Match the verbs with their Russian equivalents.

1) draw a) достигать

2) power b) поворачивать

3) propel c) управлять рулем, направлять

4) reach d) пересматривать

5) revise e) служить источником энергии

6) steer f) тянуть, притягивать

7) turn g) продвигатьвперед, приводитьвдвижение


Fill in the gaps with the verbs from Ex. 7.

1. Only about 20 percent of the energy within the gasoline is actually used to ______ the car.

2. Move the joystick left or right to ______ the helicopter.

3. The students had to ______ their truck's design to achieve high-performing results.

4. _______ the moon within the decade. – this was the mission given to NASA in the 1960s.

5. Good teachers try to _______ students into discussions.

6. A combustion engine and a hydraulic motor work together to ______ the Hybrid Air car.

7. In many cities, horse- ______ carriages are seen as tourist attractions – but this is a cruel industry.

8. Never _______ the steering wheelwhile the vehicle is stationary.


9*Match the words derived from PROPEL with their Russian equivalents.

Word Root of propel

The Latin word pellere, meaning “to cause to move” or “to drive,” gives us the root pel. Words from the Latin pellere have something to do with driving or causing something to move.

To pro pel is to drive forward.

To com pel is to drive someone to do something.

To ex pel is to drive out.

To re pel is to drive back or away.

propulsion A. движущая сила

propellant B. ракетноетопливо

propeller C. устройство в виде нескольких закреплённых на вращающейся оси лопастей для приведения в движение самолётов, судов и других транспортных средств

D. метательноевзрывчатоевещество




Find examples of –ing and -ed adjectives in the text.

-ing -ed


Transform the structures below according to the pattern.

a) The car that is powered by steam = steam-powered car

b) The vehicle that is drawn by a horse =

c) The vehicle that is powered by gas =

d) The toy that is powered by a battery =

e) The invention that has long been forgotten =

f) The accessory that was made by hand =

g) The automobile that is produced in mass quantities =

h) The wheel you can steer with = steering wheel

i) The space you can park in =

j) The license that allows you to drive =

k) The parts that are able to move =

l) The car that can fly =

m) The ticket issued for excessive speed =

n) The technology that is meant to saveenergy =

o) The device that helps save fuel =

12 *Find the English equivalents to the word combinations below.

Самоходноетранспортноесредство; штрафзапревышениескорости; водительскоеудостоверение; автомобиль, работающийнагазе; бензиновыйавтомобиль;рулевоеколесо; автомобильмассовогопроизводства; парковочноепространство; гужевойтранспорт; энергосберегающиетехнологии.


13 Watch the video HOW WE INVENTED THE WORLD: THE BENZ CARS and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.

a) Karl Benz invented the horseless carriage at the age of 15.

b) Karl Benz was a brilliant engineer but had very poor business skills.

c) The Patent Motor-Wagen he was working on in 1888 could go in reverse (= backwards).

d) Bertha Benz supported her husband morally and financially.

e) An automotive vehicle was considered to be against the God and the state.

f) Karl Benz was too ill to present his invention to the public.


Bertha Benz driving the Benz Patent Motor Car, 1886


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