В А Р И А Н Т 1


1. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения;

переведите предложения на родной язык.


1. The name of Dreyfus is one of the most famous in the history of espionage.

2. Experts who had predicted a further decline were puzzled.

3. This criminal case was as difficult as the previous one.

4. The highest court of appeal in England is the House of Lords.

5. The more groups the Community Liaison Officer can meet the more the local police can

become aware of the needs of local community.


2. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на родной язык, обращая

внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.


  1. Any of us can make a complaint about the job.
  2. Some of the Bills become the laws.
  3. I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
  4. The constable was still not given any pay or uniform.
  5. There are some 43 police forces in England and Wales.


3. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видо-временную форму

глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на родной язык.


  1. An officer was trying to stop a thief.
  2. A youth will appear in court next month.
  3. Britain has the oldest Parliament in the world.
  4. They broke the window of his car and stole the radio.
  5. A mob had been making a lot of money from smuggling.
  6. Greeks believed that laws were made by the people for the people.
  7. Juvenile Courts are composed of specially trained magistrates.
  8. Young offenders in Nottingham are being given a taste of prison life.
  9. The barrister for the defence will be confronted by his or her opposite number, the prosecuting barrister who represents the state.
  10. A man had been convicted of theft on circumstantial evidence.


4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык, обращая внимание на

перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:


  1. You can see that there must be laws, however good we may be.
  2. The law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities.
  3. What could you do if there were no laws?
  4. Sometimes the panel may be able to provide assistance to the offenders to prevent re-offending.
  5. It is important that everyone should know as much as possible about the police.


5. Перепишите следующий текст и письменно переведите его на родной язык.


Fear of Crime


Public opinion pools show that Americans view crime as one of the most serious problems of their society. Several studies have also shown that the amount of crime, especially violent crime, is frequently overestimated. Experts believe that this awareness and fear of crime is largely caused by the great attention it is given in newspapers and on TV, and also because violent crime is a popular theme for television series and films. Many Americans are therefore surprised to learn that, according to Interpol, the ‘general crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants’ for the US is significantly lower than that for several other western nations such as Sweden, New Zealand, or Denmark, and not much higher than those for West Germany, Austria, or England.

Nevertheless, among all crimes, murder makes the headlines, and there is no doubt that homicides continue to be a serious problem in America.

In the United States, as elsewhere, the causes of serious crime are hotly debated, and many reasons for it are suggested. Among these are unemployment, drug abuse, poverty, inadequate police enforcement, ineffective courts, racial discrimination, consumerism, television, and ‘a general decline in middle-class values.’ Surprisingly, a major study of crime in the US found that ‘ the number of poor people in a city is only marginally related to property or violent crime. In other words, American cities with a higher rate of unemployment and poverty to not necessarily also have a higher crime rate.



6. Выберите правильный ответ:


What is one of the most serious problems of American society?


  1. Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems of American society.
  2. Crime is one of the most serious problems of American society.
  3. Consumerism is one of the most serious problems of American society.





В А Р И А Н Т 2


1. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения; переведите их на родной язык.


  1. He was the most popular detective stories writer.
  2. More serious cases are heard in the Crown Court.
  3. One of the richest areas for theft in those days was the River Thames.
  4. The more complex the government system is, the more laws are needed.
  5. There is no further appeal to the House of Lords.


2. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на родной язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.


  1. Some of people try to predict the results of an election.
  2. Why does any information published about the royal family increase the circulation figures?
  3. Any treaty must first be approved by the Senate.
  4. Britain has no national police force.
  5. There are some 129,000 police officers in England and Wales.


3. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видо-временную форму

глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на родной язык.


  1. They murdered a man during a robbery.
  2. A jury consists of 12 men and women from the local community.
  3. Most forces will accept a candidate who wears contact lenses or glasses.
  4. Very soon this little Force had improved the state of London’s streets.
  5. The number of small computers in use in the Force is increasing constantly.
  6. Under Solon’s law courts were established.
  7. Civil cases are dealt with in County Courts.
  8. A youth has been charged with assault and dangerous driving.
  9. As a new recruit you will be given the training necessary to equip you for the job.
  10. Jury decided his confession had been fabricated.


4. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык, обращая внимание на

перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:


  1. In the absence of law you could only rely upon the law of jungle.
  2. Magistrates’ Courts may commit a convicted offender to the Crown Court.
  3. Crown Prosecutors must always think very carefully about the interest of the victim of the crime.
  4. A convicted person has to spend several hours a week doing useful work in his locality.
  5. Britain believes that there should be no concessions to terrorist demands.


5. Перепишите следующий текст и письменно переведите его на родной язык:

Crime in the USA


In the USA, as elsewhere, the cause of serious crime are hotly debated and many reasons for it are suggested. Among these are unemployment, drag-abuse, poverty, inadequate police enforcement, ineffective courts, racial discrimination, consumerism, television, and ‘a general decline in middle-class values’.

Surprisingly, a major study of crime in the USA carried out by North-Western University in 1982 found that ‘the number of poor people in a city is only marginally related to property or violent crime’. In other words, American cities with a higher rate of unemployment and poverty do not necessarily also have a higher crime rate.

Many experts are coming to believe that only grass-roots efforts to improve community life overall will have a lasting effect. Many communities across the nation have started their own campaigns against crime, encouraging their citizens to participate in crime-prevention programs and to report crimes. Several civil rights groups actively support such ‘self-help’ campaigns. In some neighborhoods, citizens participate in ‘neighborhood watch’ programs and organize groups to patrol the streets.

Public opinion pools show that most Americans feel hand-guns are responsible for the high murder rate. A majority of Americans favour laws which would ban the private ownership of all hand-guns.

6. Выберите правильный ответ:

What are the cause of serious crime in the USA?


  1. Unemployment and poverty is the cause of the serious crime.
  2. Drag-abuse is the cause of the serious crime.
  3. Unemployment, poverty, drag-abuse, racial discrimination and many others are among the causes of crime.



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