Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

1) предоставлять консультации и материалы по безопасности жизнедеятельности; 2) жить в разных сообществах; 3) заботиться о пожилых людях; 4) пенсионный возраст; 5) зависеть от чего-либо; 6) здоровое общество; 7) пенсионеры; 8) употребление наркотиков, 9) детская преступность; 10) различные взгляды на семейную жизнь; 11) источник большинства наших проблем и беспокойств; 12) более того; 13) развивающиеся страны; 14) принимать во внимание; 15) более точная концепция; 16) личные взаимоотношения; 17) познакомить (представить кому-либо); 18) приятный внешний пригород; 19) безупречная семья с дружескими отношениями; 20) быть капризным; 21) возмутитель спокойствия; 22) убежище от любых проблем и несчастий; 23) до смерти устать от чего-либо; 24) повседневная жизнь; 25) близорукий; 26) в результате; 27) кажется смешным; 28) общая цель; 29) быть в состоянии что-либо сделать (удаваться); 30) глава семьи; 31) немного за пятьдесят; 32) воспитывать детей; 33) мечтать о чем-либо; 34) быть точной копией кого-либо; 35) семья – это крепость, 36) приблизительно; 37) повторно вступать в брак; 38) показатель; 39) родиться вне брака; 40) незаконнорожденность; 41) иметь сентиментальное значение; 42) похороны; 43) свадьба; 44) оценивать (подсчитывать приблизительно); 45) свидание (назначение).


Exercise 2. Give the Russian for:

1) on the one hand/on the other hand; 2) I fully agree with you; 3) marriage bond; 4) to be related to; 5) to run the house; 6) to be fond of; 7) to be proud of; 8) to be interested in smth; 9) to help willingly about the house; 10) to dream of becoming a professional mucisian; 11) to be born; 12) to take care of smb; 13) to be in a good mood; 14) to have a heart of gold; 15) to have great hopes of smb; 16) to be handy with smb; 17) to have a family of one’s own; 18) to let smb down; 19) if you don’t mind; 20) on the whole; 21) as a matter of fact; 22) to take children to a day-care center; 23) to waste time; 24) to be more exact; 25) a sharp rise in the rate of illegitimacy; 26) to take separate vacations; 27) to be deeply attached to smb; 28) permanent address; 29) newly-weds; 30) foster child; 31) senior/ junior child; 32) to look after; 33) to consist of; 34) to be pleasant to deal with; 35) to be good at; 36) to be of military age; 37) to be of the same age; 38) more than ten years older than; 39) carry one ’s age well; 40) have roots at (be/come from); 41) have a good command of the language; 42) illegal marriage; 43) share smb’s point of view; 44) a love match; 45) to have a son (daughter) by former (present) marriage; 46) position of a secretary; 47) to miss smb; 48) to have got shortcomings; 49) a good ear for music; 50) to make peace.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the texts:

Part I

1. What is family for different people?

2. What is the definition of family?

3. What is the purpose of family?

4. What is the difference between a nuclear and an extended family?

5. What is a typical family in industrialized countries?

6. What kind of family are the Taylors and why?

7. Where do the Tailors live?

8. How old are Bill and Carol? How long have they been married? Who is the head of their family? Which fact proves it?

9. What is Bill's educational background?

10. What was Bill's dream when he was a child?

11. What is Bill? What do his responsibilities include?

12. Did Carol go to university? What is her educational background and working experience?

13. Do all British married women stay at home with kids? Why is that?

14. How did Carol take her marriage?

15. How many children does a typical British family have? What are British visitors surprised at in Russia?

16. What do parents want their children to be?

17. How can you characterize the Tailors and their relations?

18. Sarah has no health problems, doesn't she? Is she a talented girl? Has she already chosen her future occupation?

19. What kind of a boy is Peter? Does he enjoy his studies? What do parents think about it?

20. What is Kate's character? What is the family's attitude to her?

21. Was it too hard for Bill and Carol to communicate with their kids? Why?

22. What is family for Tailor's children?

23. Are young families in Britain totally dependent on their parents? How do they communicate with their relatives?

24. Do grannies live with their children and grandchildren? Why? What is the retirement age in the UK? Do all people quit their jobs after it?


Part 2

1. What is the definition of family?

2. Are there any signs of crisis of traditional British family? What problems does it arise? Are there the same signs in Russia? Can you give any examples?

3. Nowadays the British live less, marry earlier and have more children, don't they?

4. What is the average age for people to get married in Britain? What about Russia?

5. More and more British people get together for family events, don't they?

6. Are appointments like “best man”, godmother and godfather as important as they used to be in past?

7. What is the average age for a British woman to have the first child? Do most 8. British women have many children? What about Russia?

9. What is the divorce rate in Britain? Is it the lowest in Western Europe? What about Russia?

10. What are the consequences of divorce?

11. Do the changes mentioned in the text mean that the nuclear family is disappearing?


Exercise 4. Ask questions to match the following answers. Think of all possible variants:


1. A:…?

B: Yes, I do. I can’t live without love and support of my family.

