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«Юго-Западный государственный университет»
Кафедра экономики, управления и политики
Проректор по учебной работе
_____________О.Г. Локтионова
Методические рекомендации по выполнению курсовой работы
для студентов направления подготовки 38.03.03
Курск 2016
УДК 303.732.4
Составитель: О.В. Шугаева
Кандидат экономических наук, доцент М.А. Смирнов
Системный анализ проблем предприятия: методические рекомендации по выполнению курсовой работы / Юго-Зап. гос. ун-т, сост.: О.В. Шугаева. – Курск, 2016. – 29 с. – Библиогр.: с.29.
Содержат сведения по вопросам системного анализа проблем предприятия. Указывают порядок выполнения курсовой работы, подходы к решению различных задач и правила оформления курсовой работы.
Методические рекомендации соответствуют требованиям программы, утвержденной учебно-методическим объединением по направлению подготовки управление персоналом (УМО УП).
Предназначены для студентов направления подготовки 38.03.03 дневной и заочной форм обучения.
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Юго-Западный государственный университет
305040, г. Курск, ул. 50 лет Октября, 94
1. Структура курсовой работы | |
2. Выбор темы и составление плана работы | |
3. Работа с литературой | |
4 Работа над содержанием | |
5 Требования к оформлению курсовой работы | |
6. Руководство курсовой работой | |
7. Порядок аттестации по курсовым работам | |
These guidelines regulate the requirements for the content and design of coursework, determines the procedure for the preparation and certification of coursework, students
Coursework - an independent, creative research scientific and practical nature, gives an indication of the acquired student knowledge and skills to apply them in practice. When it is executed, the student must demonstrate knowledge of theoretical material, special literature, research and scientific approach to the problem, the ability to analyze, to make generalizations and conclusions.
Term paper on the subject "Systems analysis of problems of the enterprise" is one of the kinds of studies student, provided the curriculum profile "Human Resource Management" training areas "Human Resource Management". The result of the course work is estimated at an intermediate certification student.
Course work should be based on theoretical and methodological positions of science, contain elements of novelty, as well as ideas to better address this issue as compared with the existing situation. Course work is provided by the curriculum of the university, and therefore is an integral part of the educational process. Subject of course work developed by teachers of specific disciplines and approved by the Department of Economics, Management and Policy.
Course work in discipline "System analysis problems predpriyatyai" is logically completed and issued in the form of text summary of the contents of individual student issues, problems and methods of solving them in the study area of expertise and is performed for the purpose of in-depth study of selected topics of discipline and mastery of research skills.
n carrying out the course work the following tasks:
- strengthening and deepening of the theoretical and practical knowledge in the discipline;
- develop skills to apply their knowledge to solve specific professional problems;
- acquisition of creative thinking skills, synthesis and analysis;
- introduction to the work with the special and standard literature;
- the use of modern methods of organizational, legal, economic and social analysis, evaluation, comparison, selection and justification of the proposed solutions;
- the development of interest in the research work.
1. The structure of the course work
Term paper on the subject "Systems analysis of problems of the enterprise," the students training areas, "Human Resource Management" profile "Human Resources" is performed in the 6 semester.
- Coursework should include the following:
- the title page;
- table of contents;
- introduction (relevance of the topic, objectives and tasks of the Kyrgyz Republic, a subject of study, a brief description of the used literature);
- the main part:
- Chapter 1 - theoretical part (theoretical concepts, scientific principles and important aspects of the chosen topics KR)
- Chapter 2 - Methodological part (principles, organization, methods, models, options, and other criteria.)
- Chapter 3 - practical part (applied analytical calculations and real-world example of the implementation of the economic practices);
- conclusion (summarizing, characteristic of the degree of problem solving and achievement of course work with reference to specific sections of the work);
- a list of references (clearance - GOST);
- applications (materials that contribute to a more complete disclosure of the theme of the course work).
The volume of term paper should be approximately 50-70 pages.
2. Choosing a theme and drafting the work plan
Topics coursework approved at the meeting of the Department of Economics, Management and Policy. The student must choose a theme at the beginning of the semester, the protection of the work carried out, as a rule, at the end of the semester. The student can offer his theme, arguing their choice, and after approval, it is assigned to him.
When choosing a topic, each student must come out of their educational, research interests and inclinations. Further, by selecting a theme, it is necessary to proceed from the real possibilities of the student to collect the necessary material - theoretical, actual, research, bibliography, etc.
In selecting the theme should also proceed from the possibility of using the materials of the course work for the further development, expansion and deepening of the topic in the following research projects.
The topic must be relevant to have theoretical and practical significance for today's realities.
The development of the chosen theme should be exploratory in nature and provide a comprehensive description of the object of study, an assessment of the existing situation, disclosure of the relationship between socio-economic, political, cultural and other events.
Along with the choice of topics it is advisable to immediately identify major trends and ideas that will be developed in the work, and to begin drawing up a preliminary plan. Initially, it is a sketch of the research, which in the future may change. (An example of the content of the course work Annex A)
The final version of the plan should be agreed with the Head of the course work.
All the issues the plan should be logically connected, each previous paragraph should condition the subsequent and together give an answer to this question, ie, disclose the essence of the theme.
