Read the texts and fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from A, B, C or D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Musical instruments

String instruments (strings)
guitar guitarist [giʹta:rist]
bass [beis] guitar bass guitarist
banjo [ʹbænʤəu] (банджо)  
mandolin [ʹmændəlin] (мандолина)  
balalaika [͵baləʹlaikə] balalaika player
Russian gusli [ʹgusli] guslar [ʹguslə]
harp (арфа) harpist
cello [ʹtʃeləu] (виолончель) violincello [͵vaiələnʹtʃeləu] cellist [ʹtʃelist] violoncellist [͵vaiələnʹtʃelist]
violin [͵vaiəʹlin] violinist [͵vaiəʹlinist]
viola [viʹəulə] (альт) violist (скрипач-альтист)
double bass (Am. contrabass)  
A bow [bau] (смычок)  
Wind instruments (духовые)
Brass instruments (медные духовые)
tuba (туба) tubist (тубист)
French horn (валторна) French hornist
bugle [ʹbju:gl] (рожок, горн)  
saxophone saxophonist [sækʹsɔfənist]
trumpet [ʹtrʌmpit] (труба) trumpeter [ʹtrʌmpitə] (трубач)
trombone [trɔmʹbəun] (тромбон) trombonist
Woodwind instruments (духовые деревянные)
flute [flu:t] (флейта)  
bassoon [bəʹsu:n] (фагот)  
clarinet (кларнет)  
oboe [ʹəubəu] (гобой)  
bagpipe [ʹbæg͵paip] (волынка) piper
Wind reed instruments (духовые язычковые)
accordion [əʹkɔ:diən] (аккордеон) accordionist
Percussion[pəʹkʌʃ(ə)n] instruments (ударные)
drums drumsticks drummer
cymbals [ʹsimb(ə)lz] (тарелки) cymbalist (ударник на тарелках)
triangle [ʹtraiæŋg(ə)l (треугольник)  
castanets [͵kastəʹnets] (кастаньеты)  
maraca [məʹrakə] (маракас)  
xylophone [ʹzailə͵fəun] (ксилофон)  
timpani [ʹtimpəni] (литавры) timpanist [ʹtimpənist] (литаврист, ударник)
Keyboard instruments (клавишные инструменты)
keyboard [ʹki:bɔ:d] an electric piano keyboardist [ʹki:bɔ:dist] (клавишник)
Stringed keyboard instruments (струнно-клавишные инструменты)
piano [piʹænəu] pianist [ʹpi:ənist] (job) piano player (popular music/jazz)
harpsichord [ʹha:psikɔ:d] (клавесин)  
Keyboard wind instruments (клавишно-духовые инструменты)
organ [ʹɔ:gən] Organist [ʹɔ:gənist]


What is it???

1. A large music instrument with a row of black and white keys that produce notes when you press them.

2. A very large musical instrument with pipes of different length, played by pressing keys on it. People usually go to cathedrals to listen to it.

3. An instrument which is mainly used for playing jazz music. It consists of a long curved tube that you can play by blowing into it as you press its keys with your fingers.

4. A musical instrument that you hold under your chin and play by pulling a long object called a bow across its strings.

5. A percussion musical instrument consisting of two circular pieces of metal that you play by hitting two of them against each other.

6. A musician who plays an instrument with a keyboard, especially an electric piano.

7. A hand held musical instrument with two keyboards attached by a central bellows. It appears in folk music of several European nations.

8. A group of musical instruments that you play by blowing through.

9. A group of musical instruments that you play by hitting or shaking them.

10. A Scottish musical instrument consisting of a bag with several pipes sticking out of it. You play it by blowing air through one of the pipes.

11. A musical instrument consisting of a row of 45-47 strings stretched over a large upright frame.

12. A very simple musical instrument consisting of a metal frame that has three straight sides that you hit with a metal bar.

13. A musical instrument consisting of two metal tubes shaped like the letter “U” that fit into each other, with one tube wide at one end. You play it by blowing into it as you slide one of the tubes forwards and backwards.

