Условия выполнения программы. Минимальные требования.

Назначение программы:

Программа предназначена для обмена сообщениями по сети.

Условия выполнения программы

Минимальные требования.

1. Системные требования:

Операционной системы Windows ХР, Windows 7;Office XP/2003/2007/2010.

2. Аппаратные требования:

Принтер (для печати отчетов и шаблонов справок);

Процессор Intel Pentium IV с тактовой частотой 2.0 GHz и выше;

МБ оперативной памяти

Не менее 30 МБ свободного дискового пространства для установки приложения

2 Порядок установки и настройки системы:

· Распаковываем архив с программой в нужную директорию;

· Запустите программу;

· Запустите клиенты на разных машинах;

· Отправьте тестовое сообщение

Если на данном этапе не возникло ошибок - система корректно установлена и работоспособна, технические требования соблюдены.

Выполнение программы

Запустите и настройте сервер, прописав ему IP вашей сети и нажмите на кнопку Начать прослушку. Сервер начнет прослушку порта.

Запустите клиенты и введите в них IP вашей сети, введите свой никнейм в чате и нажмите на кнопку Connect.


Приложение 2

Документированный листинг



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;System.ComponentModel;System.Data;System.Drawing;System.Text;System.Windows.Forms;System.Threading;System.Net;System.Net.Sockets;System.IO;ChatServer

{partial class Form1: Form

{delegate void UpdateStatusCallback(string strMessage);Form1()


}void btnListen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Parse the server's IP address out of the TextBoxipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(txtIp.Text);

// Create a new instance of the ChatServer objectmainServer = new ChatServer(ipAddr);

// Hook the StatusChanged event handler to mainServer_StatusChanged.StatusChanged += new StatusChangedEventHandler (mainServer_StatusChanged);

// Start listening for connections.StartListening();

// Show that we started to listen for connections.AppendText("Monitoring for connections...\r\n");

}void mainServer_StatusChanged(object sender, StatusChanged EventArgs e)


// Call the method that updates the form.Invoke(new UpdateStatusCallback(this.UpdateStatus), new object[] { e.EventMessage });

}void UpdateStatus(string strMessage)


// Updates the log with the message.AppendText(strMessage + "\r\n");







{partial class Form1: Form


// Will hold the user namestring UserName = "Unknown";StreamWriter swSender;StreamReader srReceiver;TcpClient tcpServer;

// Needed to update the form with messages from another threaddelegate void UpdateLogCallback(string strMessage);

// Needed to set the form to a "disconnected" state from another threaddelegate void CloseConnectionCallback(string strReason);Thread thrMessaging;IPAddress ipAddr;bool Connected;Form1()


// On application exit, don't forget to disconnect first.ApplicationExit += new EventHandler(OnApplicationExit);();


// The event handler for application exitvoid OnApplicationExit(object sender, EventArgs e)

{(Connected == true)


// Closes the connections, streams, etc.= false;.Close();.Close();.Close();


}void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


// If we are not currently connected but awaiting to connect(Connected == false)


// Initialize the connection();

}// We are connected, thus disconnect

{("Disconnected at user's request.");


}void InitializeConnection()


// Parse the IP address from the TextBox into an IPAddress object= IPAddress.Parse(txtIp.Text);

// Start a new TCP connections to the chat server= new TcpClient();.Connect(ipAddr, 1986);

// Helps us track whether we're connected or not= true;

// Prepare the form= txtUser.Text;

// Disable and enable the appropriate fields.Enabled = false;.Enabled = false;.Enabled = true;.Enabled = true;.Text = "Disconnect";

// Send the desired username to the server= new StreamWriter(tcpServer.GetStream());.WriteLine(txtUser.Text);.Flush();

// Start the thread for receiving messages and further communication= new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveMessages));.Start();

}void ReceiveMessages()


// Receive the response from the server= new StreamReader(tcpServer.GetStream());

// If the first character of the response is 1, connection was successfulConResponse = srReceiver.ReadLine();

// If the first character is a 1, connection was successful(ConResponse[0] == '1')


// Update the form to tell it we are now connected.Invoke(new UpdateLogCallback(this.UpdateLog), new object[] { "Connected Successfully!" });

}// If the first character is not a 1 (probably a 0), the connection was unsuccessful

{Reason = "Not Connected: ";

// Extract the reason out of the response message. The reason starts at the 3rd character+= ConResponse.Substring(2, ConResponse.Length - 2);

// Update the form with the reason why we couldn't connect.Invoke(new CloseConnectionCallback(this.CloseConnection), new object[] { Reason });

// Exit the method;


// While we are successfully connected, read incoming lines from the server(Connected)


// Show the messages in the log TextBox.Invoke(new UpdateLogCallback(this.UpdateLog), new object[] { srReceiver.ReadLine() });



// This method is called from a different thread in order to update the log TextBoxvoid UpdateLog(string strMessage)


// Append text also scrolls the TextBox to the bottom each time.AppendText(strMessage + "\r\n");


// Closes a current connectionvoid CloseConnection(string Reason)


// Show the reason why the connection is ending.AppendText(Reason + "\r\n");

// Enable and disable the appropriate controls on the form.Enabled = true;.Enabled = true;.Enabled = false;.Enabled = false;.Text = "Connect";

// Close the objects= false;.Close();.Close();.Close();


// Sends the message typed in to the servervoid SendMessage()

{(txtMessage.Lines.Length >= 1)

{.WriteLine(txtMessage.Text);.Flush();.Lines = null;

}.Text = "";


// We want to send the message when the Send button is clickedvoid btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



// But we also want to send the message once Enter is pressedvoid txtMessage_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)


// If the key is Enter(e.KeyChar == (char)13)







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