On the attached you will find the Bank's proposed Schedule of Charges which will take effect as from 1st January, and will be reviewed annually.

I. Vocabulary Drills.

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1) They are strongly opposed to any further investment.

Они решительно настроены против дальнейших инвестиций

2) Meanwhile the authorities have been scrambling to make the country's legal and structural framework more friendly to venture business.

Тем временем власти избирались, чтобы сделать юридическую и структурную структуру страны более дружественной, чтобы рисковать бизнесом.

3) It has a highly successful scheme to help young people start businesses; entrepreneurship seems part of the culture; working for yourself commonplace.

У него есть очень успешная схема помочь молодым людям создавать фирмы; предпринимательство кажется частью культуры; работа для вас непосредственно банальность.

4) Strong demand for a safer instrument drives its price higher (and its return proportionately lower), while weak demand for a riskier instrument drives its price lower (and its potential return thereby higher).

Высокий спрос на более безопасный инструмент делает свою цену выше (и его доход пропорционально понижаются), в то время как слабый спрос на более опасный инструмент делает свою цену ниже (и свою потенциальную доходность, таким образом, выше).

5) Technically, the notion of risk is independent from the notion of value and, as such, eventualities may have both beneficial and adverse consequences.

Технически, понятие риска независимо от понятия возможностей и, как таково, у возможностей могут быть и выгодные и неблагоприятные последствия.


Exercise 2. Match the words with their meanings.

1) human capital 2) risk capital 3) share capital 4) venture capital 5) working capital a) money to carry on production and keep trading 2)money a company has raised from investors who bought shares 3) money invested in a project with a high chance of failure 4) money a company borrows to start up a new business 5) the perceived value of people and their skills

1.5. 2.3. 3.2. 4.4. 5.1.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1) I took out а loan to extend the factory.

2) He offered his home as security or collateral when he borrowed from the bank.

3) The interest rate on the loan was 15%.

4) We have a budget of $1 million to finance our three-month advertising campaign.

5) They have to pay the loan back over three years. The first installment is due in August.

6) We want to find a partner who will take a stake in our business.

7) Thanks to a government subsidy the firm was able to move to a new location.

8) Money owed by a company to its suppliers forms part of its liabilities.



Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Инвестиционные выплаты – это инвестиции страховочного типа для получения доходов в будущем.

Investment payments are investments of safety type for reception of incomes in the future.

2) Cовокупность спроса и предложения на капитал кредиторов и заёмщиков разных стран образует мировой финансовый рынок.

Set supply and demand for capital lenders and borrowers of different forms of the global financial market.

3) Доходы от продажи собственности, такой как акции или недвижимое имущество, называются приростом капитала.

Incomes of sale of the property, such as shares or real estate, are called as capital gain.

4) Краткострочный инвестор – это человек, ищущий быстрой прибыли. Долгосрочный инвестор готов надолго вложить свои деньги.

The short-term investor is the person, searching fast profits. The long-term investor is ready to put up the money for a long time.

5) Финансовые отчеты раскрывают информацию о собственном капитале компании и ее доходах.

Financial statements open the information on an equity of the company and its incomes.

II. Grammar Drills.

Exercise 5. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make sentences. Use the Present Perfect.

Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

1) We have had a new family project

2) My father has started a small business.

3) We have found an independent investor and have taken a long-term loan

4) Charles and Sarah have bin our partners.


Exercise 6. Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets using the Past Perfect.

1. You went to Jill's office but she wasn't there. She had gone out.

2. You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same as before it had changed a lot.

3. I invited Rachel to the meeting but she couldn't come. She had arranged to do something else.

4. You went to the presentation of our launched product last night. You arrived at the presentation late. The film had already begin.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the correct Passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1) Future success will be driving by developing a workforce capable of challenging the status quo.

2) Over 6000 people were maid redundant last year.

3) Our sister company’s leave policy has recently bin revised.

4) An agreement has bin currently negotiated.

5) Tom had only bin gived a pay rise once before September 2005.

6) Some people argue that during an emergency, a tough style of leadership should be usd.

Exercise 8. Read the following article about the richest man in Britain. Fill in the blanks with a verb in the Passive and a suitable form of the infinitive.

The publisher Paul Raymond is said to be the richest man in Britain, and he is believed to have a personal fortune of over £1,650,000,000. His magazine publishing company is thought to be making annual profits of around £14 million, and he is believed to own a number of other companies. He is known to have houses in London and the Caribbean, but at the age of 68 he is said to be living a very quiet life. However most of his wealth does not come from the magazines; it comes from the property he owns in central London. He is known to start buying up properties over forty years ago, when prices were about £10,000. He is said to buy another fifty properties in 1974, and he is believed to be purchasing another hundred in 1977 just before the property market recovered. Each of these investments is believed to rise in value many times over, so he is much richer than the Queen. He is now nearing retirement, but he is thought to be making major new property investments at the moment. However, he is not thought to plan to expand his publishing empire any further.


