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Only the sons of the nobles 1 attended the first Egyptian schools. They learned reading, good behaviour and got physical education there. In ancient China education consisted of learning the scriptures 2 by heart. Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans, hard and warlike people, got military education. At the age of 7 all boys of noble families left their homes and lived in groups under very strict discipline. The Spartans learned to use weapons. The Athenians had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature. A special teacher known as the “grammatist” taught them. Common people didn’t get education. Greek ideas of what education should include influenced European education, especially secondary and university education.

Roman schools were free of charge. These schools provided three stages of education. At 6 or 7 boys (and some girls) went to the primary schools where they learned reading, writing and arithmetic. At 12 or 13 boys of the rich families went on to the “grammar” school to study the Greek and Latin languages and literature. At 16 young nobles who wanted to go into politics went to schools of rhetoric. These schools trained public speakers. In Great Britain the first teachers were craftsmen 3. They taught children to read, write, count and cook. The Monitorial system 4 was the main system of teaching in Great Britain at the beginning of the 19th century. The teacher had a class of 100 pupils and senior pupils or “monitors” helped him.

1. the nobles – знать

2. scripture – священное писание

3. craftsman – ремесленник

4. Monitorial system of teaching – Ланкастерская система обучения (с использованием учащихся старших классов для преподавания в младших классах в общеобразовательной школе в целях снижения затрат на ее содержание). Была введена педагогом Джозефом Ланкастером.

20. Скажите, ответами на какие вопросы являются следующие реплики. Меняйтесь ролями.

e.g. Ключ: A. …………………………………………………….? B. Yes, the Athenians paid special attention to literature. A. Did the Athenians pay special attention to literature? B. Yes, the Athenians paid special attention to literature.


I. A. …………………………………………………………?

B. Yes, the Spartans got military education.

A. …………………………………………………………?

B. Yes, only the nobles attended the first schools in Egypt.

A. …………………………………………………………?

B. Yes, the Romans learned Greek and Latin.

II. B. …………………………………………………………?

A. Yes, teachers used the Monitorial system of teaching in Great Britain.

B. …………………………………………………………?

A. Yes, primary schools in Rome trained children in arithmetic.

B. …………………………………………………………?

A. Yes, the Spartans lived under very strict discipline.


21. Ответьте на вопросы своего собеседника, используя слова в скобках и образец. Меняйтесь ролями.

e.g. Ключ: A. Did schools first start in China? B. …………………… (in Egypt). A. Did schools first start in China? B. No, they didn’t. Schools first started in Egypt.

I. A. Did schools first start in Egypt a thousand years ago?

B. ……………………… (5 or 6 thousand).

A. Did fathers and mothers teach their children at schools in Egypt?

B. ……………………… (at home).

A. Did all children attend the first Egyptian schools?

B. ……………………… (only the sons of the nobles).

II. B. Did the Spartans get knowledge in literature?

A. ……………………… (military education).

B. Did the Romans study Greek and Latin at the primary school?

A. ……………………… (grammar schools).

B. Did children learn grammar in ancient China?

A. ……………………… (the scriptures).

22. Скажите, чему обучались дети в различных странах древнего мира. Используйте образцы и предлагаемые в скобках слова и словосочетания.

e.g. 1) In Egypt childrenlearned reading and good behaviour. 2) In Egypt schoolstrained children in reading and good behaviour.

(arithmetic, using weapons, literature, writing, reading, the Greek language, grammar, the Latin language, cooking, counting)


23. Прочтите утверждения. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие с ними, используя следующие слова и словосочетания.

Agreement Disagreement
Exactly That’s right I quite agree It’s perfectly true Certainly On the contrary I can’t agree I shouldn’t say so By no means I don’t think so

1. The Spartans were peace-loving people. 2. Only the nobles attended the first Egyptian schools. 3. In Great Britain the teacher had very small classes. 4. Common people didn’t get education in ancient world. 5. The Romans didn’t pay for education. 6. “Grammatists” taught arithmetic to the Athenians.


24. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When did you learn to read and write? 2. What words did you learn to read and write first? 3. Who taught you to read and write?


25. Прочтите шутку и ответьте на вопрос после нее.

A teacher said to a pupil: “When I was your age I could answer any question in arithmetic”. “Yes,” said the girl, “but you forget that you had a different teacher from the teacher I have”.

Question: Did the pupil like her teacher?


26. Расскажите об особенностях образования по следующему плану:

1. The first teachers.

2. The invention of writing and first schools.

3. The education in various countries of Ancient World.

4. The Monitorial System of teaching.




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