Ex.2. Read and translate the following sentences using the predicates in the required tense and voice forms.

1) In Great Britain a first-class ticket [ to cost – Present Indefinite Active] 50% more than a second-class ticket.

2) They [ to give – Past Indefinite Active] him no explanation why the experiment [ to stop – Past Perfect Passive].

3) I [ to prefer – Present Indefinite Active] to buy tickets in advance.

4) During the last 5 years traffic on Britain’s roads [ to increase – Present Perfect Active] by 27 per cent.

5) The equipment [ to deliver – Future Indefinite Passive] in containers from door-to-door.

6) Train fares [ to increase – Present Perfect Passive] several times during the past year.

7) The construction of both the bridge and the dam [ to complete – Future Perfect Passive] by the beginning of the navigation season.

8) The problem of the old terminal reconstruction [ to discuss Present Continuous Passive] now.

9) The permanent way [ to consist – Present Indefinite Active] of rails, sleepers and ballast.

10) The distance between rails [ to callPresent Indefinite Passive] the gauge.

11) Be careful! The train [ to approach – Present Continuous Active] the station!

12) He appeared on the platform just as the train [ to pull out – Past Continuous Active].

13) A.S. Yartsev [ to suggest – Past Indefinite Active] using cast iron rails instead of wooden ones in 1788.


Ex.1. Read and translate the phrases given below into Russian. Pay attention to Participles I in different functions.


▫ the student attending all the lectures ▫ the bridge linking two islands

▫ the passengers waiting for the train arrival ▫ the roads leading to the centre of the city

▫ the loco developing a speed of 180 km/h ▫ the plant producing machinery

▫ the growing population of the country ▫ the applicants entering the Academy

▫ the engineers carrying out the test ▫ the approaching train

▫ the plane flying very low ▫ the shop selling computers


beginning the experiment ▫ preparing for the exam in English

using new methods of production ▫ not wishing to discuss this problem

moving at a high speed ▫ building the railroad across the desert

entering the compartment ▫ leaving the room

looking out of the window ▫ checking the examination papers

writing the telegram ▫ buying a return ticket


having passed all the exams ▫ having discussed the plan in details

having bought the tickets in advance ▫ having phoned the travel agency

having taken the books from the library ▫ having got a snack

having obtained the necessary data ▫ having put our things on the rack

having booked the ticket by phone ▫ having returned home

having arrived in London ▫ having received an urgent message


Ex.12. Translate the phrases given below into English. Pay attention to Participles I in different functions.


▪ прибор, стоящий на столе ▪ пассажиры, спешащие занять свои места

развивающиеся страны ▪ работающий двигатель

▪ студент, изучающий английский язык ▪ инженер, знающий два иностранных языка

▪ перевести следующий текст ▪ поезд, прибывающий через 5 минут

возрастающий объём пассажирских ▪ учёные, принимающие участие в

перевозок конференции

▪ механик, устанавливающий новое ▪ профессор, читающий лекцию



изучая иностранный язык ▪ путешествуя по всему миру

сдавая вступительные экзамены ▪ не вдаваясь в подробности [to go into details]

строя мосты и тоннели ▪ испытывая новый двигатель

делая домашнюю работу ▪ проводя эксперимент

не зная, что сказать ▪ переходя улицу

давая совет другим ▪ пытаясь отремонтировать прибор [to try]


окончив институт ▪ опоздав на поезд

получив новую информацию ▪ заказав обед в купе

оставив багаж в камере хранения ▪ уменьшив расходы

внедрив новые методы строительства ▪ проработав 20 лет на железной дороге

проверив билеты у всех пассажиров ▪ приехав на вокзал за два часа до отправления



Ex.2. Analyze the functions of Participles I in the following phrases and complete the sentences.

▪ 1) (When) discussing the project…; 2) Scientists discussing the project…; 3) The scientists were discussing the project…; 4) Having discussed the project….

▪ 1) Having repaired the engine…; 2) The mechanic repairing engines…; 3) (While) repairing the engine…; 4) The mechanic is repairing ….

▪ 1) The workers constructing the railway…; 2) Constructing the railway…; 3) Having constructed the railway…; 4) The workers will be constructing ….

▪ 1) Installing the new equipment…; 2) Having installed the new equipment…; 3) He is installing …. 4) The firm installing this equipment….

▪ 1) (While) carrying out the experiment…; 2) The scientists carrying out the experiment…. 3) The scientists are carrying out …. 4) Having carried out the experiment…;


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