetera (etc.) 4 exempli gratia (e.g.) 5 id est (i.e.)   6 per se   7 sic   8 versus(vs. or v.) athus (used after a word to indicate the original, usually incorrect, spelling or grammar in a text) b for example (used before one or more examples are given) cfor this purpose (often used as an adjective before a noun) d against (versus is abbreviated to ‘v.’ in case citations, but to ‘vs.’ in all other instances) eand others (usually used to shorten a list of people, often a list of authors, appellants or defendants) f and other things of the same kind (used to shorten a list of similar items) gby itself (often used after a noun to indicate the thing itself) h that is (used to signal an explanation or paraphrase of a word preceding it)


3) Match each Latin term (1-10) with its English equivalent (a-j).

1de facto 2ipso facto 3inter alia     4per annum 5pro forma   6pro rata 7quorum 8sul juris 9ultra vires 10videlicet (viz.) aamong other things bper year cnumber of shareholders or directors who have to be present at a board meeting so that it can be validly conducted din fact eof one’s own right; able to exercise one’s own legal rights fproportionally gby that very fact itself has a matter of form ias follows jbeyond the legal powers of a person or a body


Legal Latin Vocabulary

ad hoc 1 к этому; 2 к случаю, кстати

de facto де-факто, на деле; фактически

et alii (et al.)и другие

et cetera (etc.)и так далее, и прочее, и тому подобное

exempli gratia (e.g.)например

id est (i.e.)то есть (т.е.)

inter alia в частности; в числе прочего; среди другого

ipso facto в силу самого факта; на деле; в действительности; по этой причине

per annum в год, ежегодно

per se сам по себе; самим собой; по существу

pro forma ради формы; для видимости

pro rata пропорционально

quorum кворум

sic так; итак; таким образом

sui juris по собственному праву; от своего имени

ultra vires с превышением полномочий; сверх сил; за пределами полномочий

versus (vs. or v.)против (о конфронтации сторон в процессе)

videlicet (viz.) разумеется; именно; очевидно


Text C

A Call to the Bar

In English-speaking countries, the Bar is a term for the Legal profession itself; while a bar association is the association which regulates the profession. A person who qualifies to practise Law is admitted to the Bar; on the other hand, to disbar a lawyer is to make him unable to practise law.


The following text is an excerpt from a guide written for school leavers about courses of study in English-speaking countries. This section of the guide deals with the study of law and the requirements for entering the legal profession in the UK and the US.


Read the text and say whether legal education in your country is more similar to the UK or the US model.

Studying law in the UK

In the UK, a legal education usually begins with the completion of a bachelor degree in law, known as an LLB, which usually takes three years. In the subsequent vocational stage, a person who wishes to become a barrister joins one of the Inns of Court before beginning the Bar Vocational Course. The completion of this stage is marked by a ceremony referred to as the call to the Bar. A third stage, known as pupillage, is a year-long apprenticeship, usually at a set of barristers’ chambers, which customarily consists of groups of 20- 60 barristers. Similarly, a person wishing to become a solicitor must also complete three stages: the first stage involves gaining a law degree; the second stage requires passing a one-year Legal Practice Course (LPС); and the final stage entails working for two years as a trainee solicitor with a firm of solicitors or in the legal department of a local authority or large company.


Studying law in the USA

In the USA, a legal education comprises four years of undergraduate study followed by three years of law school. A law-school graduate receives the degree of juris doctor (J.D). In order to qualify as a lawyer, a law-school graduate must pass the bar examination.


admit to the bar v принять в адвокатуру

apprenticeship n ученичество, учение

Bachelor of Law n abbr. LLB бакалавр права, бакалавр юридических наук

bar n, the Bar 1 адвокатура; коллегия адвокатов; англ. барристеры

(адвокаты с правом выступать в суде); профессия барристера

bar association n ассоциация адвокатов (имеющих право выступать в суде)

bar examination n экзамен при поступлении в коллегию адвокатов

barristers’ chamber n контора адвоката

call to the bar v присвоить звание барристера; принять в адвокатуру

completion n окончание; завершение

disbar v лишать права адвокатской практики

entail v, entails working … работа связана …

Inns of Court n «Судебные Инны» (четыре английских школы подготовки


juris doctor n (I.D.) амер. доктор права

law school n юридическая школа (юридический факультет университета)

Legal Practice Course n (LPC) курс юридической практики; курс адвокатской практики

LLB abbr. from Bachelor of Laws бакалавр права

LLD abbr. from Doctor of Laws доктор права

LLM abbr.from Master of Laws магистр права

pupillage n период стажерства/ученичества у барристера

trainee n стажер; ученик

vocational adj профессиональный

Reading tasks

A Find terms with the word “bar” in the introduction to this section and in the text above which match these definitions.

1 A lawyer who is qualified to plead on behalf of clients.

2 In the UK, a training course which enables people who wish to become barristers and have registered with the Inns of Court to acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare them for the specialized training of the pupilage.

3 A ceremony held at the end of this training course, when a candidate enters the profession.

4 Organization regulating the legal profession.

5 In the US, an important test taken by law-school graduates which, when passed, qualifies a person to practise law.

6 Granted entrance to the legal profession.

7 To compel a lawyer to stop practising law due to an offence committed.

B Answer these questions.

1 What does a term ‘the Bar’ mean?

2 What is the difference between terms ‘the Bar’ and ‘a bar association’?

3 What does ‘to disbar a lawyer’ mean?

4 How does a legal education begin in the UK?

5 What are Inns of Court?

6 What are three stages of a legal education?

7 What stages must a person wishing to become a solicitor complete?

8 How long does a legal education comprise in the USA?

9 What examination must a law-school graduate pass in order to qualify as a



Vocabulary tasks

A Give the English equivalents for the following key words and expressions.

1 юридическая профессия

2 барристер

3 заниматься юридической практикой

4 выпускники школы

5 солиситор-стажер

6 юридический отдел

7 получить степень бакалавра права

8 выпускник юридической школы


B Match the following words and phrases with their definitions.

1admit someone to the Bar   2bar association   3barristers’ chambers   4the Bar 5call to the Bar 6disbar 7Inn of Court   a(US) legal profession; (UK) the profession of barristers bone of four institutions that barristers must join in order to practise law as a barrister cgranting of permission to practise law as a barrister dto declare a person unable to practise law eto call someone to the Bar foffices of barristers gorganization of lawyers which may regulate the profession

Language focus

Complete the sentences using modals should, could, might, had to, may, can’t,

ought to.

1 I _______ have gone to university after leaving school but I choose to get a

job instead.

2 Teachers _________ be very strict at our faculty.

3 I _______ have gone to law school but my parents wouldn’t let me.

4 The lawyer ________ be free to see you immediately after meeting.

5 She _______ learn much more quickly if she paid attention.

6 Candidates _________ not bring calculators into the examination room.

7 The staff and students at the university ________ evacuate the campus.

8 Students ________ have registered before the term started.

9 Students _________ take food into the auditorium.

10 If the burglars took your keys, you ________ better change the locks in case

they come back.

11 Students ________ not to spend long periods in front of computer screen.


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