Раздел 2. Деловое общение.

Содержание занятия:

Задание 1. Прочитайте высказывания WHO IS MADAME TUSSAUD? Ответьте кратко на данный вопрос.


to move- переезжать

to make – создавать

wax models – восковые фигуры

entrepreneurial flair- предпринимательский талант

craft- ремесло

to sculpt – лепить

royal family – королевская семья

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-л.

fame- слава

glamour- привлекательность

to keep on top of all – быть в курсе всего

to happen – случаться

to be obliged to- быть обязанным

under sentence of death- приговоренный к смерти

victims – жертвы

guillotine- гильотина

populous- многолюдный


value- ценность

to create- создавать

to exhibit – выставлять

evidence- свидетельство

to look like- выглядеть

to exhaust- истощать

to decide- решать

to settle – поселиться

to realize- осознавать

to fascinate- восхищаться

innovator- новатор

static- статичный, неподвижный

to breath- дышать

to advertise- рекламировать

poster- плакат

billboard- рекламный щит

retail company- компания розничной торговли


-Quite soon afterwards she moved to Paris where she learnt her art of making wax models.

Her entrepreneurial flair was the product that she crafted and sculpted and it was the very best that there was. / Kieran Lancini Archivist and External Relations Executive/

-Very popular were the royal family of France at the time, Louis XVI and the young Marie Antoinette.

Madam Tussaud was interested in fame; she was interested in glamour, in sensationalism.

/ Ben Lovett PR Manager, Madame Tussaud, London/


-She liked to keep on top of all these things. For example, in her day she had an area where you could actually see the Royal Family sitting down to diner, …where else would that happen?


When the French Revolution came she was obliged under sentence of death herself to make models of the victims of the guillotine. Those models were then put on pikes and takes to the Place de la Concorde* and there the populous could see that the evil oppressor had been brought to his end.


The values that we have today that are the same that Madame Tussaud created all those years ago, that is listening to what our guests are asking us to create in terms of figures.

She realized that she had a product people were fascinated by, humans love to look at humans.

In 1802, Madame Tussaud decided to make a new life and go to England to make a new life and go to England. She set up a travelling wax work museum and she was on the road for 36 years of intensive hard work.

At one time, on the way to giving her exhibition in Ireland she was shipwrecked off the west coast of England and had to swim ashore, losing quite a lot of her objects and figures.

- She was mostly travelling, so she would have to set something up every time or she would have had to find a room in wherever it was she was exhibiting. She would have been working in considerably more primitive conditions I guess; the lighting wouldn’t have been as good.

/ Stephen Mansfield, principle Sculptor, T’s Studios/


-There weren’t cameras; there wasn’t any type of photographic evidence of what people look like. Madame Tussaud would have used contemporary busts or paintings for her reference.


I think that her traveling exhibition was certainly very exhausting and profitable.

Eventually it was decided with her children, Madame Tussaud and Sons Ltd., that she would settle in the Portman Rooms until the famous site in Baker Street was purchased and a purpose built exhibition was erected on that site which is there to this day.


Madame Tussaud was actually quite an innovator, her models weren’t just static. Fairly recently we did a model of Britney Spears here which had a breathing chest and there was a lot of press coverage about it, but hundreds of years ago Madame Tussaud had a figure that breathed the same way ours does. / Stephen Mansfield, principle Sculptor, T’s Studios/


-Madame Tussaud was very, very good at advertising. She would circulate personally thousands of posters and billboards around the areas where her attraction was at that time. She would use omnibuses and public transport and they’d use the sort of language that big retail companies use today.

Madame Tussaud was an amazing business woman, mother, entrepreneur: she had incredible bravery and vision and if ever there was a story for a Hollywood movie it should be Madame Tussaud.

/ Ben Lovett PR Manager, Madame Tussaud, London/

Задание 2. Просмотрите фильм о Мадам Тюссо.

Ответьте на вопрос: WHO IS MADAME TUSSAUD?


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Самостоятельная работа: составление монологического высказывания.Подготовка к устному высказыванию об одном из знаменитых людей. Обосновать свой выбор.

Занятие 8

Тема 2.8. Известные люди


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