по УМК «English 11» Т.Аяповой, Ж.Тутбаевой ,Алматы, «Мектеп» ,2015

Week Date Lesson Theme Vocabulary Grammar Home task
I term
Means of communication. (18 hours)
      Diagnostic test Lexical material of 5-10 grades Materials of 5-10grades  
    Means of communication. What’s communication Message, internet, capture a video, Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses. Ex 4p.9 to retell the text
    Keeping in touch Computer, network Present Simple and Ex 14 p.12
    Mobile phones https://learnenglish.britishcounil.org/en/magazine-articles/mobilephones Telephone etiquette, receiver, Present Continuous Write 8-10 sentences “Which company serves your mobile phone? Why have you chosen it?”
      Telephone etiquette   Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tense Ex.14 p.15
            Are you computer literate? Keyboard, answering machine, cell phone Present Continuous Present Simple Ex. 7 p.17
    Do you have an e-mail address? e- mail, message, texting. Past Continuous and Past Perfect Ex.9 p. 21 To make a report “Computer in our life”
    Sending and receiving e - mails Attachment, link,query   Write an email in 5-8 sentences to high – tech company
    Organizing your e-mails Delete, items,junk email,sent items,inbox,folders,drafts   Give 6 reasons why weshould have an email?
    Computer technologies. Technology, e- mail, type, message, chats, twitter   Find information about the latest computer gadget
    Computer technologies in society In Science, Medicine, Space, Film Industry, Education, Architecture, etc Future tenses Project work “Computer technologies in different spheres of life”
    Teenagers and the Internet   Reported commands, requests write 10 – 12 sentences about the teenagers’ using of Internet
          Computer and cyber criminals. Types of cybercrime 1) Cyber bullying 2) illegal cyber gambling 3) false information spreading 4) virus spreading 5) hacking 6) get – rich – quick sheme     Ex 7,p 23 report the sentences
    Gambling https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine/gambling Computer, addiction, Internet   Write 7-8 statements about why people gamble?
    Computer addictions.     Ex.4 p. 22 To write a short story about someone who is really addicted to the Internet
    Project work Pros. and Cons of the Internet and electronic gadgets Lexics on the topic “Means of communication”   Essay ” Pros. And Cons of the Internet ”
            Let’s revise! Lexics on the topic “Means of communication” Present, past tenses. To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections. Lexics on the topic “Means of communication” Present, past tenses. To do corrections
The role of sport in our life (18 hours)
    Olympic winners Sports and games Revision of Zero, First and Second Conditional Ex.8 p. 27
    Olympic champions of Kazakhstan   Word building: prefixes: co, -ir, To make a file
        Famous sportsmen of English speaking countries Michael Phelps Zero and the first conditional To find some information about the sportsman who broke records several times (IlyaIlyin, Usain Bolt,etc)
    Is sport exciting or dangerous?   Conditionals Ex 4 p32 write the activities
    Extreme Sports Gliding, mountain biking, white water rafting, air surfing Second conditional Project “Extreme Sport that I like”
    The National Basketball League p. 36   Third conditional Ex 11, p34 write the sentences in Third Conditional
      The world of chess Tend, profound, prodigy, take apart, defeat, intensity Prefixes –co, - ir Ex 10, p 40
    Project work “A young chess player of Kazakhstan” Boxing, fencing, water-polo,   To make a file (ZhansayaAbdumalik, BibissaraAssaubayeva)
    Sports and Games Fan, support, championship, Mixed conditionals Ex 5 p.43 make a dialogue
    TV Sports Fans   Infinitive Ex.12b p.45 to retell a text:” TV sport fans”.
      Martial arts Speed, taekwondo, self- defense, kick, To be going to To make a poster:” Popular martial arts”
    Welcome to 2060 Olympic Games Boxing, to be held, spectator, competitors   Making a poster “Design your own clothes for sportsmen”
    Sports Stars in Kazakhstan. Famous, athlete, compete Infinitive structures, To make a report about Rio Olympic winners
    Children in sport Lose, cope with pressure, Used to,would Ex.4 p.54
        Progress test Lexics on the topic “The role of sport in our life” Infinitive Passive voice To revise studied material, to prepare for corrections
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections Lexics on the topic “The role of sport in our life” Infinitive Passive voice To do corrections
II term Ecology. Global and regional problems (14 hours)
      Sporting life   Passive voice Write a short essay
    Popular sports in Kazakhstan Wrestling, boxing, football, judo,   make a project: ’’ A young famous sportsmen of Kazakhstan’' (Elizabeth Tursynbayeva)
      Ecology. Caring four our world. Damage, destroy, defile Passive voice Make a survey “Do you want to be a member of the Youth eco - Parliament”
    Let’s change our daily life     Ex.11 p. 58
    The Aral Sea disaster. Fertile, pollutant, irrigation, reduction, Complex object Prepare “10 facts about Aral Sea ”
    Environment   The first conditional. A short essay “What will you do if you participate in the work of the YEP?”
