Criteria for drafting the ranking lists




The Erasmus+- Mobility for Studies programme offers students the chance to spend a period of continuous study at the University of Cádiz.

Mobility students will receive a grant, can attend courses and use all the facilities available at the University of Cádiz with no additional tuition fees (with the exception of any minor fees also applicable to local students). All learning activities approved in the Learning Agreement and completed successfully will be fully recognized at the home university. The Erasmus+ Programme offers students the chance to gain cultural experience abroad, become familiar with other higher education systems and meet young people from other countries, actively contributing to the process of international integration.

The sending Universities will announce this call through their own web pages and also will spread the news about this call in the local and regional media.



The grants offered to Erasmus+ Mobility for Studies students do not cover all the expenses, but are merely a contribution to bearing the additional costs of the stay abroad.


The grants include:


• A European Union contribution. An amount established according to the country of destination and the actual number of days spent abroad. In particular, the grants are split into groups of countries according to the cost of living. Spain is included in Group 2 and the mobility contribution is 800? per month


• An additional amount to cover travel expenses. The amount is calculated according to the distance band appearing below:



100 - 499 km: 180 Euros

500 - 1999 km: 275 Euros

2000 - 2999 km: 360 Euros

3000 - 3999 km: 530 Euros

4000 - 7999 km: 820 Euros

8000 - 19999 km: 1100 Euros

Distance calculator:


The distance will be calculated as follows:

Distance between the city of the home University and Cadiz.




General admission requirements

The student has to be enrolled in the home University which must be a partner of the University of Cadiz in the Erasmus+ frame.


These are the dates to take into account to apply for the Erasmus+ - Mobility for Studies programme for the spring semester of the academic year 2015/16:

Registration period: 1st to 15th February 2016

Beginning of semester: 15th February 2016

End of semester: 3rd July 2016


The student has to be pre-selected by his/her home University in order to follow the application procedure.



Application procedure:

Part I: Before your arrival/antes de la llegada


Application form/Solicitud de plaza


Learning Agreement/Contrato de studios


Copy of Passport/Copia del pasaporte


SpanishLanguageCertificate at least B1/Certificado de nivel de español. Al menos nivel B1


Transcript of Records/Certificado de notas.


Short Version of CV/Versión corta del CV


Motivationletter/Carta de motivaciónor a short version of theresearchproposal in case of doctoratestudents/ o un resúmen de la propuesta investigadora en caso de alumnos de Doctorado.


Thesedocuments are to be sentto your home University (International Office) and theywill, in turn,sendthem to thefollowingaddress: documentos se envían a la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de su Universidad de origen y ellos los enviarán a la siguiente dirección de e-mail:

Submission of applications


DEADLINE/Fechamáxima: 15th October/15 de octubre 2015



All the selection process at the home University will need to meet the criteria of transparency and equal opportunities for all applicants submitting their applications. The specific selection criteria will be clearly stablished and published in the webpage and by any other means used to spread and announce the call.

Criteria for drafting the ranking lists


The home university will provide a pre-selection of candidates according to the following criteria:



1.For students enrolled in 1st cycle (three-year), 2nd cycle (master):

- Average grade.

-The consistency of the proposed activities with the student's university degree.

- Language skills;

- Any other information indicated by the student in the application (other learning experiences, specific academic interests, etc.).



2. For Master and Doctorate students:


- Average grade.

- The consistency of the proposed research activities.

- Language skills.

- Any other elements indicated by the student in the application (other learning experiences, specific academic interests, etc.).




The University of Cadiz will send an acceptance letter and information package to the student once all the applications have been received and checked in detail (around mid-November).


After the arrival the student will receive an information package, student card, internet usernameand other useful information in a registration meeting with members of the International Office.


The University of Cádiz will provide the student with an academic coordinator at the Faculty where he/she will be enrolled, and who will sign the mobility/learning agreement and will support the student in all the academic matters.


The University of Cádiz will pay the grant after the arrival of the student on the following bases:


- Monthly amount of the grant in Banco Santander (at the end of each month) and the travel expenses (calculated as mentionedabove).


- At the end of the mobility the Secretary’s office of every Faculty will provide the student with a Transcript of Records or a report of the research results.




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