2. A…?

B: My family is a castle – a shelter from all troubles and misfortunes.

3. A: …?

B. No. I think extended families are much wider spread in our country.

4. A…?

B: Sarah is 12, Pete is 10, and Kate is 7.

5. A…?

B: He is a specialist in noise stress.

6. A: …?

B: She is both. But most men think that beautiful women are stupid.

7. A: …?

B: Yes, they do. And they often don’t think about their children when they part.

8. A:…?

B: Sarah. She learnt to play it when she was six.

9. A:…?

B: On her own. She is very active at her late seventies.

10. A:…?

B: In a week. We’re so happy to become husband and wife.

Exercise 5. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. The family unit in Britain is... crisis.

2. A healthy society is dependent... a stable family life.

3. Carol didn’t go... university but studied... two years... a teaching training college.

4. Carol took her marriage... granted.

5. The Taylors want to bring... their children to be healthy, hard-working, sociable and good... sport and other things.

6. Sarah inherited... her father’s musical gifts and played... the flute.

7. One needs... a proper income to bring up a family.

8. Peter attends courses … engineering and technical studies... the Local College.

9. A family is a shelter … troubles and misfortunes.

10. Children will leave home, marry and set... their own household.

11. The retirement age... most jobs... this country is 60... women and 65... men.

12.... practice many people work... they are 65-70.

13. Mrs. Average now has her first child … the age... twenty-seven.

14. Britain has one... the highest divorce rates... Western Europe.

15. There has been a sharp rise … the rate of illegitimacy.

16. It is usually the woman who has responsibility … domestic life.

17. I’ll introduce you... my family.

18. The family is a group... people related... blood or law, living together or associating... one another... a common purpose.


Exercise 6. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. There are different opinions about family life.

2. They make significant solutions together.

3. They have a lot of troubles with their kids.

4. Family for me is a shelter from all problems.

5. I'm tired of school work and exams.

6. In our family grown-up children are closely connected with their parents.

7. Who makes money in your family?

8. He has a loving wife and he loves her.

9. There are friendly relations in their family.

10. They stopped being husband and wife.

11. Tom is not married.

12. Carol was satisfied with her marriage.

13. We don't have enough understanding in our family.

14. They are an ideal family.

15. Is family a constant group of people?

16. I think, we should employ a nanny for our little daughter.

17. I'll join you with great pleasure.

18. He always has an individual way with every member of his family.

19. I trust my mother and father in such difficult questions.

20. What do you know about modern tendencies in family life?

21. Usually both parent are responsible for the household.

22. Do you know anything about your forefathers?

23. This kid never does what his parents tell him.

24. I terribly dislike such an attitude.

25. Is the economy of our country worse than it used to be?


Exercise 7. Find the opposite:

1. I enjoy my daily work.

2. Bill Taylor doesn’t like his job.

3. Peter has a permanent job in the shop in the area.

4. The Taylors are problem family with bad relations.

5. She is married.

6. These family members do not communicate with each other.

7. Sarah is very sociable.

8. Sarah has very good eyesight.

9. Do you know anything about our old traditions?

10. I don't want to do this job.

11. They got married two years ago.

12. She has too much sugar.

13. They don't trust each other.

14. What are the drawbacks of this project.

15. I hate this singer.

16. They praise him for spoiled relations with his parents.

17. Carol didn't agree with her marriage.

18. They don't have problems with their children.


Exercise 8. Insert the words from the vocabulary:

1. I don't know my parents. I'm a....

2. She is..., so she wears glasses.

3. Did she protest against that marriage? – No, she....

4. What can you say about your...? Well, my grand-grandparents come from Spain.

5. Are their any serious problems in your family? – Not actually. We have...

6. All their relatives died and so they were brought up in an....

7. Are there any drawbacks in your family? – No. We are an....

8. Is it difficult for you to deal with people? – Absolutely not. I always... everybody.

9. Was it difficult to bring up your kids? – Yes, it was. We had... over them.

10. We can be called... because my wife, our kids and I live with our parent and their sister in one big house.

11. If both parents work they... for their small kids.

12. Do they rent an apartment? – No, they live in a big....

13. Did they forget about their parents when they moved to a different country? – No, they didn't. They still...

14. Family is a... from all troubles and misfortunes.

15. This married couple is infertile but they want to have a child. That's why they started collecting all necessary document for....

16. Don't... me! It's not my fault.

17. Do you enjoy your routine work? – No, I don't. I am... it.

18. They say she has a baby. – That's not true! Who... about her?

19. John is sick. – Such a...! I wanted to go to the movies with him.

20. Who is the... in your family? – My husband. And I stay home with kids.

21. It is an interesting task. I will do it....

22. There is a lack of discipline in your family. I think, children must... their parents.

23. There are different kinds of families but... remains the fundamental unit of society.


Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1. Сколько лет вашей племяннице? – Ей пятнадцать лет. Она добрая, веселая, талантливая и воспитанная девочка.

2. Вполне естественно, что родители гордятся своей дочерью и возлагают большие надежды на нее.

