Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

1) быть очень гостеприимным; 2) обедать в ресторане; 3) быть приглашенным на обед; 4) подать первое блюдо; 5) накладывать рис на тарелку; 6) разносить прохладительные напитки; 7) предложить дорогие спиртные напитки; 8) предпочитать пищу быстрого приготовления; 9) перекусить в кафе; 10) придерживаться диеты; 11) полнеть; 12) угодить вкусу сестры; 13) заказать кофе с молоком; 14) зайти куда-либо; 15) широкий выбор блюд; 16) мороженое на десерт; 17) угостить подругу печеньем; 18) убирать со стола; 19) готовить вкусные блюда; 20. накрывать на стол.

Exercise 2. Give the Russian for:

1) a period of anticipation; 2) to sip a preparatory drink; 3) to prefer soft drinks; 4) to serve yourself to a second helping; 5.) to be considered wasteful; 6) solitary buying of drinks; 7) to spread brandy out; 8) to have a drive-in section; 9) snack and convenience foods; 10) “pot luck” dinner; 11) a huge breakfast; 12) I am off to lay the table; 13) it looks so inviting; 14) I could manage a plateful; 15) it’s just to my taste; 16) he is especially fond of strawberry; 17) to bring different cooking traditions; 18) to order delicious dishes.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the texts:

Part 2

1. Do the English often receive guests?

2. Are the patterns of English and Russian hospitality the same?

3. What is anticipation period? Do they drink much alcohol during this period?

4. How many courses do usually meals have? What are they?

5. Are there any traditions to serve a guest during a meal?

6. What are the patterns concerning food?

7. What drinks do they serve at the meal? What are the patterns concerning drinks?

8. What should you do when you finish eating by all means?

9. What are drinking patterns at parties?

10. What actions are considered unfriendly and unfair?

11. What are the standard English pub drinks?


Part 2

1. What cooking traditions are there in the US?

2. What is the story of American doughnuts?

3. What is the US most famous for? How are these restaurants arranged?

4. Do Americans eat out a lot or rather have meals at home? Do they put little food on your plate in cafes and restaurants?

5. What can visitors ask for if they haven't finished their food?

6. Do busy people cook a lot at home?

7. Are there any changes in breakfast traditions?

8. Are an everyday meal and a meal on weekends different?

9. What is a “pot luck” dinner?


Exercise 4. Ask questions to match the following answers. Think of all possible variants:


1. A:…?

B: Yes, I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich and a small salad, please.

2. A…?

B: If the hosts are vegetarians the “main course” will be vegetables.

3. A: …?

B. No. You will eat nothing, except, possibly, a few tiny biscuits.

4. A…?

B: Usually the hosts’ job is to make sure that everyone is served fairly.

5. A…?

B: After meal we may drink some coffee or tea and continue talking.

6. A: …?

B: Yes. When people from other countries came to live in the US, they brought different cooking traditions.

7. A: …?

B: Pepsi, please.

8. A:…?

B: We have ice cream and pie for desert.

9. A:…?

B: That sounds good. I’ll have a cup of the soup, please.

10. A:…?

B: There you can order and pick your food without getting out of your car.

Exercise 5. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. … dessert they took strawberry ice-cream.

2. In a cafe my boyfriend treated me…an ice-cream.

3. He helped himself… a large piece of apple-pie.

4. …breakfast I prefer…buttered toasts and white coffee.

5. Yesterday my sister was invited… her girl-friend’s home for an evening.

6. As far as I know Americans are famous… fast foods and they also eat… a lot.

7. The guests are coming soon. Will you help me to lay… the table?

8. Drop… … the baker’s and buy some bread.

9. These delicious biscuits are just… my taste.

10. I’m fond … iced orange juice.

11. Sometimes when I’m … holiday I have a special treat.

12. Will she dine … us? No, she is always … a diet, ‘cause she’s afraid … getting fat.

13. Will you pass a half … grapefruit and a cup … tea … Mr. John?

14. It’s the perfect bacon … the world!

15. Will you pass … me the salt, please!

16. Next will be chops... roast potatoes and vegetables.

17. Coffee … milk? It’s just … my taste.

18. I am having a cup … tea. Do join … me.

19. Liz, will you bring some fresh bagels … pantry?

20. My granny’s made a wide variety … jams this year, …example raspberry jam … case … cold.


Exercise 6. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. Let’s take a pudding and ice-cream for a sweet course.