14. A Russian musical instrument with three strings and a body shaped like a triangle.



Emotional response:

I feel … It makes me feel …
overwhelming happiness happy / unhappy
thrill - нервная дрожь; трепет; нервное возбуждение; глубокое волнение thrilled [θrɪld] -- сильно взволнованный, испытывающий трепет, дрожь
elation (приподнятое настроение, восторг) elated
agitation [adʒɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] - волнение; возбуждение; смятение, беспокойство agitated - взволнованный, возбуждённый; обеспокоенный
delight [dɪˈlʌɪt] - восторг, восхищение; наслаждение; удовольствие; услада delighted [dɪˈlʌɪtɪd] - восхищённый, очарованный; довольный, радостный, счастливый
excitement [ɪkˈsʌɪtmənt] -возбуждение, волнение excited [ɪkˈsʌɪtɪd] - возбуждённый, взволнованный
enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːzɪaz(ə)m] -энтузиазм; воодушевление enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk] -восторженный; полный энтузиазма
ecstasy — экстаз, исступлённый восторг  
anxiety [aŋˈzʌɪəti] - тревога, беспокойство, боязнь; страх anxious [ˈaŋ(k)ʃəs] -беспокоящийся, тревожащийся, волнующийся; опасающийся
annoyance [əˈnɔɪəns] -досада, неприятность; раздражение annoyed [əˈnɔɪd] -недовольный, раздражённый, раздосадованный
irritation [ɪrɪˈteɪʃn]- раздражение, гнев irritated [ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd] - cердитый, раздраженный; разгневанный
disgust [dɪsˈɡʌst] - отвращение, омерзение; раздражение, недовольство disgusted -[dɪsˈɡʌstɪd] -чувствующий отвращение; обнаруживающий отвращение  
dismay [dɪsˈmeɪ] - cмятение, тревога; испуг dismayed [dɪsˈmeɪd] - потрясенный, испуганный, охваченный ужасом
indignation [ɪndɪɡˈneɪʃ(ə)n] -возмущение, негодование indignant[ɪnˈdɪɡnənt] - возмущённый, негодующий
embarrassment [ɪmˈbarəsmənt] - смущение, замешательство, смятение embarrassed [ɪmˈbarəst] – cмущенный, сконфуженный; сбитый с толку, растерянный
exhaustion [ɪɡˈzɔːstʃ(ə)n] - изнурение, истощение; изнеможение exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] - измученный, изнурённый, истощённый
shock [ʃɒk] -потрясение, удар shocked[ʃɒkt] - в состоянии шока
depression [dɪˈprɛʃ(ə)n] - угнетённое состояние, подавленное настроение; депрессия depressed [dɪˈprɛst] - подавленный, угнетённый; унылый
terror[ˈtɛrə] - ужас, страх deadly terror — смертельный страх terrified [ˈterəfaɪd] – запуганный, напуганный
tension [ˈtɛnʃ(ə)n] – напряжение, напряженность tense- возбуждённый, напряжённый tense and jumpy - как на иголках
confusion -[kənˈfjuːʒ(ə)n] - смущение, замешательство confused [kənˈfjuːzd] - cмущённый; поставленный в тупик
pride[prʌɪd] -гордость, чувство гордости Proud(of)
[rɪˈɡrɛt] regret - сожаление, раскаяние regretful  — опечаленный, полный сожаления, раскаивающийся, полный раскаяния
sadness sad
grief — горе, печаль, скорбь worried [ˈwʌrɪd] - озабоченный, обеспокоенный, встревоженный
sorrow— горе, печаль amused [əˈmjuːzd] - довольный
I find … in listening to music. I can’t help …
amusement - удовольствие clapping my hands
intellectual / esthetic pleasure tapping my feet / fingers
Words to describe music: crying / smiling
moving / toucing dancing
gripping (захватывающий) I feel like …
monotonous dancing
catchy falling asleep
incomprehensible having a meal


My skin crawled when I listened to this piece of music.

My feelings / emotions are too deep for words.

I’m lost for words.

This music almost sends me to sleep.


Complete the text using a/an, the or no article.

Lennon and McCartney.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney are considered by some to be __(1)__ greatest song-writing team of __(2)__ past 50 years. They were brought up in __(3)__ Liverpool in England in __(4)__ 1940s and 50s. While he was still at __(5)__ school, Lennon formed __(6)__ group called “The Quarrymen”. One day in 1956, __(7)__ group were playing at __(8)__ church fete when __(9)__ talented young musician called Paul McCartney was introduced to John. They began writing __(10)__ songs together in 1957. They would sometimes miss __(11)__ school and go to Paul’s house while his father was at __(12)__work. There they would make up __(13)__ tunes on __(14)__ piano. It was __(15)__ beginning of __(16)__ wonderfully creative partnership. In __(17)__ following thirteen years they wrote over 100 songs together before “The Beatles” finally split up in 1970.



