Тема 11. Технология продукции общественного питания

Задание по Иностранному языку для группы Т34 на 21.10.2020 г. (2 часа)

Все Задания выполняются письменно в рабочей тетради. Писать разборчиво, сделать фото выполненных заданий и прислать преподавателю в этот же день до 17-00. Все тетради с заданиями будут собираться по прохождении дистанционного обучения! Всем удачи!!!

Тема 10. Организация общественного питания в России

Практическая работа 23. Особенности Русской кухни

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст

Russian Cuisine is a mixture of many cultural traditions. Russian cuisine includes all kinds of vegetables, mushrooms, meat, milk products, honey, fruits and berries, and a variety of wheat, barley, and rye grains.

The Russian people have always been gourmets. Many names of Russian dishes and liquors have become international. For example: vodka, Mini, piroshki, pelmeni.

In Moscow restaurants you can taste the traditional Russian fish soup “ukha” with a huge crawfish. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups on the menu: Russian meat soup with fresh cabbage — shchi, meat and fish soup — solyanka, kidney soup with dills — rassolnik, fish soup — ukha, okroshka soup, green sorrel soup and cold beetroot soup — svekolnik.

For snacks the guests can taste cold meat dishes: ham, cold boiled pork — buzhenina, jellied tongue, meat jelly with horse

radish sauce and various salads. The waiters recommend the guests pressed and red caviar, salmon, stuffed pike-perch, sturgeon in aspic, herring, marinated herring, smoked sprats and so on. The guests can also choose blini with caviar and salmon.

For the main course the guests can order sturgeon of any kind — boiled, steamed or on a spit. There are a lot of meat dishes on the menu: roast veal, beef-Stroganoff, minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves — golubtsi, roast chicken, roast duck, goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, and so on. Russians are great lovers of pelmeni, small Siberian meat pies boiled in broth.

Russian cooking has a great variety of desserts. Kissel has been a favorite dish for many centuries. Kissel is made from fresh or dried fruits or from berries. For dessert you can also have apples baked with sugar, fruit and berry juice.

Russian cuisine is famous for a large variety of milk products: cottage cheese — tvorog, thick sour cream — smetana, and Russian yogurts — kefir and ryazhenka.

The guests can taste various Russian pies. They are pies with fish filling — rasstegai, a pie with meat or cabbage filling — kulebiaka, open tarts with curd — vatrushki.

Russian honey-cakes are called prianiki, thick О-shaped rolls are called boubliki, dryО-shaped rolls are called baranki or sooshki. Wheat loaves have dozens of varieties. As to rye bread, Russians eat more of it than any nation in the world — a peculiarity of the Russian diet.


2.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What foodstuffs are used in Russian cuisine?

2. What names of Russian dishes and liquors have become international?

3. What are the names of Russian traditional soups?

4. What are the names of Russian meat dishes?

5. How are Russian traditional milk products called?

6. What are the names of Russian pies, honey-cakes, and rolls?

Тема 11. Технология продукции общественного питания

Практическая работа 24. Общие правила сервировки стола. Столовые посуда и приборы. Дифференцированный зачет

Прочитайте и переведите, задайте 10 вопросов к тексту.

1. Table linen. The tablecloth should be laid over a silence pad (flannel), with the center fold up and equal distance from the edges of the table.

The comers should fall an even distance from the floor on all sides. The cloth should be free from wrinkles, holes, and stains.

The folded napkin should be placed at the left of the forks, with open comers at the lower right and about inch from the front edge of the table.

The napkin also may be folded and placed on the service plate.

2. Cutlery (silverware).

Forks are placed at the left side of the serving table, tines pointed up.

Knives are placed on the right side of the forks, and spoons are laid, bowls up, at the right of the knives.

Knives and forks should be laid about 9 inches apart, so that a serving plate may be easily placed between them.

The rest of the silverware is then placed to the right of the knife and to the left of the fork in the order in which it is to be use, beginning from outside and then toward the plate.

The handles should be perpendicular to the table edge andabout an inch from its edge.

3. Glassware and China.

The bread-and-butter plate is placed at the left, directly above the tines of the meat fork.

The water glass should be placed at the right of the cover, just above the point of the dinner knife. Wine, liquor, and beer glasses are placed to the right of the water glass.

Sugar bowls and salt and pepper shakers are generally placed in the centre of small tables.

When wall tables for two are set, the sugar bowl and shakers usually are placed on the side nearest to the wall.



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