        Control of pollution in Great Britain. Preserve, improve, release The first conditional. Project work
    Air pollution. Impact, scope, deforestation The second conditional To retell the text:” Air pollution ”Ex.5 p. 72
    What is Air Pollution Inhale, breathe, trap The Second Conditional Ex 16,p75 complete the sentences
    Greenhouse gases and Climate Change. Climate Topical vocabulary Complex subject “What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?” Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience or knowledge.
        Land pollution.   Third Conditional “What will happen to the world if the developing countries don’t cope properly with hazardous wastes” prepare a poster
    Global warming Video Presentation Flood, hurricane Word Formation Collect some important information about the climate changes in our region and prepare a poster about it
    Water Pollution   Modals should / shouldn’t Ex. 10 p 86 (Interview 4 – 5 students)
    Enviromental problems of Kasakhstan/ Climate Topical vocabulary Conditionals Project work: ”Environmental problems in Kazakhstan”
          Let’s revise! Climate Topical vocabulary Conditionals To revise studied material, to prepare for corrections
    Analysis of mistakes made Corrections.     To make corrections.
The world of science and technology (14hours)
    The world of science and technology. Science, research, investigate, Reported speech Learn the definitions of branches of science.
    Science is discovery. Progress, discover,   Find some information about the most important discoveries in 20th century
            Science and scientists. Quotations about science e.g. “Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones.” Reported speech To make a slide show about famous scientists.
    Famous scientists: Alfred Nobel- a man of contrasts. Nobel prize winners, achievements, ceremony Word building To make a poster:”Alfred Nobel ”
    Michael Faraday- English Physicist and Chemist.     To make a quiz on the biography of Michael Faraday.
    Thomas Elva Edison. Discover, invent, contribution,   Prepare a PP Presentation about Thomas Elva Edison. (about his invention)
    15     Television. Remote control, broadcast, transmit Project:” The history of the computer”., Essay “The danger of television”
    The development of television..   I wish, if only, To make an interview about favourite channels,
    Inventions. Modern digital technologies     Make a poster “Digital technologies”
    Computer Technology Programme, resent news, Structures “ if only” Make a computer survey: “ Are you a good user?”
        Keeping in touch with new technologies.     Ex 4, to retell the text;” New technologies.”
    Project “Famous scientists of Kazakhstan” Vocabulary on the topic “The world of science and technology”   Make a file “Scientists of Kazakhstan”
    Test Vocabulary on the topic “The world of science and technology” Reported speech, structures “ if only” To revise studied material, to prepare for corrections
    Analysis of mistakes made Corrections. Vocabulary on the topic “The world of science and technology” Reported speech, Structures “ if only” To do corrections.

III Term

Week Date Lesson Theme Vocabulary Grammar Home task
Geographical position of Australia and New Zealand (15 hours)
      Diagnostic test
      Geographical position of Australia Video Presentation Estimate; accident, revolve, great deserts Noun –forming Suffixes Exercise 5 p. 162 (find the answers to the questions)
    Unique Landforms to Australia - Uluru, The Great Barrier Reef, etc stretch back; extend; variety of gods, state, territory The Use of the Definite Article (special cases) Make a file “Uluru - the legend mountain of Australia”or “Great Barrier Reef”
    Climate and weather to promote; reside; intricate; missionaries; alter; etc. languish, pomp. The Use of the Definite Article (special cases) Describe the climate of Australia -7-8 sentences
    Cities and landmarks. Sydney land masses; open space; navigable; volcano The Use of the Definite Article (special cases) Make a poster or leaflet about an interesting town or city of Australia
      Famous Australians Dry, warm, hot, cool, Giving advice (should) Project “Famous people of Australia”
    The achievements of outstanding people of Australia   Giving advice (must) Write about the achievements of Australians
    Geographical position of New Zealand   V-ing Gerund Exercise 9 p. 172 (give some information about New Zealand using the questions given below)
    The climate of New Zealand Government, member, laws, the rules, constitution V-ing Gerund To make a poster
      The friendliest country in the world. Maori culture in New Zealand   Make up 10 sentences using the Gerund
    Government Outlook Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, prime minister   Fill in the chart about the political system of Australia and New Zealand
    Outstanding people of New Zealand Reading and speaking Participle I Make up 10 sentences with Participle I
    Comparison of the geographical position of two countries Reading and speaking Participle II Get ready for a test
      Let’s revise! Vocabulary on the topic “Geographical position of Australia and New Zealand” Participle II Ving Gerund The Use of the Definite Article (special cases) To revise material of the theme, to prepare for corrections
    Progress check. Corrections.   Vocabulary on the topic “Geographical position of Australia and New Zealand” Participle II Ving Gerund The Use of the Definite Article (special cases) To do Corrections.