Read the texts and fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from A, B, C or D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


“The Beatles” is the English musical group that __(1)__ worldwide popularity in the 1960s. The four members of the group were born in Liverpool. __(2)__ came from a working-class __(3)__, and all had had __(4)__ in various other rock groups before they started performing together. The group began in the pairing of John Lennon and Paul McCartney in 1956, joined by Harrison in 1957; the three __(5)__ the name “the Beatles” in 1060, Performing at clubs in Liverpool and in Hamburg, which served as a proving ground for the popular musicians of the period. In 1962 the group, under the management of Brian Epstein, signed a recording contract and __(6)__ Starr from another band. The __(7)__ commercial release (1962-63) of such songs as “Love me too”, “Please, please me”, “She loves you”, and “I want to hold your hand” made them the most popular rock group in England, and in early 1964 what soon came to be called “Beatlemania” struck the United Stated with the release there of the two last-named records and their first U.S. television appearance on the “Ed Sullivan Show”. “The Beatles” ‘ music, originally inspired by such U.S. performers as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and Bill Harley, recaptured much of the freshness and excitement of the earliest days of rock and roll and, in __(8)_ _ with the simple but engaging lyrics of Lennon and McCartney, kept the group __(9)__ of popularity charts __(10)__ several years. They __(11)__ recognition from the music industry in the form of awards for performances and songs and from Queen Elizabeth II, who named each of them to membership in the Order of the British Empire. Their long hair and tastes in dress proved influential throughout the world. With a __(12)__ financial basis – any single record or album of __(13)__ was virtually guaranteed sales of more than a million – they __(14)__ free to experiment with new musical forms and arrangements. The result was a __(15)__ of songs ranging from ballads such as “Yesterday” to complex rhythm tunes like “Paperback Writer”, from children’s songs such as “Yellow Submarine” to songs of social comment, including “Eleanor Rigby”. Their public performances ended in 1966.

__(16)__, the pressures of their public lives, together with their growing outside interests, led to the group’s __(17)__ in 1971, although __(18)__ that they might reunion persisted. McCartney produced solo albums and in 1971 formed his own band, “Wings”. Harrison worked __(19)__ and with Lennon and Starr in the 1970s. Starr appeared in films and showed some adulation to country music. Lennon continued as a musician with his wife, Yoko Ono, and as a political activist. He was wantonly __(20)__ in 1980.



1. A received B enjoyed C seized D led

2. A Every B Each C Either D Any

3. A background B condition C backdrop D ground


4. A art B experiment C skill D experience

5. A imposed B gave C adopted D nicknamed

6. A replaced B substituted C moved D recruited

7. A succeeding B subsequent C follow-on D follower

Последующий, являющийся результатом чего-либо

8. A contact B mixture C combination D mix

9. A at the top B at the front C at the bottom D at the centre

10. A during B since C for D while

11. A met B gave C granted D won

12. A hard B solid C special D advanced

13. A their B themselves C theirs D theirselves

14. A felt B turned C made D set

15. A amount B deal C many D variety

16. A Actually B Finally C Currently D Recently

17. A dissonance B dissoluteness C dissolution D dissolvent

Несоответсвие распущенность расторжение растворитель

Несходство беспутность роспуск растворяющий

18. A words B rumours C symbols D signs

19. A alone B sole C single D lonely

20. A executed B died C dead D assassinated


Adulation – низкопоклонничество, лесть


Э́двард Ви́нсент (Эд) Са́лливан (англ. Edward Vincent "Ed" Sullivan; 28 сентября 1901, Нью-Йорк, США — 13 октября 1974, там же) — американский журналист и телеведущий, наиболее известный благодаря «Шоу Эда Салливана» — передаче, в которой Эд открывал музыкальные таланты. Шоу транслировалось с 1948 по 1971 год, став одним из самых долгоживущих проектов американского телевидения.

В 1996 году Салливан занял 50-е место в рейтинге «50 величайших звёзд телевидения всех времён» по версии американского еженедельника TV Guide.

Программа шла на канале CBS с 21 до 22 часов до марта 1949 года, а затем с 20 до 21 часов и была одной из тех, который продержались в сетке телеканала более двух десятилетий. Практически каждый вид развлечения появился на шоу: оперные певцы, популярные артисты, композиторы, комики, артисты балета, цирковые выступления и драматические актёры, исполняющие монолог из пьесы постоянно появлялись на телешоу.

Первоначально шоу носило название «Toast of the Town», однако распространённым стало название «Шоу Эда Салливана», которое стало официальным названием с 25 сентября 1955 года. С 1948 года до 1965 год шоу было чёрно-белым, но потом стало цветным. Запись телешоу велась через CBS-TV Studio 50, которая стала носить название театра Эда Салливана. Последняя запись шоу (# 1071) была 28 марта 1971 года. На неё были приглашены Мелани, Джоанна Саймон, Дэнни Дэвис и Нэшвил Брас, Сандлер и Янг. Эд Салливан умер через три года после последнего выхода шоу в эфир.



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