Ex.1. Practice the reading.

► i before nd, gh, gn, ld

▪ m i nd, humank i nd, beh i nd, f i nd, h i gh ly, l i gh t, del i gh t, h i gh way, s i gh t, m i gh t, t i gh t, fr i gh ten, fl i gh t, al i gn ment, des i gn, s i gn, w i ld, m i ld.

о before n, v, m, th

▪ fr o n t, am o n g, m o n ey, w o n, t o n, m o n th, t o n gue, w o n der, n o n e, gl o v e, ab o v e, c o v er, d o v e, l o v ely, s o m e, c o m pany, acc o mpany, o th er, an o th er, n o th ing;

BUT: move, prove, improve, approve, involve

► a before l+consonant

▪ t a lk, a lr eady, a ls o, c a ll, a lt er, a lw ays, s a lt, a lm ost, a lt ernative, w a lk, a lth ough, b a ld.


Words and word combinations to be remembered
1) amount –количество, сумма 2) to arrange –устраивать, организовывать; договариваться; приводить в порядок 3) to brake –тормозить brake –тормоз 4) considerable – значительный 5) to cause –быть причиной,вызывать, причинять; заставлять cause –причина, повод 6) to create –создавать, проектировать, разрабатывать 7) customs– таможня 8) customer – клиент, заказчик 9) curve– кривая, кривой участок пути; поворот 10) to deliver – доставлять delivery – доставка 11) device –устройство, прибор 12) to employ –использовать; нанимать (на работу) employee –служащий, работник employer –наниматель, работодатель 13) to enable – позволять, давать возможность 14) grade– уклон, подъём steep grade – крутой уклон (подъём) 15) to handle (traffic) –осуществлять (перевозку), перевозить 16) to insure – страховать insurance – страхование 17) liquid (goods) – наливные грузы 18) to measure –измерять measure –мера to take measures –принимать меры 19) moreover – более того 20) quality – качество 21) to pass –проходить, проезжать 22) reliable – надёжный 23) to repair – ремонтировать repair – ремонт 24) schedule – расписание 25) to ship – отправлять shipment– отправка 26) tilting train –скоростной поезд 27) turnover –оборот freight turnover –грузооборот passenger turnover –пассажирооборот 28) to upgrade – реконструировать upgrading – реконструкция 29) valid –действительный

Mind the prepositions

1) to arrange with somebody about something 5)to make of something

2) to be engaged in (doing) something 6) on schedule

3) to take measures against something/ somebody 7) instead of (doing) something

4) to insure something against something

Ex.2. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither).

1) curve /straight 9) to arrange/ to organize 17) schedule/ timetable

2) to ensure/ to insure 10) aim/ purpose/ objective 18) to try/ to attempt

3) device/ apparatus 11) cause/ reason 19) upgrading/ grade

4) employee/ employer 12) to upgrade/ to reconstruct 20) considerable/ insignificant

5) amount/quantity 13) to enable/ to allow/ to permit 21) to ensure/ to guarantee

6) customs/ customer 14) to create/ to develop 22) grade/ gradient

7) to employ/ to apply 15) reliable/ unreliable 23) curve/ bend/ turn

8) liquid/ solid 16) to repair/ to prepare 24) valid/ invalid


Ex.3. Match the English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents.

1) rail joint a) диспетчерская централизация

2) flood b) знакомый звук

3) CTC (Centralized Traffic Control) c) космический спутник

4) space satellite d) наводнение

5) alloy e) рельсовый стык

6) to eliminate f) ремонтная мастерская

7) familiar sound g) сплав

8) repair shop h) устранить

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases. Consult the box. Be careful with Grammar.

1) New track machines bought from Great Britain by Mozambique will be used for upgrading the Limpopo line in that country. 2) The car was badly damaged in the accident and was taken to ___. 3) Special cars must be used for transporting oil and other liquid goods. 4) All measures must be taken to ensure a safe operation of trains in tunnels. 5) Lloyd’s is one of the world’s largest insurance companies. In this company one can [можно] insure not only an airplane or ___ but also a football player’s legs or a pianist’s hands. 6) Computers provide quick communication of information; moreover they help ___ considerable amount of paperwork. 7) Having used ___ instead of steel the designers reduced the cost of the device. 8) Carriage wheels, when passing over ___, produce ___ “click-etty-click”. 9) Each one of your suitcases will be checked when you go through the customs. 10) ___ hascaused considerable damage to the railway track. 11) Don’t brake too suddenly when there is ice on the road. 12) With the introduction of ___ the safety of railway operation has been considerably increased. 13) Weather changes are often caused by cyclones and anticyclones. 14) Tourism is an important industry employing thousands of people. 15) The city of Creweis one of the busiest junctions in England; many railway lines pass through it.


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