Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Find the English for:

1) не очень хорошо организован; 2) самое популярное развлечение; 3) в среднем 25 часов в неделю у телевизора; 4) или, по крайней мере, держим его включенным; 5) неважно, кто он, интеллектуал или «синий воротничек»; 6) овощи и фрукты, выращенные в домашних условиях; 7) около половины женщин страны; 8) очень трудно решить; 9) доступны и красиво оформлены; 10) бесспорная потеря; 11) способ проводить время; 12) с одной только целью – сделать деньги; 13) люди часто тратят деньги на то, что популярно; 14) любительские и профессиональные оркестры; 15) что-то вроде посещения друзей; 16) реальность такова.

Exercise 2. Find the Russian for:

1) statistics says; 2) are almost exclusively the pleasures of educated middle class; 3) people who are deprived of the great works of art; 4) about 44 % of the population claim to spend their time; 5) which have been grown commercially; 6) spend time on needlework or knitting; 7) well-stocked shops; 8) cheerfully designed; 9) there is an unquestionable loss; 10) coverage of the world’s news; 11) cultivating serious musical taste; 12) to catch up with what is popular; 13) hiring a caravan on the seashore; 14) take picnics on boating expeditions on lakes.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Is leisure time of British people very much organized?

2. What is the most popular entertainment in Great Britain and other countries of the world?

3. Are theatre, opera and ballet available for all people?

4. What is the British national enthusiasm?

5. Why do British people grow vegetables and fruit?

6. What do British people have passion for?

7. What does "do-it-yourself" activity mean?

8. What are women's activities in Great Britain?

9. Is music a perfect activity to spend one's free time?

10. What music do people listen to?

11. Is it difficult to cultivate individual taste in music and why?

12. Do people always spend their money to buy what they like?

13. Concerning one's leisure time summer is a boring season, isn't it?

14. Are people free in their choice?


Exercise 4. Ask questions to match the following answers. Think of all possible variants:


1. A: …?

B: Unfortunately they don’t. These are the pleasures of educated middle class.

2. A: …?

B: I’d rather go to the movies.

3. A: …?

B: Yes, I think so. It happens because they are deprived of great works of art.

4. A: …?

B: I think, national enthusiasm for gardening.

5. A: …?

B: No, we needn’t but they are much better than ones grown commercially.

6. A: …?

B: It’s a home based activity which includes making furniture and so on.

7. A: …?

B: Mostly women. They enjoy needle work very much.

8. A: …?

B: Hard to say. I think it’s happening because of TV and videos.

9. A: …?

B: Scientific programs mostly.

10. A: …?

B: My father does. But mother is a professional musician.

11. A: …?

B: Not only. We enjoy visiting historic sites as well.

12. A: …?

B: No. This is an entertainment for minorities.

13. A: …?

B: Yes, he is. Like most modern kids he does several things at one time.


Exercise 5. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary:

1. How do you spend your free time? 2. I can’t convince her to go on a picnic with us. 3. She enjoys reading. 4. There were different works of art presented there. 5. We employ 15 people. 6. They’re still studying the cave. 7. Who’s playing a leading part in this film? 8. We needn’t book tickets in advance. 9. They wanted to drink very much.. 10. Will you give me a lift? My car is being repaired. 11. He is engaged in sports. 12. She is not used to getting up early.

Exercise 6. Find the opposites:

1. People are in good mood because of it. 2. We have the opportunity to see the great works of art. 3. The number of people who read much is increasing. 4. Ever morning she carefully looks at newspapers. 5. These are pleasures for majority. 6. Every Saturday they work hard in night clubs. 7. I don’t want to see this movie. 8. He was bored by the book. 9. It’ll do you a lot of good. 10. I’m tired! Turn the TV off.

Exercise 7. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. The reality of our time is that leisure time... of the people is not very much organized.

2. It is an open secret that television is the most popular entertainment... many countries.

3. People spend an average... 25 hours... a week watching it or,... least, keeping it switched....

4. Theatre, opera and ballet are the pleasures... the rich.

5. Psychologists are convinced... that people, who are deprived... the great works 6... art, suffer... a diminishment... spirit.

