Teacher Education Faculty

Who teaches the teachers? Who is a teacher educator? The broadest conception of who is a teacher educator includes everyone who teaches prospective and practicing teachers, from their freshman English professors and those who teach special methods courses to those who supervise student teaching. Teacher educators may be defined specifically as "those who hold tenure-line positions in teacher preparation in higher education institutions, teach beginning and advanced students in teacher education, and conduct research or engage in scholarly studies germane to teacher education".

Research on teacher educators began in the 1980s as Heather Carter, Edward Ducharme and Russell Agne, Judith Lanier and Judith Little, and others began publishing research studies of teacher education faculty. In The Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, published in 1996, Nancy Zimpher and Julie Sherrill describe the teacher education professoriate as majority male and more than 90 percent Anglo. Summarizing several studies, they note that males dominate in the higher ranks, publish more than females, and work less in schools. Ducharme offers the observation that "there is a contradiction between a commitment to prepare a professional cadre of students, a majority of whom are female, to become powerful teachers and effective advocates for youth in which the female faculty are in roles and positions implying an inequity between the genders".

Yellow Fever

Dengue is a disease that that came from the Spanish word at the Swahili phrase «ki denga pepo», which means «cramp-like seizure caused by an evil spirit». During an outbreak in a Caribbean in 1827-1828, dengue fever emerged. The outbreaks of dengue fever have been reported throughout history. The very first case was reported from 1789 and was attributed to Benjamin Rush, who invented the term «break bone fever» because of the symptoms of myalgia and arthralgia. The transmission by mosquitoes were only known.
This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden inception of fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains (myalgias and arthralgias) severe pain gives it the name break-bone fever or bonecrusher disease) and rashes; the dengue rash is characteristically bright red petechia and usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest — in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

  1. Practice at Teacher training universities

Providing actual teaching experience in real school situations (the practicum) is one of the most challenging tasks for planners of teacher education. Traditionally, in the elementary school context, the student teacher was placed with a volunteer school teacher and would be assigned lessons to design, prepare, and present under that teacher's guidance. Usually these lessons would number about three per day, after an initial period of orientation and observation, for about three weeks each year of the program. The teacher would provide feedback on a selection of those lessons but, in order to develop confidence and independence would not be present for all of the lessons, especially toward the end of the period of practice teaching. The college or university in which the student teacher was enrolled would usually appoint one of its own faculty to supervise this process and that person would visit and observe the student teacher on several occasions and would have the responsibility of reporting on progress and awarding a grade, after discussing the experience with both the student and the cooperating teacher. Student teachers would often have other assignments to complete as well as those involving face-to-face teaching.



  1. Teacher training in Great Britain

Nowadays teacher training in Great Britain is realized at universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher education. Students working for their first degree at university are called undergraduates. When they take their degree we say that they graduate and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at university after they have graduated, they are called post-graduates. In general, the first degree of Bachelor is given to students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study. Of the three universities are considered more prestigious and beneficial. Their graduates have better chances of getting a job. Polytechnics are usually formed on the basis of art colleges and colleges of technology. They combine science and technology, the arts, social studies management and business studies, law and other subjects.

From 1st August 1975 the system of teacher training in England is being reorganized. All higher and further education outside the universities including teacher training is being assimilated into a common system. A number of the existing colleges of education are to be merged either with each other or with other institutions of further education (polytechnics and others}. Further study or research is required at the modern universities for the first post-graduate degree of Master, and at all British universities for that of Doctor. In Britain full-time university students (students who spend all their time studying and have no other employment), have three terms of about ten weeks in each year.

Children and Television

Television affects children’s lives. There are many facts to support this opinion. In the following paragraphs I will prove that TV affects children and their behavior. Also I will talk about things related to this topic.

What children watch today affects their lives. Television has a powerful impact on everyone. Many people, even super stars like Madonna feel there children should not watch television. Many of today’s youth and family programs include sexually promiscuity, profanity, coarse joking, and anti family plots. Before allowing your children to watch television one must take into consideration what influences TV will have on them and what are the consequences of viewing television. Television has a power against our innocent children. People need to take into consideration religion factors, exploration, and the education of our children.