3. Без сомнения, Кэрол – талантливый педагог и дети обожают ее. Ей нетрудно находить подход к непослушным детям.

4. Кроме того, с ней легко общаться.

5. Мы склонны считать, что Кэрол посвятила большую часть времени своим детям и семье. Поэтому дети семьи Тэйлоров жили комфортно.

6. Что касается детей, они охотно помогали матери по дому.

7. Петр делал все возможное, чтобы совмещать работу на неполный рабочий день и учебу на инженерно-технических курсах.

8. В результате ему удалось сдать экзамены успешно.

9. Нет ничего удивительного в том, что Билл всегда мечтал быть музыкантом.

10. Сара гордится тем, что родилась и выросла в благополучной семье, где все члены дружелюбно относились друг к другу.

11. Их бабушка и дедушка не такие молодые, как вы думаете. Им только, что исполнилось 60, но они все еще полны жизненных сил и энергии.

12. Бабуля обожает приключения. У нее есть чувство юмора. Мы с ней легко ладим.

13. Что касается дедушки, то он увлекается охотой и рыбалкой. Поэтому пожилые люди живут отдельно от детей и у них свои интересы.

14. Откровенно говоря, количество семей с одним родителем увеличивается как в Британии, так и в других странах.

15. Интересно отметить, что в Западной Европе Британия имеет очень высокую степень развода.

16. Молодые люди сегодня очень рано покидают родительский дом, хотя у них нет необходимости вступать в брак.

17. В действительности традиционное распределение обязанностей между мужем и женой все еще существует.

18. Говорят, что обычная (nuclear) семья в Британии является нормой и включает в себя два родителя и двух или трех детей.

19. Более точная концепция о семейной жизни должна принимать во внимание различные формы (типы) семей, которые существовали или существуют во всем мире.

20. Хотелось бы заметить, что члены одной семьи, живущие в разных местах, часто общаются друг с другом, используя современные средства связи.


Communicative Exercises

Exercise 1. Use the following proverbs in situations of your own (Give Russian equivalents if possible):


1. Like parents, like children.

2. A good example is the best sermon.

3. Every mother thinks her own gosling a swan.

4. A misery father makes a prodigal son.

5. As the tree, so the fruit.

6. Happy is he that is happy in his children.

7. Life is not all cakes and ale (Life is not a bed of roses)

8. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

9. East or West, home is best.

10. Every bird likes its own nest best.

11. There are no place like home.

12. One man no man.

13. A family is a castle.


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences:

1. The advantage of having an extended family is…

2. The worst thing about being a parent is…

3. The best thing about having a nuclear family is…

4. The disadvantage of being an only child is…

5. The worst thing about living near your parents is…

6. The problem with being the oldest child is…

7. The best thing about having a supportive family is…


Exercise 3. Agree or disagree developing the following sentences into monologues of 5-7 sentences:


I think so – Думаю, что так.

Yes, that’s/it's true – Да, это правда.

You are right/ Right you are – Вы правы.

Quite correct – Совершенно верно.

You said the right thing – Вы правильно сказали.

That’s just what I was going to say - Это как раз то, что я собирался сказать.

No doubt whatever/ Beyond all doubt – Вне всякого сомнения.

Looks like that/ I suppose so – Похоже, что именно так.

Exactly / Precisely so /That’s it. – Точно.

I fully/quite agree with you – Я полностью с вами согласен.


I can’t say I agree with you / I can’t agree with you – Не могу сказать, что согласен с вами / Не могу с вами согласиться.

Nothing of the kind – Ничего подобного!

On the contrary – Наоборот!

Just the other way round – Как раз наоборот.

You are mistaken, I’m afraid – Боюсь, вы ошибаетесь.

That’s where you’re wrong, I am afraid – Вот в этом вы как раз и не правы.

I don’t think so. – Я так не думаю.

I’m of a different opinion – Я придерживаюсь иного мнения.

It is partially so. – Это верно лишь отчасти.


1. It is wrong for men and women to live together before marriage.

2. Civil marriage has already become a normal thing.

3. It's easier to be a father than a mother.

4. A woman's place is in the home.

5. People should have more than one child.

6. Married couples who don't have children are selfish.

7. Parents should never punish their children physically.

8. Loving children will never send their elderly parents to a retirement home.

9. Children should live with their parents until they get married.

10. If a couple gets divorced, it's better for children to live with their mother.

11. It's not good for a wife to earn more than her husband.

12. It's bad for children if their parents have different races or religions.

13. It's better if adopted children don't know who their biological parents are.

14. Sometimes it's good for married couples to take separate vacations.

15. People who love each other should never be away from each other.

16. Generation gap is areal problem of our society.

17. If parents and their married children live in different communities, they don’t keep in touch.

18. In in many families husband and wife usually share important decisions making.

19. The only purpose of a normal family is to provide a shelter and food.


Exercise 4. Use the vocabulary of the Unit to act out dialogs discussing:

1. Origin, ancestry, place you come from, family structure and occupation.

2. The role of family in our life.

3. Family structure at home and abroad: age to get married, number of children, extensive and nuclear families.

4. Family problems.



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