From the history of Kazakhstan and English-speaking countries. (15 hours)
      The history of Kazakhstan Recorded history, steppe, a hut, a tribe, Caravan routes Reported speech Prepare a poster “MangilikYeal. History in Pictures”
      The first Kazakh Khanate Rebellion, establishment, subordinate, ethnicity, indisputably, verbal- poetic traditions, Reported speech (questions) Make a file “Kazakh Khanate – 550th anniversary” https://ehistory.kz/en/contents/view/263
    Ancient states on the territory of Kazakhstan Reading and speaking Reported speech (Wh-questions) Find additional information about the ancient states on the territory of Kazakhstan
      20th Anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan     Collect some information about “7 facts about ZhetyZhargy” https://ehistory.kz/en/project/view/9?type=publications&material_id=1082  
    “MangilikYeal – National Idea”     Essay “MangilikYeal – National Idea”
      The history of the USA descendant, due to multitude; Advanced; to lead the world; The use of definite article with material nouns To find more information about the history of the USA
    The history of the USA Melting pots and Mosaics Spotlight on English – speaking countries N. Timanovskaya The use of definite article with material nouns Make up the summary “The history of the USA”
    The history of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Formation industrial and agricultural products The use of definite article with material nouns Find the facts about the tribes that invaded Britain
    The United Kingdom and its component parts The Union Jack 1. Explain the differences between these expressions: GB,the UK, the Republic of Ireland, the British Isles. What did “the United Kingdom” originally refer to? 2. Which of thesepeople are British: an Englishman, a citizen of the Irish Republic, a Scot, a Welshman? 3. An Irishmen may not agree that he lives in the British Isles. Why not? 4.When did Scotland and Wales start being governed from London? The use of article with abstract nouns   Make a file “The Union Jack –the flag of The United Kingdom of Great Britain”
      The historical chart of England The most important period, inhabitants, invaders The use of article with abstract nouns Find additional information to complete the chart
    The history of Canada region; to be known for; spruce, popular; birth; fir; The use of article with abstract nouns To prepare a PP Presentation
    Some interesting facts from the history of Australia and New Zealand https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine/new-zealand-two-islands-where-old-meets-new     arts and crafts, a field, allegation; The use of the indefinite article Speak about the fact you like most from the history of Australia and New Zealand
    Some interesting facts from the history of Australia and New Zealand Listening, reading and speaking The use of the indefinite article Compare the historical facts
      Let’s revise!   Vocabulary on the topic “From the history of Kazakhstan and English-speaking countries” The degrees of comparison of adjectives. The use of the indefinite article The use of definite article with material nouns The use of article with abstract nouns To revise material of the theme, to prepare for corrections
    Progress check. Corrections.   Vocabulary on the topic “From the history of Kazakhstan and English-speaking countries” The degrees of comparison of adjectives The use of the indefinite article The use of definite article with material nouns The use of article with abstract nouns To do Corrections.
