1. Назови номер карточки.
2. Продиктуй первое слово напарнику. Проверь ответ напарника по своей карточке.
3. Если напарник ответил правильно, то продиктуй ему второе слово, затем проверь правильность ответа. Если напарник ошибается, повтори ему слово снова и назови правильный ответ, а потом попроси, чтобы напарник повторил это слово и правильный ответ. Далее перейди к следующему слову.
4. Поменяйтесь с напарником ролями.
Приложение 3
My friend’s name is Mike and he is 24 years old. He works as a programmer in a big company. I would like to tell you some words about how he looks.
First of all, he is very tall. He is 193 cm high. But he is also very thin. He does sport: karate and try to eat regularly and healthy food but it is still difficult. His hair is brown and so are his eyes. His eyebrows are not very thick. He has a straight nose and an oval face. He doesn’t have a mustache or a beard. He is handsome and smart. He is a man of mood. He is usually very sociable and active, has a good sense of humor and likes joking. He likes wearing casual clothes, like jeans, t-shirts and trainers. But for work he wears a grey or black suit and a tie.
Answer these questions: (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту.)
1) What does Mike look like?
2) Has he got a beard?
3)Is he optimistic?
4) What does he like wearing?
Mark the sentences T (True), F (false) or DS (Doesn’t say):
1. Mike is a scientist.
2. He likes fishing and swimming.
3. He follows a diet.
4. He is a nice and intelligent.
5. Mike prefers wearing T-shirts and jeans.
My friend’s name is Mike and he is 24 years old. He works as a programmer in a big company. I would like to tell you some words about how he looks.
First of all, he is very tall. He is 193 cm high. But he is also very thin. He does sport: karate and try to eat regularly and healthy food but it is still difficult. His hair is brown and so are his eyes. His eyebrows are not very thick. He has a straight nose and an oval face. He doesn’t have a mustache or a beard. He is handsome and smart. He is a man of mood. He is usually very sociable and active, has a good sense of humor and likes joking. He likes wearing casual clothes, like jeans, t-shirts and trainers. But for work he wears a grey or black suit and a tie.
Answer these questions: (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту.)
1) What does Mike look like?
2) Has he got a beard?
3)Is he optimistic?
4) What does he like wearing?
Mark the sentences T (True), F (false) or DS (Doesn’t say):
1. Mike is a scientist.
2. He likes fishing and swimming.
3. He follows a diet.
4. He is a nice and intelligent.
5. Mike prefers wearing T-shirts and jeans.
Приложение 4. Английские слова на тему «Внешность и характер»
thin | [θɪn] | худой | |
fat | [fæt] | толстый | |
tall | [tɔːl] | высокий | |
short | [ʃɔːt] | невысокий | |
weak | [wiːk] | слабый | |
strong | [strɔŋ] | сильный | |
slim | [slɪm] | стройный | |
plump | [plʌmp] | полный | |
skinny | [ˈskɪnɪ] | тощий | |
old | [əuld] | старый | |
young | [jʌŋ] | молодой | |
bald | [bɔːld] | лысый | |
curly | [ˈkɜːlɪ] | кудрявый | |
straight | [streɪt] | невьющийся, прямые | |
pretty | [ˈprɪtɪ] | красивая | |
handsome | [ˈhæn(d)səm] | красивый | |
ugly | [ˈʌɡlɪ] | уродливый | |
clever | [‘klevə] | умный | |
talented | [‘tæləntɪd] | талантлевый | |
active | [ˈæktɪv] | активный | |
creative | [krɪˈeɪtɪv] | творческий | |
energetic | [ˌɛnəˈdʒɛtɪk] | энергичный | |
considerate | [kən’sɪd(ə)rət] | внимательный | |
cruel | [‘kruːəl] | жестокий | |
unkind | [ʌn’kaɪnd] | злой | |
polite | [pə’laɪt] | вежливый | |
rude | [ruːd] | грубый | |
kind | [kaɪnd] | добрый | |
tactful | [ˈtæktf(ə)l] | тактичный | |
generous | [‘ʤen(ə)rəs] | шедрый | |
greedy | [‘griːdɪ] | жадный |
Приложение 5.
Useful phrases.
1. He/she is (middle-sized, slim, ….)
2. He/she has got (dark tan, curly hair, ….)
3. He/she is wearing (a sweater, shorts, …)
4. He/she is (good-looking, pretty, …)
Приложение 6.
№ 1
№ 2
№ 3