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Did you know that graphic designing is one of the most sought-after professions in the world today? Yes indeed!

In fact, in every field, there’s a critical need to hire a graphics designer for better efficiency. Now, a modern graphic designer must have not only good professional skills. One important product that makes up a great graphic designer is a reliable drawing tablet. Huion H610 Pro Graphic Drawing Tablet will possibly be your best mechanic assistant in your work and become the best choice ever!

Long before the invention of drawing tablets, artists and other professionals in the drawing arena displayed their artwork on pieces of papers using pencils. For artists, you had to buy a variety of different pencils with different thickness and paints to use for your drawings. Now, what if something went wrong with the art? Here, the only solution was to abandon the drawing and start again from the very beginning. With such challenges in mind, I admit that early artists had much time when drawing.

Thanks to the introduction of the best drawing tablets, modern leaps in technology have made things much easier for drawing professionals. This easy-to-use computer hardware has really revolutionized the way we make art thanks to a set of innovative tools and advanced features.

It all started with the invention of smart drawing software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, drawing tablets gained fast popularity as the use of keyboards and mouse was not so comfortable. If you’re searching for a gadget that will provide you with more drawing space, then Huion H610 Pro Graphic Drawing Tablet will suit your desire! It has a wide working area of 10×6.25 inches! The users can use the digital rechargeable pen (PEN80) that offers you a maximum of 350 working hours. It offers you pressure sensitivity levels of 8192, a screen resolution of 5080LPI (количество линий на 1 дюйм) and a report rate (частота отклика) of 233 RPS (раза в секунду). Huion H610 Pro Drawing Tablet is compatible with Windows and Mac OS operating systems.

Features: the size of the drawing area, compatible to Windows and Mac OS (Windows 7 and higher and Mac OS 10.11 and higher), the rechargeable stylus with high level of pen pressure sensitivity, the Huion H610 drawing surface of this tablet is almost the size of an A5 paper

Cons: difficult to install the drivers.

Verdict: the Huion H610 Pro Drawing Tablet is a budget tablet that offers premium features which are available only in the expensive alternatives. A wide working surface, a rechargeable pen, and 8 shortcut options in this drawing tablet is efficient and perfect for graphic designers.

Задание 3.6

Ответьте на вопросы о себе

  1. What hardware do you have at your college?
  2. Does your college provide you with drawing tablets?
  3. What software do you use for drawing?
  4. What famous brands of drawing tablets do you know?
  5. Do you use a drawing tablet?
  6. Why graphic designers need to have a drawing tablet?
  7. What do you draw in the drawing tablet?


  1. Авторский материал (Задания 3.1-3.2, 3.4, 3.6)
  2. https://kellysclassroom.com/best-graphic-drawing-tablets/ (Задания 3.3, 3.5 – авторизованы)
  3. https://www.dhgate.com/product/wholesale-huion-h610-pro-10-quot-x-6-25-quot/374968104.html - (иллюстрация к Заданию 3.5)
  4. https://essentialpicks.com/best-android-tablet-for-drawing/ (иллюстрация к Заданию 3.3)


1/7 ПР №5: сочинение «Гаджеты в моей жизни»

1/8 Контрольное занятие: тест №5


Тема: Сочинение на тему «Should we use gadgets in the lessons?»

Цель работы: научиться составлять письменное тематическое высказывание с элементами рассуждения на основе типовых образцов с соблюдением требований и критериев ФГОС, предъявляемых к выполнению данного вида работы и применительно к специфике обучения профессии СПО 54.01.20 Графический дизайнер (второй год обучения).

Оснащение занятия: тексты, словари, раздаточный материал, мультимедийное оборудование (любое) для доступа в сеть Интернет

Время выполняемой работы – 40 минут (1 академический час)

Критерии оценки практической работы – см. Приложение 3

Общие положения

Сочинение – это письменное тематическое высказывание с элементами рассуждения на основе изложения своих мыслей и чувств по заданной теме. B учебном процессе чаще всего используются сочинения по итогам прочитанного текста, сочинения-миниатюры, сочинения-рассуждения (эссе) на заданные темы (например, «Как я провёл лето», «Каким я хочу быть»), сочинения по картине или иллюстрации, сочинения-описания (например, какой-то личности).


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