Вопросительные предложения (Interrogative Sentences)



Read and try to guess what it is: famous, to unite, provincial, teaching staff, to concentrate, democratic, the head of the university, so-called, to elect, as a rule, twice a year, occasion, to finance, a special government committee, state subsidies, per cent, to pay for education, private investments, lodging and food, pounds, the course of study, a degree, a diploma, a certificate, Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, Mathematics, Geography, published works.




1. The largest and the most famous British universities unite institutes, schools and colleges run by one administration. Provincial and small universities have no such elements of federation. All the students and the teaching staff there are concentrated in one place. So these universities are more democratic.

2. The head of the university is the so-called Chancellor (президент); he is elected by the scientific workers of the university. The Chancellor as a rule is a person holding an outstanding position in the country. He visits the university only twice a year on some great occasion. The actual head of the university is the vice-chancellor. He is elected for 2 - 3 years.

3. Universities are financed through a special government committee. The money comes from different sources: state subsidies (about 70%), the students who pay for education (about 12%), subsidies from local authorities (3 - 4%), private investments and the university’s own means.


4. The tuition fee is very high in Britain, higher than in other countries. It differs from university to university. The tuition, lodging and food in London University, Oxford and Cambridge cost about 1000 pounds per term, in provincial universities - 700/800 pounds. The course of study at university lasts three or four years. But lazy students may stay there for five years. They get no degree or diploma but a certificate.

5. The English scientific degrees are

Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) or Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Master’s Degree (M. A., M. Sc.) – awarded after defending a thesis

Doctorate Degree which is called in full Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). The name is the same for all faculties, and one may have a Ph. D. in English, Mathematics, or Geography. A Ph.D. is also awarded on acceptance of a thesis.

Much higher than Ph.D is Senior (старший) Doctorate - this degree doesn’t involve the writing of thesis. A person wishing to apply for such a degree submits his published works to a committee, who then decide if these works justify the award of the degree.

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D. or D.Ed.), is a doctoral degree that has a research focus in the field of education. In the United Kingdom the Ed.D. is equivalent in level and has equal status with the Ph.D. The Ed.D. thesis may be shorter than that of the Ph.D. The Ed.D. thesis differs from a Ph.D. thesis only in length and scope but not in quality. Both the Ed.D. and Ph.D. are recognised for the purposes of appointment as a lecturer or professor in universities.


1. Answer the questions: What famous British universities do you know? Who is the head of the British University? Who is the actual head of the university? How are the British Universities financed? Is the tuition fee very high in Britain? How long does the course of study at the British universities last? What English scientific degrees do you know?


2. What is the English for: штат преподавателей, научные работники, различные источники, частные инвестиции, глава университета, степень бакалавра, степень магистра, так называемый, фунт стерлингов, как правило, дважды в год, средства университета, представить работы в комитет, курс обучения, плата за обучение, государственные субсидии, еда и проживание, научная степень, знаменитый, ленивый.

Вопросительные предложения (Interrogative Sentences)

Вопросы в английском языке бывают общие, альтернативные, разделительные, и специальные.

Общие вопросы. Эти вопросы требуют утвердительного или отрицательного ответа (yes или ), например, Are you a student? — Yes, I am. Have you seen this film? — No, I haven't. Do you live in London? – No, I don’t.

Альтернативные вопросы состоят из двух частей, соединенных союзом or (или): Is this Ann or Kate? — Kate. Do you like tea or coffee? — Tea.

Разделительные вопросы состоят из двух частей. Подобные вопросы соответствуют в русском языке вопросам со словами: «Не так ли?», «Не правда ли?», «Правда?».

She is here, isn't she? Она здесь, не так ли?

She isn't here, is she? Ее здесь нет, правда?

Специальные вопросы – это вопросы, целью которых являет­ся получение какой-либо дополнительной информации: What's your name? — My name is Pete. Where are you going? — To the park. Where do you live? – In Syktyvkar.

Примеры образования вопросов в настоящем времени:

С глаголами be (am, is, are), have (has), can, may, must:

His name is Max. Is his name Max? Is his name Max or Pete? His name is Max, isn’t it? What is his name? Whose name is Max?

С другими глаголами (слабыми):

Ед.число. Ann studies English. Does Ann study English? Does she study English or French? She studies English, doesn’t she? Who studies English? What does she do? What does she study?

Мн.число. They study German. Do they study German? Do they study German or English? They study German, don’t they? Who studies German? What do they do? What do they study?

3. Make up all types of questions to the sentences:

1. London is the capital of Great Britain. 2. He is thirty two years old. 3. We are students. 4. My grandfather has much free time. 5. Winter begins in December. 6. Many tourists come to Moscow every year. 7. The river Thames divides the city into two parts. 8. My sister can play the piano. 9. 8 million people live in London. 10. My friend likes music.

