Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните в каждом предложении сказуемое и определите время глагола. Напишите форму инфинитива.

1. John is always staying with us when he visits St. Petersburg. Present Cont. – to stay; Present Ind. – to visit. Джон всегда живет у нас, когда приезжает в Петербург.

2. It’s amazing how many people eat far too much. …

3. He is still hesitating about joining the expedition. …

4. The news will be announced when the dinner is over. …

5. The maid who opened the door for me told me that Mr. March was waiting for me. …

6. He will be calling you tomorrow at 5. …

7. A tall tired-looking man, whom he hadn’t met before, came out and without a word led him into the office....

8. You can go at 5 if you have done your work. …

9. She will have finished the report by the time the library closes. …

10. I had never seen him before and I had never heard anything about him at the time, though I have heard a good deal since. …


Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, поставив их в соответствующее смыслу время. Дайте письменный перевод предложений la, 4а, Зb, 4b.

a) Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

1. I first met (meet) my wife when we were working (work) in London.

2. I... (read) the newspaper, when suddenly I... (hear) a loud knock on the door.

3. We... (ask) Peter to come with us, but he... (watch) the football on TV.

4. While I … (drive) to work I almost … (have) a serious accident.

5. We usually… (watch) the news on TV at 7 o’clock, but tonight we… (watch) that new soap opera.

b) Present Indefinite или Present Continuous

1. It always starts (start) raining when we are playing (play) tennis.

2. Wait for a moment. I… (listen) to the news. I always... (listen) to the latest news in the morning.

3. What work does your husband do? – He… (teach) French and German, and this term he… (teach) English as well.

4. Look, it... (rain) again. — Yes, it... (rain) most days at this time of year.

5. How many languages …he…? (speak) – Four. – And what language … he … now? (speak)


Преобразуйте следующие предложения, поставив сказуемые в форму страдательного залога, и переведите полученные предложения.

1. We will appreciate your prompt answer. Your prompt answer will be appreciated (by us). Будем признательны за быстрый ответ.

2. They can consider only candidates with relevant experience. /Only candidates with relevant experience...

3. They don’t permit smoking anywhere on the station. /Smoking…

4. We have to discuss the case before his departure. /The case…

5. The storm destroyed dozens of trees. /Dozens of trees…

6. They will send further information to candidates. / Further information…

7. Laws must control business. /Business…

8. They have rejected your application. /Your application…

9. He had not paid the phone bill by Monday. /The phone bill…

10. They are currently rebuilding the old town theatre. /The old town theatre…


3.4 Переведите предложении и подчеркните причастия — Present Participle (P.I) и Past Participle (Р.II), укажите, каким членом предложения они являются.

1. Reading English articles we use a dictionary. / (P.I – обст) Читая английские статьи, мы пользуемся словарем.

2. You must stop this quarrel. They are insulting each other. /

3. She was sitting in the doorway of the tent reading. /

4. Smith, turning to him, gave a serious contented smile. /

5. Norman, having looked at his watch, slapped the play-script shut and put it on his chair. /

6. She didn’t type herself, but spent her time correcting the work done by the four girls employed. /

7. He has just received the convincing information. /

8. The method used depends on the material selected. /


Выберите правильную форму глагола, чтобы закончить диалог.

A. Would you like something to eat?

B. No, thank you, I… (have already had/ already had) lunch.

A. By the way, I... (met/was meeting) George while I … (waited/was waiting) for the bus tonight.

B. How is he? I... (am not seeing/haven’t seen) him for months.

A. I... (think/am thinking) he isn't very well.

B. Why? He... (just got/has just got a new job… (hasn't he? /didn't he?)

A. No, he is out of work. He... (has just left/just left) his old job about a month ago but he… (hasn't found/didn't find) anything else yet. He... (still looks/is still looking) for something.

В. I see. And you? You... (still work/are still working) for McDonald’s... (don't you?/ aren't you)?

A. Yes. They... (have just given/just gave) me a pay rise.

B. Well, that's one piece of good news.


3.6 Постройте вопросительные предложения (специальный вопрос), дополняя фразу “ What about...?”

1. I've written twenty letters. What about you? /How many letters have you written?

2. Keith likes strawberries best of all. What about you? / What...

3. John can speak French well. What about Jim? / How well...

4. I'll have finished work by five. What about Mary and Bill? / What time...

5. Jane spent so much money yesterday. What about Kathy? / How much…



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