Choose the right variant

1. The sound of a coin dropping makes people...

a. think of money

b. look at each other.

c. pay attention to it.

d. stop crossing the street.

2. People in New York...

a. don't care about emergencies.

b. are used to sirens.

c. are attracted by sounds.

d. don't hear loud noises.

3. The writer...

a. sleeps next to the window.

b. has lived in Connecticut for a long time

c. believes in ghosts.

d. is interested in fire engines.

4. How does the author relate to sounds at night?

a. He imagines sounds that do not exist.

b. He exaggerates quiet sounds.

c. He thinks taps should be turned off.

d. He believes it's rather quiet at night.

5. He dislikes whistling because...

a. he is tired of it.

b. he used to be happier.

c. it reminds him of tense people.

d. he doesn't like workers.

6. What kind of sound does he find pleasant?

a. tinkling sound of a coin dropping

b. clinking sound of keys

c. tapping of his typewriter

d. creaking sounds

7. How does the writer feel about sounds in general?

a. They make him feel at home.

b. He thinks they should be ignored.

c. He believes they are part of our lives.

d. He prefers silence to loud noises.

3. Примерные тесты по грамматике:

1. We have never met before, ________ we?

a) have not b) have c) are d) do not

2. They have two ___________.

a) children b) child c) childs d) childrens

3. There are a lot of alligators in _______ Nile.

a) a b) an c) - d) the

4. _______ too much sugar in the tea. I can't drink it.

a) There is b) There are c) There were d) There was

5. I want those books. Please, give _______ to me.

a) they b) them c) those d) these

6. Do you know __________ here?

a) some b) any c) somebody d) anybody

7. Why _____ you absent yesterday?

a) did b) were c) was d) are

8. Our baby ______ walk in a few weeks.

a) can b) will be able to c) have to d) may

9. This way is _______ than the other.

a) safe b) safer c) more safe d) safest

10. How much money do you spend _____ food each month?

a) at b) on c) for d) to

11. He will translate the text if he _________ a dictionary.

a) has b) will have c) have d) has had

12. The TV broke down when we _________ the news.

a) watched b) was watching c) were watching d) are watching

13. They ______ each other since 1992.

a) know b) knew c) had known d) have known

14. I _______ for you for half an hour.

a) am waiting b) have been waiting c) wait d) waited

15. Ann told her friend that she_________ the competition.

a) won b) had won c) win d) has won

16. Excuse me, I ___________ for a telephone box. Is there one near here?

a) look b) looks c) looking d) am looking

17. In 1996 when I lived in Moscow I ________________ at a bank.

a) was working b) work c) working d) have worked

18. She can't take part in this competition. She ________ her leg.

a) breaks b) broke c) has broken d) broken

19. Tom hurt his hand when he ____________ dinner.

a) cooked b) was cooking c) cooked d) has cooked

20. That bag looks heavy. I ________ you with it.

a) will help b) help c) helping d) helped

21. We_________ football with "Spartak" on Saturday last week.

a) plat b) have played c) were playing d) played

22. I usually ________ home from Lyceum at 5 o'clock.

a) coming b) am coming c) have come d) come

23. If he _________ busy I'll invite him to the party.

a) is not b) is c) will not be d) were not

24. We found that she_________ home at 8 o'clock every morning.

a) leaves b) left c) had left d) has left

25. We _______ dinner until Jack ____________.

a) will not start... arrives b) do not start... will arrive c) not start... arrives

d) will not start... will arrive

26. Tom asked Jane where __________ on holiday.

a) will she go b) she goes c) would she go d) she would go

27. Many children in Britain_________ wear uniform when they go to school.

a) can b) are able c) must d) had to

28. I _______ late for the first lecture yesterday.

a) am b) will be c) was d) were

29. ___________ some information about this film.

a) There's b) There're c) They're d) It's

30. If __________ ring the doorbell don't let them in.

a) everybody b) anybody c) nobody d) everything

31. She is a very quiet person. She doesn't speak ___________.

a) many b) little c) much d) few

32. I have got ________ money and we can go shopping.

a) many b) few c) much d) little

33. Nick has a __________ handwriting than you.

a) well b) better c) much d) good

34. After many years away he arrived back___________ England a month ago.

a) in b) at c) on d) -

35. This morning I had _________ boiled eggs for ______ breakfast.

a) the... the b) -... - c) a... the d) -... the

Вариант экзаменационного задания.

I. Ответьте на один из вопросов по изученным темам

II. Прочитайте и перескажите текст

III. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста

Темы для беседы и ответов на вопросы на английском языке:

1. Православный храм

2. Двунадесятые праздники

3. Традиции почитания икон и креста

4. Православное богослужение

5. Таинство Крещения

6. Таинство исповеди

7. Таинство причащения

8. Церковная иерархия в Православии

9. Православная церковь в Америке

Примерный текст по дисциплине

Task 1

Read the text


The Russian monk St Silvanus the Athonite (+1938) said that even if all the Holy Scriptures was to disappear, it would not matter, for holy people would rewrite them through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. St Irenaeus was the first to list all four canonical Gospels as divinely inspired.

In the second century a whole series of apocryphal writings appeared. The reason for their appearance is that when people in the second century saw that the four Gospels, the accounts of the life of Christ written in the first century, had become, as we might say now, “ bestsellers ”, they copied their titles and even parts of their contents. However, they did not relate the truth, for their authors were not eyewitnesses or disciples of Christ. They simply called their writings “gospels” in order to try and promote their own ideology, which in many cases was actually anti-Christian. However, the saints at the time knew what was authentic and what was not. What was authentic has ever since part of the canon of Holy Scriptures, that we call the Bible, with its canonical books. Only four of the Apostles wrote Gospels.