4. Write all possible questions to the following answers. The Chancellor is elected by the scientific workers of the university. He visits the university only twice a year on some great occasion. The tuition, lodging and food in Oxford and Cambridge cost about 1000 pounds per term. The first scientific degrees are called Bachelor’s degrees. No, provincial universities have no elements of federation. Yes, Senior Doctorate is much higher than the Ph. D.


5. Render the contents of the following text in English.


В США поступление в один из наиболее престижных университетов означает для выпускника средней школы определенный успех. Из трех миллионов человек, которые ежегодно оканчивают среднюю школу, примерно миллион продолжает учиться, чтобы получить высшее образование. Студентов отбирают по следующим критериям: а) оценки в школьном аттестате; б) рекомендации, данные школьными учителями; в) впечатление, которое абитуриент производит во время собеседований в университете; г) результат тестов.

Система высшего образования в Соединенных Штатах сложная. Она включает четыре категории учебных заведений:

· университеты, в которые входят несколько колледжей и аспирантура для тех, кто собирается продолжать образование;

· колледжи, которые не входят в состав университетов;

· технические учебные заведения, где учащиеся могут приобрести самые разнообразные профессии - от парикмахера до компьютерного программирования;

· двухгодичные муниципальные колледжи, после которых учащиеся могут начать работать.

Text 2. University Education in Great Britain

According to the organization of work in the universities they can be divided into 3 groups:

1) London University;

2) Oxford and Cambridge;

3) Provincial universities.

London University consists of the federation of different institutes, schools and colleges. They are situated in different parts of London and even outside it. The rules are the same for all the colleges and institutes of London University. It is comprised by 62 institutes, schools and colleges.

Oxford and Cambridge are also educational federations, but they unite only colleges, and if the students of London University live not only in the hostels but also at home, Oxford and Cambridge are as a rule residential, that is the students live in the colleges of these universities. Though now there are students who live at home. They are obliged to come to the university twice or three times a week to have meals together with other students (the spirit of a collective). In each college there live students of different faculties, and in each college they are given lectures on humanitarian subjects.

The attendance is not compulsory. The lectures are delivered by the lecturers who live in the college too. Independent work of students is supervised by tutors who live in the college, and deliver lectures on their subjects. If a student has money he may choose a tutor to his taste. These two universities still enjoy a great popularity, because they have the best teaching staff and better prepared students. To enter these universities is more difficult, that is why they have better chances to choose better prepared students. The composition of the student body here is peculiar. More than 2 / 3 are from upper-middle classes. Most state posts in the country are occupied by Oxford and Cambridge graduates. Oxford and Cambridge have always concentrated on humanities to train leaders, but recently they have opened some departments of science and technology.

Provincial universities have no elements of federation. All the students and the teaching staff are concentrated in one place. Their students live either at home or in hostels or rented rooms. These universities are more democratic than other universities.

All those who have finished Grammar school at an advanced level can enter a university. To enter it the school leavers don’t have to take entrance exams except at Oxford and Cambridge and some colleges of London University.

At the university students attend lectures given by lecturers and professors. As soon as a student is enrolled in university or college he is given independent work which is checked by the tutor. The tutorial system is characteristic of the students' studies in English universities.

Every student is attached to a tutor who controls his independent work, supervises his discipline and prepares him for exams. Each tutor has 3-4 students, sometimes 10. Once or twice a week a student writes a kind of a composition. It is an account of student’s independent work for the week. The compositions are on the subjects students specialize in. Once or twice a week a student comes to his tutor, and for an hour or so, the teacher discusses with him the merits and demerits of his work. An English student studies from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. He attends lectures, works in the laboratories and with tutors. The rest of his time is taken up by his independent work in the library, or by sports. Now, especially in provincial universities they lay greater stress on lectures.

Exams are taken in written form (papers). The main stress is laid on narrow specialization. If physics and mathematics are compulsory all the other subjects are optional.

The course of study at the university is three years, at the medical and some other faculties - 4 years. The academic year begins in October and lasts till July. In three years if a student passes his exams successfully he gets a Bachelor’s degree (Bachelor of Arts, B.A. or Bach. of Science, B.Sc.). He may have the Honours Degree or the Ordinary Degree. For the O.D. a student passes ordinary exams. For the H.D. he takes an intensive study, after it he may stay at the university for one or two more years. He does some more studies to get his Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). To get this degree the student must pay for exams. To become a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) one must write a thesis. After it comes Doctor of Science Degree (D.Sc.).

All the establishments of higher education in Great Britain can be divided into the following groups: Universities, university colleges, technical colleges and other specialized colleges (teachers training colleges, commercial colleges, etc.).


1. Read the text ' University Education in Great Britain' silently. Find the answers to the following questions in the text:

1. What are the three types of Universities in Great Britain? 2. What are the main differences between the three groups of British Universities? 3. How can young people gain admission to the University? 4. What is the process of study in British Universities? 5. What support have students from the state?


2. Make up the plan of the text. Retell the text according to your plan.


3. Make up a summary of the text.



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