In pairs, discuss the most interesting invention, which, it seems to you, in the future will be absolutely indispensable for every inhabitant of our planet.

Match the 2 parts of the sentence.

1. Speaking about the development of science and its application to the sphere of human life,… a. …to study the basic constituents of matter.
2. All of Tesla's developments are designed not only to help us in life,… b. …it’s science that shapes our culture.
3. At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, … c. …their abilities are enlarged as the technology has progressed.
4. The characteristics of robots are progressive,… d. …but also to prevent terrible environmental disasters.
5. It’s science that drives the economy and, more pervasively,… e. …how the particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature.
6. Such a friendly attitude to the environment was to the liking of the Government of the Netherlands… f. …it is difficult to circumvent the Japanese robotics.
7. The process gives the physicists clues about… g. …and, more recently, the country has embarked on the path of total abandonment of gasoline powered cars.
8. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments… h. …physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe.

Translate into English.

1. Мы не можем представить нашу жизнь без таких вещей, как сотовый телефон, зубная паста, компьютер, медицина, прогноз погоды и т.д. То, что мы используем каждый день, доступно благодаря науке.

2. Все разработки Tesla разработаны не только для того, чтобы помочь нам в жизни, но и для предотвращения ужасных экологических катастроф.

3. Колонизацией Марса занимается команда Space X. Их основной задачей являетя разработкой и изготовлением передовых ракет и космических аппаратов для поездок на орбиту и за ее пределы.

4. В настоящее время OpenAI заявляет, что «трудно понять, насколько AI на человеческом уровне может принести пользу обществу», и что трудно понять, «насколько это может повредить обществу, если оно будет построено или использовано неправильно».

5. Есть гуманоиды, способные моргать, улыбаться или выражать эмоции, сродни гневу и удивлению, роботы, предназначенные для игр с детьми, помогающие людям, которым не хватает общения.

6. Разработки японских ученых удивляют, удивляют и дают понять, что человеческому разуму нет предела.

7. Процесс, при котором частицы сталкивают друг с другом, помогает понять, как они взаимодействуют, и дает представление о фундаментальных законах природы.

8. Большой адронный коллайдер, самый большой и мощный в мире ускоритель частиц.


Answer the questions to the text in the order helping to render it.

Fill in the gaps.

1. The process gives the physicists (1)…… about how the particles interact, and provides (2)…… into the fundamental laws of nature.

2. They use the world's largest and most complex (3)…… (4)…… to study the basic constituents of matter.

3. Another global and ambitious goal of the Musk is the colonization of (5) …….

4. Accelerators boost (6) … of particles to high energies before the beams are made to (7) …… with each other or with stationary targets.

5. The particles are made to (8) …… together at close to the speed of (9) …….

6. The importance of science in the modern world can (10) …… be overestimated.

7. We cannot imagine our lives without such things as (11) …… phone, a pair of (12) ……, toothpaste, computer, medicine, weather forecast etc.

8. It’s science that drives the economy and, more pervasively, it’s science that shapes our culture.

Say true or false.

1. Advanced development helps famous companies stay on the leading positions.

2. The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators and creativity.

3. OpenIA isa profit research company.

4. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

5. Elementary tetraquark particles were discovered in 2016.

6. Robots belong only to the following categories: Human Robots, Androids, Guard, Mobility, Rescue, Industrial humanoid robotics, Astronaut, Industrial robotics.

7. The LHC consists of a 29-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets.

8. The Robotics industry is more important in Germany than any other country in the world.


Watch the video.

Comment on three most important points mentioned by the speaker.

Describe how you understand the concept of machine learning.

Why in the relatively near future the world will change thanks to this concept?

Give your own examples of professions in which you can apply machine learning.

(If you can’t access the link, then search the portal video by Anthony Goldbloom “The jobs we'll lose to machines-and the ones we won't “)

Answer the questions.


1. In which year did machine learning begin to be used in production?

2. For what this concept was applied at the beginning of the application of the technology of machine learning?

3. Can this machine evaluate en essay as a real teacher?

4. What complex medical problem can be solved now with this algorithm?

5. With what tasks is bad (worse than people) do the machines?

6. What is the main problem of machine learning?

12. Watch the video“Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity...and tell in detail about the idea of creating one of the projects 1-3.

1. Tesla

2. SolarCity

3. SpaceX

(If you can’t access the link, then search the portal video named “Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity... “)



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