The apocryphal writings were edited in many languages over the centuries and published in scholarly editions and provoked a great academic interest. The so-called “gospel of Judas” was only found in the 1970s,and since then it has changed private owners several times. It has never belonged to any Church. It has taken years to read, translate and conserve, because the manuscript is in a very poor condition. The present owner, a Suisse Jewess, who has decided to publish it, had the manuscript since 2000.

The so-called gospel of Judas is a fictional work written down in the mid-second century by a Gnostic writer. It was first mentioned in about 180 by the well-known Church Father, St Irineius of Lyons, in his work 'Against Heresies'. Lost to history ever since, a copy of this 'gospel' was found in Egypt in the 1970s, consisting of 26 pages of manuscript in Coptic. It belongs to a whole series of apocryphal that is fictional writings which are well-known. For example, there are the so-called protogospel of James, the pseudo-gospel of Matthew, the gospel of Peter, the gospel of Nicodemus, the Arab and Armenian books of the childhood of Christ, the so-called acts of John, Andrew and Thomas, as well as the so-called revelations of Peter and of Paul. There is no doubt that this 'gospel of Judas' is an authentic copy of a piece of fiction, dating from the. second century. Of course, it has nothing to do with the real and historical, 'authentic1, 34 Judas. This we know, because this work has nothing in common with the Gospels of the four Apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Its content, spirit and philosophy are quite different, as it belongs to the Gnostic movement of the second century, not to the Christian movement of the first century.

As regards Judas, from the Gospels, we know that Judas loved money. It was always his weakness. It also seems that he thought that Christ was a political figure, who would start a Jewish war of liberation against the Romans. Perhaps Judas imagined himself as a sort of minister in some future Jewish government, under Christ. He thought in worldly terms. When he realized that Christ had come not to give outward, political freedom, but inward, spiritual freedom, he was disillusioned with Christ. He realized that he would obtain neither money nor power through Christ. So he sold Christ, again for money. But after that he fell into despair and killed himself without repenting.

The “gospel” of Judas implies that Jesus secretly instructed Judas to betray Him. It suggests that He asks Judas to help Him return to the “kingdom”, and to do so, Judas must help Him abandon His flash “You will sacrifice the man that clothes Me”, Jesus tells Judas, according to the “gospel”. Of course, it contradicts the Holy Scriptures and all the Church tradition down 2,000 years, as well as the teachings of the Old Testament. This “gospel” is in fact an attack on Christ and a defense of Judas. Just as Judas loved money and made money from selling Christ, so those publishing this work are hoping to make money from selling Christ and defending Judas. These people who are playing with Judas are in fact playing with fire. It is spiritually dangerous.

Task 2

Translate the underlined words and transcribe them.

Task 3

Answer the questions to the text.

1. Who was the first to list four Gospels? 2. When did the apocryphal writings appear? 3. When were the four canonical Gospels written? 4. What do we call the Bible? 5.Were serious scientists interested in the apocryphal gospels? 6. When was the gospel of Judas discovered? 7. Where did St.Ireneius write about the gospel of Judas? 8. How many pages does the gospel of Judas contain? 9. What philosophy do the apocryphal gospels belong to? 10. What sin made Judas sell the Lord? 11. What did Judas wait from Christ’s mission? 12. How did the author of the ”gospel” try to defend Judas? 13. What is the purpose of those who is eager to publish the socalled gospel? 14. Why is it spiritually dangerous? 15. Would you like to read the gospel of Judas?

Task 4

Find the wrong statements and correct them.

1. St. Irineius was a Russian monk. 2.There were four canonical Gospels. 3. The canonical Gospels were written by Christ’s disciples. 4. The gospel of Judas was written in 180. 5. The gospel of Judas was found in the 20th century. 6. The gospel of Judas was written by a disciple of the Lord. 7. Judas considered the Lord to be a political leader. 8. There were many apocryphal writings. 9.The gospel of Judas follows the main teachings of four canonical Gospels. 10. St Irineius considered the gospel of Judas to be a heresy.


Task 5

Match the pairs of synonyms.

The Bible a follower

A disciple The Holy Scriptures

Holy people authentic

A weakness to have nothing in common

canonical The Saints

to betray a sin

to have nothing to do to sell

Task 6

Translate the following phrases

1. Святой Ириней Лионский упоминает апокриф в своей книге “Против ересей”. 2.Апокрифические евангелия были антихристианскими сочинениями. 3. Евангелие от Иуды часто меняло своих владельцев. 4. Со второго по двадцатый век место нахождения евангелия от Иуды было неизвестно. 5. Этот апокриф написан на коптском языке. 6. Иуда ожидал, что Христос даст земную власть. 7. Автор пытается оправдать Иуду и оболгать Господа. 8. Господь не давал секретную инструкцию Иуде предать Его. 9. Любовь к деньгам была страстью Иуды. 10. Чтение апокрифов может быть опасно.


Основная литература:

1. Куликова Г.Н. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для Духовных школ. – М.: «Форма Т», 2003г.

2. Грамматический справочник «English Grammar in Use for intermediate students of English» Raymond Murphy. Сambridge University Press 2004

3. Гузеева К.А. Справочник по грамматике англ. языка. – СПб.: «СОЮЗ», 2006г.

4. Headway. Student’s book (pre-intermediate, upper- intermediate, advanced) Oxford University Press, John and Liz Soars

5. Английский язык для неязыковых факультетов: учебное пособие/ Т.П. Ваганова. – М. – Берлин: Директ-Медиа, 2015г. – 169с.

6. Маркушевская А.П., Цапаева Ю.А. Аннотирование и реферирование (Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов). СПб ГУ ИТМО, 2008г. – 51с.

7. Simon Haines. Real Writing 4 (with answers). Cambridge University Press – 2008 – 114c.


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