Business communication (10 hours)
      Resume (Curriculum Vitae) How to write a resume highly motivated self-starter who takes initiative with minimal supervision, computing skills, Title solution, opening, having good oral and listening skills, writing documents and using technology Comparison Write your own resume
    Personal Particulars (Forms, Application Forms) Destination yours sincerely Comparison Complete an application form
      Personal letter Letter of offer Apologies,Thank you's, Personal reference, Congratulations, Invitations, Condolences Would like,, present perfect Write a letter of offer
    Friendly correspondence How to write a business letter Not to hesitate to contact us, received your early reply Interrogative sentences Write a letter of credit
    E – mail message To establish a business headquarters, to have definite orders, Negative sentences Write a cover letter
      A letter of application for a part – time job The structure of a resume Modal verbs Write a resume
      Job requirements   experience or demonstrated ability to...; ability to... familiarity with or knowledge of..ability /willingness to learn... Have the experience, to have a definite order, my position Modal verbs Write a reference letter
    Job profiles   National job profiles, Using national job profiles, Developing job profiles, Modal verbs Write an inquiry letter
    Test   Vocabulary on the topic “Business communication” Modal verbs Would like, present perfect Interrogative sentences Negative sentences To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections
      Progress check   Vocabulary on the topic “Business communication” Negative sentences Modal verbs Would like present perfect Interrogative sentences To do corrections

Term IV

Week Date Lesson Theme Vocabulary Structures Home task
      The Government system in Kazakhstan New words:statute,convention,legislation,legislate,executive,judiciary Third conditional Draw a diagram of the System of Government of Kazakhstan
    The constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan p.92 New words: secular,legal,endorse, referendum,ratify Word Formation: noun suffixes -ance, -ence,-ment,-tion Ex7, p93
    The part “Human Rights” New words:publicconcord,stability,for the benefit,unify,diversity, Past Modals Ex 18(b), p97
    The president is the Head of the state   Conditionals To make project “The first president”(slide presentation)
      The President’s Duties New words:abolish,release,advisory,consent,oath Second conditional Prepare some information about the President’s Duties
    Parliament New words:goahead,stand up to enter into back smb up Third conditional Prepare a poster about the Parliament in Kazakhstan
    The Senate   New words:appoint,compose,joint,respective,permanent,elect Word-formation   Prepare information about Powers of the Senate
    The Majilis New words:appoint,compose,joint,respective,permanent,elect Past Modals Prepare a poster about the Senate and the Majilis
      The Prime Minister and the Cabinet New words on the topic The third conditional Ex 15, p95 make a dialogue “What does the Prime Minister do?”
    Making Laws New words: amend,implement,delay,assent (n), assent(v) First Conditional Ex 18a, p108 collect information about making laws in Kazakhstan
    Process of making Laws New words:enforce,draft,reject,alter Conditionals Ex 18(b), p108 collect information about the role of the Senate and the Majilis in law making process in Parliament of Kazakhstan
    The electoral System in Kazakhstan New words:dignity, personality, entitle,put up Word-formation:noun suffixes:-tion,-ity,-er(or),-ment Ex 15(b), p113 Find information about people who are elected to the Parliament
      Project “What kind of people are elected to the Parliament in Kazakhstan?”     Write a short essay “What qualities should you look for when voting for someone?”
      Progress test Vocabulary on the topic “The system of Government in Kazakhstan” Word-formation:noun suffixes:-tion,-ity,-er(or),-ment, Past Modals, Conditionals, To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections
      Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections. Vocabulary on the topic “The system of Government in Kazakhstan” Word-formation:noun suffixes:-tion,-ity,-er(or),-ment, Past Modals, Conditionals To do corrections
The role of English language in the modern world (17 hours)
      Is English a global language?   Modal verbs: be able to, have to Exercise 5b p. 179Talk about advantages and disadvantages of becoming English global
      The importance of English language in the modern world New words:biscuits-cookies,petrol-gas,film-movie Modal verbs: ought to, to be to ask 10 questions about the importance of English
    English is an international Language   as, like, as if, as though +Subjunctive Make a file “Studying abroad”
    British English and American English New words:contempt,exclude,conclude,gesture Wish, if only To prepare a report “The difference between British English and American English”
    The Rise and Role of English as an International Language. New words:exertan.influence,complex,comprehensive wish, if onlyWishes and regrets To write 4 - 5 interview questions about learning the English language
      The role of English language in Kazakhstan New words:structure,understandable,universal Wish, if only, as if, as though +past subjunctive The Importance of English in an Elementary School Education
    English as a world language   New words: widespread, rowel sound, challenging Wishes and regrets Find valuable information on “Why is English considered an international language?”
    English as a mean of communication New words: follow the fashion, the pattern, proficient The use of articles Find information and get ready for discussion
    Is English the world’s lingua franca? Dominate, estimate, escalate,popularity The use of articles Talk about multilingual education
      English speaking countries     Write 10 sentences “What’s your idea of speaking a foreign language (English) in Kazakhstan”
    The role of English in the choice of profession New words: to qualify, to realize, consequence, proficient Reported speech Essay “English in my future career”
      Everybody’s good at something Vocabulary: jobs; career areas Reported requests and orders Advertisement “Occupation as my future career”
    Why do you need English in your career? Vocabulary: career vocation, vocational, capable, prospect Reported statements Write 4-5 interview questions about learning the English language
      Interviews Vocabulary: multi-part verbs. Get into, work out, point out, make for pick up, get on with   Write a report “A holiday job”
    A successful job     Talk about speaking English in Kazakhstan
    Final Test Vocabulary on the topic “The role of English language in the modern world” Wish, if only, as if, as though +past subjunctive, Reported statements, Reported requests and orders, the use of articles To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections Vocabulary on the topic “The role of English language in the modern world” Wish, if only, as if, as though +past subjunctive, Reported statements, Reported requests and orders, the use of articles To do corrections




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