Раздел 2. Деловое общение

1. Read the text Meetings

Andrew sees David Hill in the crowd of people meeting different passengers.

David: Andrew, welcome to London. I'm very glad to see you.

Good morning, all of you (addressing the group).

Andrew: Good morning, David. I'm happy to see you too. It is

such a good thing to be in London again. David: I hope you have had a nice trip and you all feel well.

Andrew: Yes, the flight was OK. Should I now introduce the participants? They know your name but I'm afraid you don't know who is who.

David: Let's make all the introductions later at lunch time.

Andrew: It's quite reasonable.

David: Now let's go to the coach. It's waiting for us outside.

Ask your people to keep the luggage on the trolleys.

Andrew: Yes, certainly. It's a rather long way.

David: Follow me please... Take care... Here we are...

The group comes up to the coach and the driver helps them to put the luggage into the luggage compartment. And a few minutes later when everybody is aboard the coach starts its way to London. The motorway is very busy and the traffic is rather heavy. Some parts of the road are under construction.

David: Oil, well, you see, we shall have to move slowly for some time. Because of this construction work. This motorway, between London and Heathrow, is often un­der construction.

Andrew: By the way, is there only one international airport near London?

David: Oh, no, there are three, actually. Heathrow, Gatwick and Stanstead.

Andrew: And is Gatwick far away?

David: If I'm not mistaken it's about fifty kilometres from the centre. It's much smaller than Heathrow. And Stanstead is quite new. Sometimes Moscow flights come and leave there. But not very often.

Words and expressions

sixteen   шестнадцать (числ.)
to address somebody   Обращаться к кому-либо
such   Такой
such a good thing   такая хорошая вещь
trip   Поездка
to have a nice trip   хорошо съездить
to feel well   чувствовать себя хорошо
Should I introduce you?   Вас представить?
let's   Давайте
Let's make all the intro­   Давайте проведем офици­
ductions'   альные представления
to wait   Ждать
to wait for some­   ждать кого-либо/что-либо
outside   Вне
people   Люди
There are many people   Снаружи много (немного)
outside.   народа.
There are few people   Снаружи мало народа.
rather   Довольно
to take care   Заботиться
Take care!   Осторожно!
driver   Водитель
into   В
to put the luggage into   положить багаж в багаж­
the luggage compartment   ное отделение
everybody   все, каждый
to be aboard   быть в автобусе (на борту
    самолета, судна)
way   путь, дорога
The coach starts its way   Автобус отправляется в
to London.   Лондон.
motorway   Шоссе
busy   оживленный
The motorway is very   На шоссе большое дви­
busy.   жение.
traffic   движение, транспорт; пробки
heavy   оживленное
The traffic is heavy.   Движение транспорта здесь
    очень сильное.
road   Дорога
under   Под
construction   строительство
The road is under con­   Идет строительство до-­
struction.   роги.
Oh, well, you see...   Да, видите ли...
slowly   Медленно
We shall have to move   Нам придется двигаться
slowly.   медленно.
for some time   какое-то время
because   потому, что
because of something   из-за чего-либо
work   работа, работы
construction work   строительные работы
near   Около
near London   около Лондона
actually   Фактически
to be far away...   Находиться далеко от...
to be mistaken   Ошибаться
if I'm not mistaken...   если я не ошибаюсь...
fifty   пятьдесят (числ.)
from   От
It's 50 km from central   Это в 50 км от Лондона.
smaller   Меньше
much smaller   намного меньше
than   Чем
It's smaller than Heath-   Он меньше, чем Хитроу.
new   Новый
sometimes   Иногда

2.Read the text Hotel in London

In an hour or so the coach brings the group to the hotel. It's the Sherlock Holmes Hotel in the very heart of London, near Oxford Street. The participants get out of the coach, pick up their suitcases and go inside. Mr. Hill comes up to the Receptionist.

David: Good morning. There is a reservation for a group from Russia.

Receptionist: Good morning, sir. In whose name was the reserva­tion made?

David: It is International Management Group. Mr Lvov and nine more people.

Receptionist: Just a moment, sir... Yes, here it is. Four singles and three twin rooms. Is that correct?

David: Absolutely.

Receptionist: Are they all staying for seven nights?

David: Yes, that's right.

Receptionist: Will you ask the guests to fill in these forms, please?

David: Andrew, can the participants fill in the forms in English?

Andrew: Almost all of them speak English and there is no problem. As for the others I'll naturally help them.

Andrew returns all the forms filled in to the receptionist and gets the electronic keys to the rooms with the room number and the name of the guest written on the key. Andrew distributes the keys and turns to the receptionist again.

Andrew: May I have the Rooming List, please. It will be eas­ier for me to deal with my people, especially if they have some problems. Sometimes such things occur.

Receptionist: Here is the List for you, sir.

Andrew: Thank you. Receptionist: You are welcome. Enjoy your stay here.

David: Andrew, will you ask everybody to be here down­stairs in an hour, or at twelve o'clock. We shall have lunch at the restaurant. Then let's all meet in the conference room for introductions and some an­nouncements.

Words and expressions

seventeen   Семнадцать (числ.)
to check into a hotel   зарегистрироваться в гос­тинице
to check in   зарегистрироваться
in an hour or so   примерно через час
to bring   Приносить
to bring somebody to.   привезти кого-либо в..
very   Очень
heart   Сердце
in the very heart of..   в самом центре..
to go inside   идти внутрь
ant. to go outside   идти наружу, выходить
whose   Чьё
in whose name   на чьё имя
more   Более
and nine more people   и ещё девять человек
Just a moment.   Одну минуту
twin   Двойной
twin room   номер на 2 человека
correct   правильный
Is that correct?   Правильно?
That's right.   Да, правильно.
guest   Гость
Will you ask them to...?   Пожалуйста, попросите их
almost   Почти
almost all of them   почти все они
naturally   естественно
the forms filled in   заполненные формы
key to the room   ключ от квартиры
with   С
with the name written   с написанной фамилией
to distribute   Раздать
to turn   повернуть (ся)
to turn to somebody   Обратиться к кому-либо
easy   Легкий
easier   Легче
to deal (dealt, dealt)   иметь дело
to deal with somebody   иметь дело с кем-либо
to deal in something   Заниматься чем-либо
especially   Особенно
such   Такой
such a thing   такая вещь
such things   такие вещи
to occur   Случаться
downstairs   внизу, вниз
announcement   объявление


Форма текущего контроля успеваемости: проверка выполненных заданий.

Самостоятельная работа: чтение, перевод, работа со словарем, составление диалогов.

Занятие 5


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