III. Reading. Find the correct translations to the English paragraphs.

Topic: IT using in the agriculture and the industry.

By the end of the lesson you will be able to prepare useful presentation on themes ‘What is computer?” “Modern agriculture complex’

I. Warm-up

What do you associate with the word TECHNOLOGIES?

II. Dialogue

Please read and act out the dialogue.

Jane: Can you explain me what gadget is? Tom: Technically, gadgetis a small device or machine with a particular purpose: for example, a juicer, a blender, a coffee grinder, etc. They make our life easier and bring us convenience. Jane: Well, what about a computer or a laptop? Are they also gadgets? Tom: I think they are. A computer or a laptop are programmable machines, which include the monitor, keyboard, and a mouse (or a touchpad). Jane: What can you tell me about the Internet? Tom: The Internet isn`t gadget. The Internet is a gigantic web of computers that connects people across the globe. Providing an easy access to information and entertainment. The internet has become an everyday tool for everyone to use. Tell me, how often do you use the Internet? Jane: Rather often, I'd say. I use it every day, because I need to read the news, to listen to music, to chat with friends. Tom: Do you have any other questions? Jane: Yes, few more questions. What gadget is the most popular among teenagers nowadays? Can you tell me what your favourite gadget is? Tom: I think that nowadays the most popular gadget is a personal computer. Nearly everyone is addicted to his mobile phone. All people have computers or laptops in their houses and they definitely use the Internet every day. Jane: I see. Thanks for helping me.

III. Reading. Find the correct translations to the English paragraphs.

1. Modern agricultural is based on a detailed measurement of all processes taking place at the site, and high technology in it becomes the standard due to the widespread use of sensors and analytical systems.     2. For example, sensors installed in the fields allow farmers not only to obtain detailed topographic maps and maps of resources in a particular area, but also to evaluate indicators such as acidity and soil temperature. They can also access weather data to forecast weather conditions in the coming days and weeks.   3. And with the help of smartphones, farmers can monitor equipment, crops and livestock, as well as receive statistics on animal feeding and production, predict the growth of crops and livestock.   4. Analytical systems allow for instant monitoring of land and collect data on the state of the crop. this led to an increase in the production efficiency of the farm almost twice. A) Аналитические системы позволяют осуществлять мгновенный мониторинг земель и собирать данные о состоянии урожая, что привело к увеличению эффективности производства фермы почти в два раза.   B) Современное сельское хозяйство базируется на детальном измерении всех процессов происходящих на участке, а высокие технологии в нем становятся стандартом благодаря повсеместному использованию датчиков и аналитических систем.   C) Например, датчики, установленные на полях, позволяют фермерам не только получать подробные топографические карты и карты ресурсов в определенной области, но и оценивать такие показатель как кислотность и температура почвы. Они также могут получать доступ к погодным данным для прогнозирования погодных условий в ближайшие дни и недели.   D) А с помощью смартфонов фермеры могут контролировать оборудование, сельскохозяйственные культуры и животноводство, а также получать статистику по кормлению животных и выпуску продукции, прогнозировать рост посевов и поголовья скота.

IV. Translate.

What are computers?

A computer is a programmable machine. Computer's parts are a system block, a monitor, a display, a keyboard, a mouse, a disk drive, a modem, a printer, a scan­ner.

The major parts of a PC include the motherboard, central processor unit, memory, hard drive and video card.

Hardware is the computer equipment. Each hard­ware device has a diver, like video card drivers, or modem drivers. They need to be installed.

Drivers are mini programs or instructions that tell your computer how to use its hardware. The most important program that runs on a computer is the op­erating system.

You have a network when two or more computers are connected to each other. We have a network in our computer classroom.

Software is a number of computer programs. Computer programs are large lists of instructions for the computers.

V. Grammar


Suffixes –er,-or

Существительные с суффиксами –er, -or образуются от глагола и обозначают человека, выполняющего определённые действия:

To read-читать reader-читатель
To compute-вычислять computer-вычислительнаямашина
To operate-работать operator-работающий (оператор)
Task. Translate and memorize the following words:
To use-использовать user
To provide-поставлять provider
To work-работать worker
To translate-переводить translator
To develop-разрабатывать developer
To print-печатать printer
To process-обрабатывать processor
To load-загружать loader
To browse-обозревать Browser



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