The requirements of the plan of course work are as follows:
- plan should contain questions necessary for a complete and in-depth disclosure topics, and reflect the content of the work;
- plan should provide a consistent, logical, the related disclosure of research results;
- should not be questions, the answers to which are partially or completely contained in the earlier or later sections of the paper;
- it is impossible to enter questions, detailing the more general question without entering into the plan of the general question;
- plan should be written in the form of non-breaking proposal and not in the form of question.
The word "plan" is used in the preliminary (preparatory) stage in the process of writing the work. But when you make a foreign exchange the word "plan" is not written. On the page that follows the title page, the top write in capital letters: "Contents". And under it - that actually makes the work plan
3. Work with the literature
The next stage of the preparation work is an overview of educational, methodical, scientific and practical literature. Along with the basic knowledge in a particular area is necessary to have information on the current trends and tendencies of development of this direction, the positions of the leading scientists on the issues discussed in the periodical literature, etc.
The study of scientific publications, it is desirable to carry out the following steps:
- general acquaintance with the work in the whole of its contents;
- in order to read the location of the sequence of the material;
- selective reading any portion of the work;
- statement of interest materials.
The study of the literature on the selected topic to start with a general theoretical work to get an idea about the main issues, which adjoins the chosen topic, and then to search for the new material. In the study of literature, it is desirable to observe the following guidelines:
- Should start with literature, reveals the theoretical aspects of the issue under study - textbooks, manuals, monographs and journal articles, then use instructional materials (instructional materials are used it is desirable to recent editions);
- A detailed study of a student of literature is taking notes and organizing them, character summaries determined by the possibility of using this material in the work - statements, quotes, summaries of the content of the literary source or characteristics of the factual material;
- Systematization of information obtained should be carried out on the main sections of the course work, set forth therein;
- The study of literature do not aspire to master all of the information therein prisoners, and select only the one that is directly related to the subject of the work; evaluation criterion is the ability to read its practical use in the course work;
- Studying the literary sources, carefully follow the registration statements to further easily use them;
- Try to focus on the most recent data, for the corresponding problem, based on the most authoritative sources specify exactly where to get the materials;
- The selection of facts from the literature you need to approach them critically.
In the preparation of the course work required extensive and profound knowledge of many subjects of the curriculum. Successful completion of the work, the validity of the decisions, conclusions and recommendations also depend on the quality of their own research of the enterprise (organization) conducted during the period of practices, and the ability to make creative use of the ideas contained in the studied literature. The material should be of problem-polemical character, to show different perspectives on the problem under study. The work must reflect the student's ability to:
- - make effective decisions based on critical rethinking of social and economic problems of science and practice;
- - competently own methods of analysis, research and experimentation in solving emerging problems;
- - use of economic-mathematical methods and models, personal computers and application software products.
4 Work on content
Once when basically the plan is ready, start working on the content of the work.
Material comprising the content of the course, should not only be carefully collected, but also properly organized. Such an organization is achieved by a clear structuring of the work: introduction, two or three chapters, conclusion, bibliography, appendix. The amount of work is typically 35-40 pages of typewritten text.
The introduction begins with the study relevance of the chosen theme. Next instantiated object and subject of study is determined by the purpose and content of tasks.
Thus, the introduction - a very important part of the course work, as it not only orients the student to further disclosure topics, and it contains all the necessary qualification characteristics.
Relevance Lighting should be laconic, description of the start of her from afar there is no need. Suffice it to within one page of typewritten text to show the main thing - the essence of the problem situation, from which it will be visible to the relevance of the topic.
Next, you must go to the formulation of objectives to undertake studies, as well as to point out the specific tasks to be addressed in accordance with this purpose. This is usually done in the form of transfers (to study... to describe... reveal... etc.). Formulation of the problem needs to be done more carefully as possible, because the description of their solutions should create the contents of heads of the course work.
A mandatory element is the introduction of the wording of the object and subject of study. The object - a process or occurrence giving rise to the problem situation and chosen for the study. Item - this is what is within the boundaries of the object. The object and subject of research as a scientific process categories relate to each other as the general and the particular. The object stands out that part of it which is the subject of research. It was directed at him, and the focus of the work, it is the subject of study determines the topic, which is indicated on the title page as the title of her.
In the introduction, you must also specify the methods of research, which are instrumental in obtaining the actual material, as a necessary condition to achieve work goals.
Rounding out the introduction of a job description framework (number of chapters, pages, figures, tables, appendices).
The main part consists of three chapters, the contents of which depends on the chosen theme. Here, the theoretical direction for the selected problem are discussed in detail, methodology and methods of research, summarizes the results, conclusions.
All materials that are not urgently important for understanding the scientific problem solving, submitted in the application. The content of the main part of the Heads must exactly match the theme of the course work and its full disclosure. Here, the student shows his ability to concisely, logically and convincingly present the material, the design of which must comply with the requirements of the work is sent to the print (an example for tables, figures, formulas in Appendix B).
The conclusion, as well as the introduction, it is possible to start with a brief mention of the significance of the chosen direction of research, rolling in the analysis of the results. It is necessary to organize the points of the main conclusions and proposals made in the work, indicate what they are directed. In some cases, there is a need to specify the path to continue the studied topics, forms and methods of its further study.