2. My sister is keeping to a diet now. That’s why she eats no cakes, chocolate, ice-cream.

3. Americans prefer having a meal at restaurants and in cafes.

4. There’s always a wide choice of very tasty dishes on the menu at this restaurant.

5. I’m so hungry. Let’s drop in the cafe and have a bite.

6. Tom and Nick are going to the canteen to have dinner.

7. Who’s turn to take away the dirty dishes today?

8. When my friends and I come to the restaurant we choose the dishes that we like.

9. It’s my mother’s birthday today. I must help her prepare the table for supper.

10. You’d better drink your beer in small mouthfuls.

11. For dinner her Granny usually prepares the first and the main course.

Exercise 7. Find the opposites:

1. Nobody values food.

2. Help yourself to the apple-pie. – No, thank you. I feel contented.

3. This mushroom soup is tasteless.

4. At the meal you will be offered a strong drink.

5. My daughter always helps me to lay the table.

6. Most Americans have a huge breakfast on week-days.

7. I don’t like this pudding.

8. You are getting thinner every minute.

9. As for me I prefer weak tea.

10. I don't want to drink anything.

11. The best thing about bagels is that they are huge.


Exercise 8. Insert the words from the vocabulary of the Unit:

1. The Russians are very.... They like to have people over and treat them with tasty dishes.

2. Whiskey, please! – Sorry, we don't serve... here.

3. After the dinner we helped the hostess....

4. I'm.... Can I have a glass of water?

5. Have you... the meat for making veal cutlets?

6. Yesterday we were invited to... dinner. All the guests including us brought some salads and deserts.

7. I'm not so hungry. Don't... rice onto my plate, please!

8.... the potatoes very thin and put them on a frying pan.

9. Don't leave food on your plate! Food is....

10. We should quickly... the table. Our guests will arrive in ten minutes.

11. If you eat so much pastry you'll....

12. No substantial meal, please! I just want to....

13. What are we having for the... today? – Meat and potatoes.

14. Have you enjoyed the salad? – Yes, it's....

15. Every dinner begins with an... period.

16. We always... steak with vegetables.

17. You should drink... if you need a lot of vitamins.

18. You'd better... your beer instead of drinking it quickly.

19. If you want white coffee put... into it.

20. Do you feel contented? – Not actually. These biscuits were so....

21. Dough rises if you put enough... in it.

22. They invited us for lunch and... us with lots of tasty things.

23. Salad is a typical... at every substantial meal.

24. They have their own bee-garden. Their... is very tasty.


Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1. Миссис Браун предложила своей подруге чашечку кофе с молоком.

2. Ты предпочитаешь крепкий чай?

3. Догадайтесь, что у нас сегодня на десерт? – Что-нибудь вкусное? – Именно, мороженое с вишневым вареньем и шоколадными крошками.

4. Вы уже пробовали салат из фруктов? Он очень вкусный.

5. Что ты любишь на завтрак? – Я предпочитаю начинать день с йогурта и фруктов.

6. Сейчас время обеда. Хорошо бы перекусить.

7. Ты любишь готовить? – По правде говоря, нет. Я люблю покупать готовые к употреблению продукты, которые достаточно просто подогреть в микроволновке.

8. Что ты будешь на обед? – Я бы съел пару отбивных или котлет.

9. Ну вот мы в столовой. Что ты будешь? – Дай посмотреть. Суп, ростбиф, салат и фрукты на десерт.

10. Как хорошо, мисс Браун, что вы зашли. Я так рада вас видеть. Мы с Джейн как раз собирались выпить по чашечке чая. Вы к нам присоединитесь?

