To see to show to take part to take up to test to think


1) She has been dreaming _ ___ to the Bahamas. 2) I insist _ your ___ the new automobile to us. 3) She decided _ ___ in the conference. 4) We thanked the porter _ his ___ us with our luggage. 5) Weather conditions prevented them _ ___ their work on time. 6) The constructor insists _ our ___ the device under operating conditions. 7) I don’t usually carry my passport with me because I’m afraid _ ___ it. 8) Excuse me _ not ___ your letter. 9) I haven't heard _ ___ the schedule of this commuter train. 10) Everybody congratulated her _ ___ the exam so well. 11) The noise in the next room prevented me _ ___. 12) I’m thinking _ ___ another trip to Italy. 13) We are looking _ ___ new computers in our office. 14) The rain prevented him _ ___ to the country. 15) Excuse me _ ___ so much of your time. 16) He finished the letter with the words “I am looking _ ___ you in Moscow next summer”. 17) He insisted _ ___ for the meal.

C. Choose the correct verb and translate the sentences.

1) All the students [enjoyed; began; looked forward to] working harder in the weeks before the examinations. 2) She [avoids; forgets; dreams of] expressing her opinion in public. 3) She [prevented from; excused for; couldn’t help] laughing at his jokes. 4) Do you [go on; mind; postpone] my airing the room? 5) She [risks; is ready for; postpones] losing everything if she follows his advice. 6) We [began; suggested; stopped] buying food in this shop because the owner raised the prices. 7) [Stop; go on; avoid] shouting! I hear you quite well. 8) I [remember; insist on; risk] leaving a map of Rome in the pocket. 9) He [liked; thanked for; disliked] his daughter chatting on the phone for hours. 10) I can’t see why the machine [stopped; put off; decided against] working. 11) He [objected to; prevented from; couldn’t help] warning them about danger. 12) I don’t [suggest; like; mind] your smoking here. 13) You should [continue; enjoy; stop] drinking so much coffee. 14) In spite of the difficulties he [kept on; insisted on; objected on] carrying out his experiments. 15) The machine [needs; suggests; can’t help] cleaning.

D. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.

1) Diesel locos are capable of… a) finding new people for their firm.

2) We w ere surprised at … b) skating.

3) They were afraid of… c) flying at five times above the speed of the sound.

4) Our firm is not responsible for… d) watching.

5) She was tired of… e) eating sweets.

6) She is not very good at… f) working for a long time without refueling.

7) They are engaged in… g) losing their way in the darkness.

8) I think this film was worth… h) reading the whole day.

9) Children are fond of… i) hearing his name among the winners.

10) A super airliner of a new kind j) damaging freight during transportation.

will be capable of…

1) He is trying to sell his car buta) missing the train.

nobody is interested in…

2) I was surprised at… b) speaking of.

3) He is good at… c) answering numerous questions.

4) This railway company is engaged in… d) helping people.

5) The dog was surprisingly good at… e) saying the wrong thing.

6) He is always ready for… f) buying it.

7) The problem is hardly worth… g) solving complex mathematical problems.

8) The speaker got tired of… h) finding smuggled drugs.

9) I was afraid of… i) carrying freight in large-tonnage containers.

10) We had to take a taxi as we j) her being late, since she usually arrived early.

were afraid of…


E. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Почему она избегает встречаться с журналистами? 2) Несмотря на красный свет, машина продолжала двигаться. 3) Я помню, что оставил билеты на столе. 4) Вы не возражаете, если я перезвоню через несколько минут? 5) Он откладывал написание письма, так как не знал, о чём писать. 6) Я не могу не поздравить его с поступлением в институт. 7) Я ничего не имею против того, чтобы поговорить с ним. 8) Они закончили установку оборудования только в субботу. 9) Он с нетерпением ждал открытия конгресса. 10) Сильный туман помешал самолёту совершить посадку [to land] в этом аэропорту. 11) Что вы предлагаете сделать? 12) Извините меня за опоздание.

Ex.9. As the attribute, the gerund goes after nouns and is always preceded by a preposition. Here are these nouns with prepositions.

aim of цель interest in интерес к

excuse for оправдание, предлог hope of надежда на

chance of возможность, шанс intention of намерение

difficulty in трудность в method of метод

experience in опыт в methods of методика

opportunity of возможность way of способ

habit of привычка reason for причина для, основание для

idea of идея, мысль



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