accelerate, v boast, v emit, v outfit, v reverse, adj steer. v
accommodate, v collision, n engine, n/ power, v revise, v subject, v
adjust, v combustion, n execution, n prevent, v rotate, v vehicle, n
annoy, v cutting-edge, adj infotainment, n propel, v shift, n warning, n
avoid, v draw, v mandatory, adj receive, v steam, n wear, n

What is special about these cars? Discuss in small groups
Look at some of the candidates for the Father of Automobile title. Do any of the names seem familiar to you?
Leonardo da Vinci [liːəˈnɑːdəʊ dɑː ˈvɪnʧi]
Ferdinand Verbiest [ˈfɜːd(ə)nænd vərˈbɪst]
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot [nikɔˈlas ʒɔˈzɛf kuˈŋɔ:]
Gottlieb Daimler [ˈgɒtlɪb ˈdaɪmlə]
Wilhelm Maybach [wɪlˈhɛlmˈmeɪbək]
Look through the text and match the words in bold to their Russian equivalents.
____________ груз
____________ двигатель внутреннего сгорания
____________ дюйм (2,54 cм)
____________ наконнойтяге (гужевой)
____________ напаровойтяге
____________ рулевая колонка
____________ самоходный
____________ транспортноесредство
____________ четырехтактныйдвигатель
Read the texts and in pairs decide who deserves to be called the father of automobile.
Present your opinion to the group.
A. Leonardo da Vinci
In 1478, more than 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci created a design for the first self-propelledvehicle, or "automobile." As far as we know, no working prototype was ever built from da Vinci's plans. The car invented by da Vinci was meant more to stimulate wonder than move people and things from one place to another. This vehicle was designed to be 5 feet and 6 inches long and 4 feet and 11 inches wide. It didn’t even have a seat and could only turn right!
B. Ferdinand Verbiest
The first working self-propelled vehicle was created in 1672 by Ferdinand Verbeist (a Jesuit missionary) as a toy for the Chinese Emperor. Being just over two feet long, the steam-powered vehicle was not designed to carry cargo or people. Although it was too small for anyone to actually be able to sit in, the vehicle is believed to be the very first working steam-powered vehicle.
c. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot
In 1770, French inventor Nicolas Cugnot created a larger steam-powered, self-propelled car, called the "Fardier." Adapted from a horse-drawn vehicle, the three-wheeled car supported a massive steam boiler and travelled at about two miles per hour.
d. Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach
In 1886 Daimler and Maybach created the “Cannstatt-Daimler” which was the first four-stroke engine, four-wheeled vehicle and another candidate for the first car. It was a gift for Daimler’s wife. The car was able to reach 16 kilometers per hour.
E. Karl Benz
In 1886, Carl Benz received a patent for the three-wheeled "Motorwagen," he began selling the vehicles three years later. The Motorwagen ran on an internal combustionengine, had a steering column, and had a seat for the driver and one or two passengers. Benz continued to revise the design, and in 1893, the Motorwagen received a fourth wheel.
Read the text again and put the numbers of the fragments next to the descriptions.
1. These vehicles had three wheels: __3__ and ___.
2. This car design was never put to practice: _____.
3. These vehicles were powered by steam: ____ and ____.
4. These vehicles had internal combustion engines: ____ and ____.
6In pairs discuss the questions below:
· Do you know any other names in the automotive history?
· Who should be considered the real inventor: someone who came up the idea or the person who put it into practice?
· Why does it happen sometimes that there is more than one person claiming to be the first to invent something?