Приложение 2 (Карточки для взаимотренажа)

Урок №20 дата проведения 15.10.20 г.

Тема: «Внешность и характер человека / Appearance and character»

Уважаемые студенты!

Внимательно прочитайте материал урока.

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присылайте мне на почту задания и вопросы.

Посмотрите интересный материал, перейдя по ссылкам.





Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции, систематизация знаний по теме «Внешность и характер человека».


1. активизировать лексический материал по изученной теме;

2. развивать навыки смыслового чтения;

3. научить высказывать свои мысли на английском языке;

4. составлять связный рассказ по плану;

5. определять взаимосвязь внешних данных и характера человека;

6. способствовать развитию творческого мышления, воображения;

7. развивать познавательную активность.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

(Teacher): Good morning boys and girls!

(T):Sit down, please. Are you ready for the lesson?

(CH): Yes, we are.

(T): Is everything O.K? (психологический настрой)

(CH): Yes, it is.

(T): it’s very good. Let`s start our lesson.


Слайд 1: Look at the blackboard. There are some photos. What can we say about them? One of them is young, another – old. What does he/she look like? They are different. What do you think the topic will be about?

Фонетическая разминка

(T): let’s remember some sounds! Look at the blackboard! Read them after me

Слайд 2

(Т): And now let’s join these words and sounds. Write number of the sound. 1-|eɪ|, 2- |aɪ|, 3-|k|

Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky  

См. приложение 1.



- Речевая разминка Who of you has got short hair? (У кого из вас короткие волосы?) Who of you has got blond hair?

- Who of you has got fair hair?

- Who of you has got blue (brown, green, grey) eyes?

- Who of you has got wavy (curly) hair?

- Who of you has got freckles?

- Who of you has got oval (round) face?

- Who of you is tall (short, of medium height)?

- Who of you has got a beard?

- Who of you is baby? etc.;


4. Активизация лексических единиц: (работа в парах с лексикой по теме урока).

(Т): Before we would speak about our lesson, let’s remember some words! We’ll work in pairs. Look at the cards! Read the words each other and check yourself! См. приложение № 2). 5 мин.

Развитие смыслового чтения Слайд 3

(T): Now we shall work with our cards. There you have a text. Above the text you see some words: a programmer, does sport, smart, sociable, sense of humor, Mike, casual clothes. ) What do you think the text will be about?

См. приложение № 3.

Слайд 4


My friend’s name is Mike and he is 24 years old. He works as a programmer in a big company. I would like to tell you some words about how he looks.

First of all, he is very tall. He is 193 cm high. But he is also very thin. He does sport: karate and try to eat regularly and healthy food but it is still difficult. His hair is brown and so are his eyes. His eyebrows are not very thick. He has a straight nose and an oval face. He doesn’t have a mustache or a beard. He is handsome and smart. He is a man of mood. He is usually very sociable and active, has a good sense of humor and likes joking. He likes wearing casual clothes, like jeans, t-shirts and trainers. But for work he wears a grey or black suit and a tie.

Слайд 5

Answer these questions: (студенты отвечают на вопросы по тексту.)
1) What does Mike look like?
2) Has he got a beard?

3)Is he optimistic?
4) What does he like wearing?


Слайд 6

Mark the sentences T (True), F (false) or DS (Doesn’t say):

1. Mike is a scientist. F

2. He likes fishing and swimming. DS

3. He follows a diet. F

4. He is a nice and intelligent. T

5. Mike prefers wearing T-shirts and jeans. T


6 Описание человека. Работа в группах.

№ 1


№ 2

№ 3

Now describe persons. Follow the plan.



9. Домашнее задание:

рт. 19 (1)



Приложение 1.

Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky
Skinny Polite Scar Wavy Curly Freckles Straight Grey Kind Height Nice Creative Pigtails Cute Child Unkind Dark Spiky



Приложение 2 (Карточки для взаимотренажа)


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