7. About 44%... the population... Great Britain claim to spend time... gardening.

8. Englishmen have a passion... lawns... grass.

9. Women concentrate... needlework.

10. Books are very important... the lives... people... many countries.

11. Attractions... television have reduced the enthusiasm... reading.

12.... many people reading is like just glancing... a newspaper.

13. In general, TV programmes are excellent... world standards.

14. Music is an excellent way... spending time.

15. People listen... different music, according... their tastes.

16. We can listen... the music... radio,... records,... tapes,... home and... public places.

17. People often keep... spending money to catch...... what is popular.

18. If you are a good musician, you can play... a professional orchestra.

19. People are free... their choice.


Exercise 9. Insert the words from the vocabulary:

1. He dropped in at a... to have a pint of beer.

2. She is always busy having almost no....

3. Look at this...! It was built by a very famous architect.

4. I'm.... May I have a glass of water?

5. This movie is a... of a very famous novel.

6. I've been busy the whole week. Now I want to....

7. People who work at factories and plants are called....

8. Are there any good actors playing in this movie? – Sure. The whole... is excellent.

9. They go to the seaside every summer in order to....

10. Is one week enough for your? – Not, actually. It will take me a... to get this work done.

11. My car is broken. – Don't worry! I'll... on my way to work.

12. I want to buy the latest of Steven King's book. – Unfortunately it is not... yet.

13. Did the critics like the new movie? – Even more than that. They....

14. We're going to go camping. – It will be rather cold. Take a couple of... with you.

15. You must see this movies! Your favourite actress... there.

16. There are too many tourists this summer. We must... more people to serve them.

17. What does she do? – She... selling clothes.

18. Do all British people go to the theater? -- Actually not. Many of the British... this pleasure.

19. How can I... him? He doesn't want to listen to any of my arguments.

20. I... to go to Greece. I've been dreaming about it all my life.


Exercise 10. Translate into English:

1. Они убедили меня пойти на экранизацию романа «Война и мир».

2. Мне просто необходимо упорядочить свой досуг.

3. В детстве Том был лишен красивых игрушек.

4. Моя страсть – коллекционирование марок. К сожалению, сейчас очень трудно приобрести хорошие марки, потому что они не всегда в продаже.

5. По статистике каждый второй подросток страдает от от плохого настроения.

6. Вы были у Браунов? – Да. На их дом приятно посмотреть! Везде газоны с травой и цветы. – Вы правы. У них страсть к садоводству.

7. Зачем вы выращиваете овощи, ведь их можно купить в любом магазине? –Да, но домашние овощи вкуснее, чем те, которые выращены из коммерческих соображений.

8. У меня есть отличный набор инструментов для изготовления мебели. Давай займемся улучшением нашего дома.

9. Большинство людей проводит свой досуг, сидя у телевизора.

10. В наше время музыкальные компании убеждают людей покупать новые записи.

11. Сейчас появилось очень много детских книг. Все они ярко раскрашены и, к сожалению, дороги.

12. Привлекательность телевидения бесспорна. Телевизионные культурные, научные программы, документальные фильмы познавательны и соответствуют мировым стандартам.

13. Ты свободен в своем выборе и можешь хоть каждый вечер отдыхать в клубах, попивая пиво и так далее, но каждое утро ровно в восемь ты должен быть в офисе.

14. Ты знаешь, о вкусах не спорят. Я, например, предпочитаю театр опере и балету, но, к сожалению, сейчас для меня это недоступно. Театр, опера и балет – в основном удовольствие для богачей.

15. За завтраком я привык бегло просматривать финансовые газеты. Я банкир, и это правило уменьшает риск потерять деньги.

16. Необходимо сказать несколько слов о вреде телевидения. По статистике, каждый человек проводит около 25 часов в неделю у телевизора или, по крайней мере, держит его включенным. Это плохо влияет на зрение.

17. В Москве очень много любительских и професиональных оркестров.

18. Я провела две недели в Британии. Мне очень понравилось посещать старинные замки и пещеры.

19. К сожалению меньшинство проводят свободное время посещая театры, оперу, балет.

20. Если погода будет хорошей, мы выедем на шашлыки или поедем отдыхать с палатками. Весь день мы будем загорать и купаться.


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