Summary 3-56
A. Listen to some in-flight announcements and match them to pictures A-D. What information or instructions are the passengers being given?
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B. Listen again. What word or phrase do the flight attendants use to mean...?
1 small bags and cases
2 the cupboards above your seat
3 put on your seat belt
4 phones, tablets, etc.
5 the doors where you can get out of the plane quickly if there is a problem
6 the thing you have to put on if the plane is going to land on the sea
7 to blow air inside something
C. Complete the text with the words in the list.
aisle __________ cabin crew ______________ seat belts ______________
connecting flight ______________ turbulence ______________
direct flights ______________ jet lag ______________ long-haul flights ______________
I often fly to Chile on business. I always choose an 1 __________ seat, so that I can get up and walk around more easily. Sometimes there is 2 __________ when the plane flies over the Andes, which I don't enjoy, and the 3 __________ tell the passengers to put their 4 __________ on. There aren't any 5 __________ to Chile from London, so I usually have to get a 6 __________ in Madrid. Whenever I take 7 __________ I always suffer from 8 __________ because of the time difference and I feel tired for several days.
Close the part in Russian, translate, check yourself
Я часто езжу в Лондон по делам. Прямых рейсов в Лондон нет, поэтому мне обычно приходится делать пересадку в Москве. Я обычно прошу место в проходе, потому что люблю ходить во время полета. Но в этот раз мне дали место у окна. | I often fly to London on business. There aren’t any direct flights to London, so I usually have to get a connecting flight in Moscow. I usually ask for an aisle seat because I like to walk around during the flight. But this time I was given a window seat. |
Мой рейс должен был вылететь в 6 вечера, но когда я подошел к стойке регистрации, мне сказали, что, к сожалению, мой рейс задерживается и извинились за неудобства. | My flight was scheduled to depart at 6 p.m., but when I came to the check-in desk, I was told that, unfortunately, my flight had been delayed, and they apologized for the inconvenience. |
Я сдал сумку в багаж и мне дали посадочный талон и талон на получение багажа. В ручную кладь я положил свой компьютер, потому что хотел поработать во время полета. Я прошел предполетный досмотр, паспортный контроль и пошел к выходу B25. | I checked my luggage and they gave me a boarding pass and a baggage claim. I put my laptop in my carry-on because I wanted to work during the flight. I went through security, passport control and walked to gate B25. |
В прошлый раз я опоздал на самолет и мне пришлось идти к билетной кассе и покупать новый билет. Кроме того, мой чемодан был слишком тяжелый и с меня взяли деньги за превышение веса. | Last time I missed my flight and I had to go to the ticket counter to buy a new ticket. Besides, my suitcase was too heavy and I was charged for the excess weight. |
В этот раз, когда мы летели над Россией, была сильная турбулентность, и экипаж самолета попросил пассажиров пристегнуться. | This time there was turbulence when the plane flew over Russia, and the cabin crew told the passengers to put their seat belts on. |
Когда бы я ни делал долгий перелет, я всегда страдаю от синдрома смены времени и чувствую себя уставшим несколько дней. | Whenever I take a long-haul flight, I always suffer from jet lag, I feel tired for several days. |
Homework for the 17-th of April
Practice the Interpreter Service
Review the Phrasal Verbs
3. Translate using Phrasal Verbs: 1. Мой муж подбросил меня в аэропорт за два часа до рейса. 2 Я зарегистрировался онлайн за день до вылета. 3. Из-за плохой погоды самолет взлетел позже. 4. Мы отправились в путешествие рано утром. 5. Когда я забрал свой багаж в зоне получения багажа, я наткнулся на старого знакомого, который прилетел тем же рейсом.
Answers A: A 4 B 2 C 3 D 1
Answers B
1 hand luggage 2 overhead compartments 3 fasten /'fa:sn/ 4 personal electronic devices | 5 emergency exits 6 the life jacket 7 to inflate |
Answers C:
1. aisle | 3 cabin crew | 5 direct flights | 7 long-haul flights |
2 turbulence | 4 seat belts | 6 connecting flight | 8 jet lag |
1. aisle seat | место в проходе | 5 direct flights | прямой рейс |
2 turbulence | турбулентность | 6 connecting flight | стыковочный рейс |
3 cabin crew | экипаж самолета | 7 long-haul flights | дальний рейс |
4 seat belts | ремни безопасности | 8 jet lag | синдром смены часовых поясов |
Audio Script
1 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board this flight to Hong Kong. Please place all hand luggage in the overhead compartments or underneath the seat in front of you. We ask that you please fasten your seat belts and for safety reasons we advise you to keep them fastened throughout the flight.
2 We also ask that you make sure your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. We remind you that smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight.
3 Ladies and gentlemen, may we have your special attention for the following safety instructions? Please read the safety instructions card, which is located in the pocket of the seat in front of you. There are six emergency exits on this aircraft, all marked with exit signs. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to you. Note that the nearest exit may be behind you.
4 The safety instruction card is in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Please read it. It shows you the equipment carried on this aircraft for your safety. Your life jacket is located under your seat. In the unlikely event of the aircraft landing on water, place the life jacket over your head, fasten the straps at the front, and pull them tight.
Do not inflate the jacket inside the aircraft. As you leave the aircraft, pull down the red tabs to inflate the vest. If necessary, the life jacket can be inflated by blowing through these tubes.