Exercise 9. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate modal verbs (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to).

1. You need not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done. 2. You don’t have to change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You can only rewrite the second part of it. 3. Can you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I will help you. 4. John needed not tell us the rules of the game: we know them. 5. May I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I be able to not finish it before. — No, that is too late. You must bring it to me not later than Wednesday. 6. It is already six o'clock. We must hurry if we don't want to be late. 7. Can you translate this text into English? — I think I can 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann had to return home as she cudnt not stay in the sun for such a long time.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using appropriate modal verb.

1/Можете сегодня пойти на выставку. Can go today on an exhibition. 2. Можете се­годня туда не ходить. Can not go there today. 3. Можете остаться на встречу с инвестором: ведь у вас есть время. Can remain on a meeting with the investor: after all you have time. 4. Можете остаться, если хотите. Can remain, if want. 6. Подумай только: можно было и не ходить туда. Think only: it was possible and not to go there. 7. Можешь сразу не соглашаться с условиями займа: подумай несколько дней. You can disagree with terms of loan at once: think some days.


III. Reading Drills.

Exercise 11. Read the Letter. Translate it into Russian in writing.

Dear Mrs Phipps

Re: Retail Banking

On the attached you will find the Bank's proposed Schedule of Charges which will take effect as from 1st January, and will be reviewed annually.

We very much regret that we are unable to continue offering 'free banking' to our customers. This recent change of policy is due to increasing costs, and we feel that if we are to continue to maintain the professional level of personal service that we have always provided to our customers, we must now obtain a contribution to our expenses.

You will note that our charges are below the average level by other UK banks, as we wish to remain competitive in this market.

The charges will be debited to your account monthly in arrears.

The minimum balance requirement for those accounts which are interest bearing has been reduced from USD 100,000.00 to USD 50,000.00 or currency equivalent. This reduction in the minimum balance requirement will therefore compensate for some of the charges which will have to be paid by yourselves.

If you have any questions concerning the new charges, would you please telephone either myself or my colleague, James Samuel.

Yours sincerely,

Wendy Bracewell, Account Manager

Уважаемая г-жа Фиппс
Ре: Банковские услуги для физических лиц.
На приложении Вы найдете предложенную Тарифную сетку Банка, которая вступит в силу как с 1-ого января, и будет рассматриваться ежегодно.
Мы очень сожалеем, что мы неспособны продолжить предлагать бесплатное банковское обслуживание нашим клиентам. Это недавнее изменение политики вследствие увеличения затрат, и мы чувствуем, что, если мы должны продолжить поддерживать профессиональный уровень личного обслуживания, которое мы всегда предоставляли нашим клиентам, мы должны теперь получить вклад в наши расходы.
Вы отметите, что наши расходы ниже среднего уровня других британских банков, поскольку мы хотим остаться конкурентоспособными на этом рынке.
Расходы будут дебетоваться на Ваш счет ежемесячно задним числом.
Минимальное требование баланса для тех счетов, которые являются процентными, было сокращено от 100 000.00 USD до 50 000.00 USD или эквивалентная валюта. Это сокращение минимального требования баланса, поэтому компенсирует некоторые из сборов, которые должны будут быть оплачены.
Если у Вас есть какие-либо вопросы относительно новых расходов, пожалуйста, позвоните или мне непосредственно или моему коллеге, Джеймсу Сэмюэлю.
С уважением,
Венди Брэкьюелл, Менеджер по работе с клиентами

Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in Letter. Find the part of the letter that gives the correct information.

– The new charges will remain the same for 12 months. True.

– The company didn't have to pay bank charges before. True

– The bank's policy has changed because the bank wants to be more competitive. False.

– Other UK banks make lower charges. False.

– The company will have to pay the charges in advance. False.

– If the company's account balance is USD 55,000, they will be able to earn interest on this. True.

– The company will be better off than before because of the extra interest they will earn. False.


Find a word or phrase from the Letter that has a similar meaning.

a) each year or every year (paragraph 1) - annually; b) keep something at the same level (paragraph 2) - maintain; c) amount that partly meets costs but does not cover them completely (paragraph 2) - contribution; d) having the same value (paragraph 5) – equivalent.

Answer the following questions using information from the text (write your answers abd get ready for oral conversation).

1. Where can we find the information about the Bank's proposed Schedule of Charges?

On the attached you will find the Bank's proposed Schedule of Charges which will take effect as from 1st January, and will be reviewed annually.


2. What is the “'free banking” service?


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