Study habits to maximize your potential.


E.g. (1)No one will deny the fact that it is extremely important for students to be meticulously organized in the way they occupy their time.

There is no denying that it is extremely important for students to be meticulously organized in the way they occupy their time.


(2)They should try not (avoid) to squander their hours on trivia and not devote enough time to tasks which are of prime importance to their studies.


(3)To make lists is one aspect of time management.(4)Students should acquire such a habit when they make detailed list of the things they need to do and indicate, where possible, when they need to be done by.(5)Such a list might include, for example, the written assignments which have been set for a particular week or certain books and journals which have been recommended by tutors.


(6)While speaking on the subject of books and journals, it is useful (worth) to mention that to learn effectively means that one reads effectively.(7)To read is a skill which one needs to develop.(8)Many students are very ineffective readers, which is ultimately reflected in their poor performance in exams.


(9)To take notes is another area where students may need help.(10)If students do not often and regularly (habit) keep organized notes which cover all points, most of what they read or hear in lectures will be forgotten later.


(11)All of which brings us to the question of exams.(12)To achieve success in exams can only be possible if their preparation is approached in a systematic way.(13)It is obvious that to start this well in advance is important.(14)So many students have failed exams because they waited until a later time (delay) to start going over their notes.

Practice 3

Read the following article and do the following tasks:

1)divide the article into 6 paragraphs;

2)make part A complete using suitable topical vocabulary from the following list in the necessary form: to provide(for), (basic)skills, to concern(2), aim, to be concerned, inevitably, to regard, to address, safe, obligatory, argument;

3)add the missing linkers in part B from the following list: on the whole, because, moreover, for example, nevertheless.

An education for life?

A. There is a problem that will (1)…………… everybody in the not too distant future, a problem that (2)……………………. resolves itself into a question: what is education for? At the moment most of us can (3)……………….. it fairly practically. On the one hand, education is for enabling us to cope in an adult world where money must be added up, tax forms filled in, numbers looked up in telephone directories, maps read, curtains measured and street signs understood. On the other hand, it is for getting some (4)………… job that will help (5)… …………… ….. the family. Yet, we are already peering into a future so different that these educational (6) ………. may (7) …………….. as obsolete as a dodo. (8)…………. ………….. (reading, writing and arithmetic) will continue to be (9)……….., but these can be taught to children during their childhood. However, education with a view to working for a living, at least in the sense of earning daily bread, may well be on its way out right now for the majority of us. Then the (10)…………………. about ‘what is education for?’ becomes much more complex. Because what the future proclaims is: an education is an education is an education. In other words, our grandchildren may well spend their lives learning as, today, we spend our lives working. This involves a complete transformation of motive. We work for things which do not directly (11)…………….. that work-usually money, prestige, success, security. We will learn for learning’s sake alone. Already now adult education classes are overcrowded.

B. (12)……………………., we still live in a very competitive society and most of us will need to reshuffle the furniture of our minds in order to gear our children towards a future in which outer rewards – keeping up with the Joneses – will become less relevant than inner and more individual spurs. The aim of the future must be to integrate the doing with its own reward, like virtue. In America the first experiments in this change of mind are taking place. (13) … ………….., there is a Foundation set up to transform competitive sport. A tug-of-war is known to consist of one team tugging the opposing team over a line and winning in that way. In the brand-new non-competitive version things are different. In this case the teams are concerned about maintaining the struggle as long as possible. The new game provides more possibilities of individual judgement and skill just (14)………… victory is not the aim and the tug-of-war is ended only by defeat of those judgements and skills. (15)…………………….., most people would get more pleasure out of the neo-tug than the old winners-take-all concept. (16)…. …. ………., learning will have be based on the same principle. Most of us have already got some pleasurable hobby that we enjoy for its own sake and become expert in for that enjoyment

. (Jill Tweedie, the Guardian, April 21, 2005)


B. Relative clauses


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