The average child watches three hours of television a day. Children who watch violence on TV are most likely to display on aggressive behavior. Young children do know the difference between programs and commercials. Children in the United States spend more time on viewing television than any other activity except sleep. Television sends strong messages to kids about violence, sex, and alcohol. Brutal violence can be found in the news, primetime programming, music videos, and cartoons. Television glorifies sex and alcohol. Television can confuse our children about their values and abuse there up bringing.

St Century Living

The 21st Century is just around the corner and with it will come many changes in today’s modern society. Changes occur daily, yet taken into view yearly these changes become extremely noticeable. The people of today’s society are changing everyday, and therefore so is the world. This report will express personal beliefs on what will occur in the 21st century. Within it are examples such as, crime rates, personalities, religion, and living environments.

The 21st Century will bring crime rates to a substantially high rate. In today’s society we have a high crime rate. Day by day more crimes are committed, and taken year by year the numbers rise hugely. This only shows that the police department’s system is not working the way expected. This system has not been modified to any extent, and therefore the numbers will not change. By the time the 21st Century comes along the numbers will have risen to a point where society will be terrified to leave their homes for fear of being attacked.

The on patrol system has not stopped criminals from committing another crime. Criminals who were once imprisoned come out different people searching for a new life. When these ex-criminals find that their previous record stops them from retrieving the dream they were told they could have, they return to the life of crime. The system takes into effect only the emotional changes of the criminal and has never reflected upon the actual changes of the rest of society.


Dreams are so compelling, and they often seem so weird and strange — surely they must have a «purpose»; that is, an «adaptive role» in the maintenance of our bodily or psychological health (Dumhoff). Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environment state of being. Now that you are thoroughly confused let me explain in a more down to earth language. Our brains are in constant activity. Different states of consciousness (like awake, asleep, alert, drowsy, excited, bored, concentrating or daydreaming) cause different brain wake activity. «Our conscious mind, or the part we think with, our «window»into life, only takes up a very small portion of our brain activity. Some say this is only 10%».

Every person on Earth dreams every night, and we all end up passing about a third of our lives in sleep. It follows that there must be something very important going on while we sleep and dream, yet in the industrialized world, we generally pay little attention to our dreams. How astonishing that we generally ignore this third of ourselves.

  1. Teacher training in Great Britain

Nowadays teacher training in Great Britain is realized at universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher education. Students working for their first degree at university are called undergraduates. When they take their degree we say that they graduate and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at university after they have graduated, they are called post-graduates. In general, the first degree of Bachelor is given to students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study. Of the three universities are considered more prestigious and beneficial. Their graduates have better chances of getting a job. Polytechnics are usually formed on the basis of art colleges and colleges of technology. They combine science and technology, the arts, social studies management and business studies, law and other subjects.

From 1st August 1975 the system of teacher training in England is being reorganized. All higher and further education outside the universities including teacher training is being assimilated into a common system. A number of the existing colleges of education are to be merged either with each other or with other institutions of further education (polytechnics and others}. Further study or research is required at the modern universities for the first post-graduate degree of Master, and at all British universities for that of Doctor. In Britain full-time university students (students who spend all their time studying and have no other employment), have three terms of about ten weeks in each year.


  1. Moral education

Only a handful of educational theorists hold the view that if only the adult world would get out of the way, children would ripen into fully realized people. Most thinkers, educational practitioners, and parents acknowledge that children are born helpless and need the care and guidance of adults into their teens and often beyond. More specifically, children need to learn how to live harmoniously in society. Historically, the mission of schools has been to develop in the young both the intellectual and the moral virtues. Concern for the moral virtues, such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others, is the domain of moral education.

Moral education, then, refers to helping children acquire those virtues or moral habits that will help them individually live good lives and at the same time become productive, contributing members of their communities. In this view, moral education should contribute not only to the students as individuals, but also to the social cohesion of a community. The word moral comes from a Latin root (mos, moris) and means the code or customs of a people, the social glue that defines how individuals should live together.



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