11. Она сказала, что до того, как вышла замуж, она никогда не готовила так часто.

12. Перед тем, как поставить булочки в духовку, Джейн подождала, пока они поднялись.

13. Бабушка сказала, что может угостить нас черносмородиновым вареньем, 14. которое она сделала прошлым летом.

15. К полуночи все гости разошлись, и хозяйка убрала со стола.

16. Когда мы пришли в кафетерий, все булочки с изюмом были уже проданы.

17. Когда я пригласил ее пообедать в кафе, она сказала, что только что перекусила.

18. Он помолол мясо, покрошил капусту, натер морковь и тонко нарезал сыр.

19. Я сейчас на диете и поэтому съем только немного вареного мяса и овощей.

20. Ты уже приготовила тесто на блины? – Я не собираюсь сегодня печь блины. Я приготовила тесто на пельмени.

21. Я так хочу пить! Сегодня очень жарко.

22. Моя подруга – вегетарианка, и поэтому она обычно ест овощи, фрукты, молочные продукты и иногда рыбу.

23. Не могли бы вы передать мне соль, пожалуйста?

24. Угощайтесь сливовым пирогом и кофе.

25. Как насчет обеда, мама? – Он готов, ты можешь накрывать на стол.


Communicative exercises

Exercise 1. Read the jokes and comment on them:

Husband (angrily): What? No dinner ready! That’s the limit! I’m going to a restaurant.

Wife: Couldn’t you wait a few minutes?

Husband: Will it be ready then?

Wife: No, but then I’ll be ready to come with you.

Do you know the story of a man having breakfast in an English hotel? The waiter gave it to him and then looking out of the window, said to the man, “It looks like rain, Sir”. “Yes”, said the man as he took a spoonful of soup, “and it tastes like rain too”.

Do you know the story of a man having breakfast in an English hotel? He took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter.

“Waiter, is this tea or coffee?”

The waiter said, “Can’t you tell the difference, Sir, by the taste?”

“No”, the man said. “I can’t”. “Well”, answered the waiter. “If you can’t tell the difference, what does it matter which it is?”


Exercise 2. Complete and reproduce the dialog:

At the restaurant


A: It's a surprise. Here we are! They serve fantastic dishes of European cuisine here.

B: …?

A: Don't worry, they are quite reasonable.


A: Yes. We have a table reserved for 2 persons.


A: Thank you. So, how do you find the place?


A: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let’s see the menu. So, what shall we have?


A: Good choice. And I'll have a three-course dinner. I’m awfully hungry.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please.

Waiter: …?


B: Sweet Vermouth with rocks and a twist, please.


A: I'll have whiskey with soda. Would you like any starters?

B: ….

A: And I’ll have cucumber salad. Would you like any soup?


A: And I’ll have mushroom soup. What are the specials tonight?

Waiter: ….

A: Sounds fantastic! So, what will you take?


A: The same for me.


Exercise 3. React to the statements using the phrases of agreement and disagreement in the form of situations of 5-7 sentences:

1. There are no better cooks than women.

2. Anticipation period is boring.

3. Leaving food on your plate is wasteful.

4. If you're invited by a foreign friend to a bar don't be shy to order whatever drinks!

5. At dinner you should drink quickly. When your glass is empty you should help yourself to the drink.

6. Solitary buying of drinks is not a polite thing.

7. In Russian cafes and restaurants it is not normal to ask for a 'doggy bag'.

8. 'Pot-luck' dinner is becoming more widespread in Russia.

9. Every nation has its traditional food.

10. It is hard to name authentic American dish.

11. There are many dishes we can call genuine Russian.

Exercise 4. Use the vocabulary of the Unit to act out dialogs discussing:

1. Favorite recipes.

2. Diets.

3. Fast food.

4. Healthy food.

Exercise 5. Speak on:

1. Recipe of your favorite dish.

2. Your week-day menu.

3. Possibilities of eating out.

4. Fast food and convenience food

5. Healthy nutrition



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