Тема 2.10 Традиции и обычаи в англоговорящих странах.

Раздел 2. Деловое общение.

Содержание занятия:

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Поймите его содержание.

Social Customs in the US. Traditions and habits

All countries have their social customs and peculiarities, and the US is no exception. Good manners, politeness and consideration for others are considered important by most people. Americans are generally informal in their relationships and won’t be too upset if you break the social rules.

Socializing in USA

Both men and women usually smile and shake hands when greeting. Good friends and family members may embrace when they meet, especially after a long absence. In casual situations, a wave may be used instead of a handshake. Americans may greet strangers on the street by saying "Hello" or "Good morning", although they may pass without any greeting. Among young people, verbal greetings or various hand-slapping gestures, such as the "high five", are common. Except in formal situations, people usually address one another by their first names once they are acquainted, and often do so on first meeting. Combining a title (such as "Mrs.", "Dr.", or "Ms.") with a family name shows respect. When greeting someone for the first time, Americans commonly say, "Pleased to meet you" or "How do you do?". A simple "Hello" or "Hi" is also common. There are regional variations such as "Aloha" in Hawaii or "Howdy" in parts of the West. Friends often greet each other with "How are you?" and respond "Fine, thanks". Americans do not usually expect any further answer to the question unless there is a close relationship.

Americans do not generally stand very close to each other when conversing, keeping about arm's length apart. However, they may spontaneously touch one another on the arm or shoulder during conversation. It is common for couples to hold hands or show affection in public. When sitting, both men and women are often casual when circumstances allow, and they may prop their feet up on chairs or place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other. In more formal settings, however, it is often considered inappropriate to slouch* or be too casual in demeanor*.

Visiting friends, family, and acquaintances plays a big part of social life in the United States, and people will travel long distances by car, bus, train, or aero plane to do so. People are generally expected to be on time for appointments or when they are invited to someone's home. However, if a guest is late, Americans will rarely take offence if the visitor has called in advance to inform them of the delay. In general, the emphasis during visits is on informality. Guests are expected to feel comfortable, to sit where they like, and to enjoy themselves. It usually does not cause offence if a guest refuses refreshments. Gifts are not expected when visiting, but many guests bring flowers or wine when invited for a meal. Close friends may offer, or be asked, to bring an item of food to serve with the meal. (This article is an extract from Living and Working in America.)

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What Americans do when greeting each other? 2. Who can embrace when meeting? 3. What gesture instead of handshake is used in casual situation? 4.How do Americans greet a stranger on the street? 5. What gestures are common among young Americans? 6. How do Americans address one another in formal situation? 7. How do friends greet each other? 8. Can an American touch another on the arm or shoulder during conversation? 9. How do couples behave during meeting? 10. How can Americans sit? 11.

Задание 3. Discuss the following:

1. Which of the customs above are true in Russia?

2. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. What does the saying mean? Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Задание 3.Прочитайте текст Diet and Eating in the USA, переведите, задайте вопросы по тексту. Работа в парах.

Americans eat a lot of fast food such as hamburgers, pizza, and fried chicken, but their diet embraces an enormous range of foods from all over the world. Staples include potatoes, pasta, breads, and rice prepared with a variety of sauces. In the past two decades, eating habits have changed as people have become more health conscious, but many Americans continue to eat red meat (beef in particular) as well as pork, and chicken and other fowl. People visiting the US for the first time are often amazed at the size of the steaks and other portions of food served in restaurants. Fresh fish and seafood are widely available on the coasts and near major rivers and lakes, and a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruit is available year-round. Americans also consume large amounts of chocolate, ice cream, and other forms of confectionery. Although beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages are available and popular in most areas, many Americans abstain from alcohol for health or religious reasons, and various kinds of mineral water are appropriate.

Задание4. Обсудите в группе вопросы: Discuss the questions in the group.

1. What is the national popular sport in US?

2. How are sports in US associated with education?

3. What can you say about the diet of Americans?

4. Have people in US become more health conscious? Why?

5. How much do Americans consume confectionery?

6. How do Americans consume alcoholic beverages?


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Занятие 18


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