The list includes all sources that are referenced in the course work (Annex B).


5 Requirements for course work


Author text material of the course work is to be printed on a printer on one side of A4 paper writing format (210 × 297 mm). Sheet Format must be the same. Reprints of the typewritten text on paper should be clear. Print deformed or contaminated letters is not allowed.

The font of the main text - Times New Roman, font size - 14. The italics and underlining are not permitted. When printing a text document, use double-sided alignment.

Line spacing - 1,5.

Page Setup: top margin - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm; left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm; indent from the edge to the page number - 10 mm.

Indentation is performed the same throughout the document, and is five characters (15-17 mm).

llustrations, tables and printouts from the computer may be performed on A3 sheets, they must be folded to A4 size.

Letters Greek and other alphabets, the formula, the individual is allowed to inscribe symbols in black ink, paste or ink. The density of the text to be inscribed close to the density of the surrounding text. If drawings, charts, diagrams, pictures and / or other graphic material can not be performed by machine, using black ink or paste for him.

Typing errors, typos, inaccuracies graphics found in the text of the course work is allowed to correct neat gluing or painting white paint and applying at the same place and in the same way the amended text. Damage to the sheets of the course work, blots and should not be completely deleted text are not allowed.

The text of the course work is not allowed:

- To apply for one and the same concept of the various scientific and technical terms of similar meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms in the presence of equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;

- To apply for such an invalid grade writing style;

- Apply the codes of standards (GOST, GOST, OST etc.), technical specifications (TU) and other documents without the registration number.

- Use mathematical signs and sign  (diameter) in the text, as well as number signs (number) and% (percentage) without a numeric value. It is necessary to write: "the temperature of minus 20? C"; "Value greater than or equal to 35" (but not "temperature of -20 ° C" or "value  36 parameter"); "Rod with a diameter of 25 mm" (instead of "rod 25"); "Product number 325," "experience room" (but not "number of experience"); "Humidity 98%," "percent yield" (not "% yield");

- To apply the reduction of words than those established Russian spelling rules, the relevant state standards, as well as set out in the course of this work.

- To reduce the designation of units of physical quantities, if they are used without figures, except units of physical quantities in the heads sideways and tables and explanatory character values ​​in the formulas and figures.

The text of the work should demonstrate:

- familiarity with the author of the basic literature on the issues;

- the ability to identify the problem and determine the methods of its solution;

- the ability to consistently express the essence of the issues;

- possession of an appropriate conceptual and terminological apparatus;

- an acceptable level of language literacy, including the possession of functional style of scientific presentation.

Course work to be checked for the presence of borrowing and plagiarism


6. Guide coursework


Guide coursework carried out of the department teachers leading this discipline "System analysis problems of the enterprise."

The functions of the head of the course work includes:

- practical help students in selecting the theme of the course work, develop a plan and a timetable for its implementation;

- recommendations on the selection of literature and factual material;

- systematic monitoring of the implementation of the course work according to the plan;

- inform the department in the event of non-compliance with the established schedule student performance;

- expert advice on the content of the work;

- assessment of the quality performance of course work in accordance with the demands made on it.

7. The procedure for certification of coursework.


A complete and fully modern course work and its electronic copy (on CD) no later than two weeks before the start of the examination session is presented to the head to check and pre-assessment. Students of distance learning course work are not later than the beginning of the regular session.

- Head checks the work, gives a written opinion on it (review) and, subject to the completed registration and a positive evaluation of the content, allow work to protect. Work that does not meet the requirements, returned for revision, taking into account the comments made, and re-presented for review within the period specified the head, but before the start of the examination session (in absentia - to the test on the subject "Systems analysis of problems of the company").

- Protection of course work can be carried out both in the classroom and during consultations or in a designated time in the schedule as part of approval of the Commission at the beginning of the school year.

- The main criteria for evaluation of the course work are:

- the use of various methods of scientific knowledge (analysis of literary sources, documents, summarizing the information received on the subject of research);

- an acceptable level of language literacy, including the possession of functional style of scientific presentation;

- correct execution of work (clear structure, correct registration of references to literary sources, list of references, conclusions and recommendations of the author on the study, and others.).

- Form student certification for the course work is differentiated rating ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory"). Evaluation of the course work is exposed members of the commission after the joint debate on the results of protection in the academic records.

The student has not submitted in due time course work, not protect her or who appeared to her defense valid reason, is considered to have academic debts.

Topics coursework made in academic records and the Diploma Supplement. (Themes of course works are given in Annex D)








Приложение А

Пример оформления содержания курсовой работы


1.1. Сущность и типология кризисов  
1.2. Теория циклов общественного воспроизводства и их роль в возникновении экономических кризисов  
1.3. Основные факторы экономических кризисов  
2.1. Понятие, задачи, особенности и принципы антикризисного управления  
2.2. Диагностика кризисов в организации  
2.3. Методы преодоления финансового кризиса в организации  
3.1. Организационно-экономическая характеристика ОАО «Газпром»  
3.2. Сравнительный аналитический анализ деятельности предприятия ОАО «Газпром»  
3.3. Оценка влияния факторов внутренней среды на деятельность предприятия ОАО «Газпром»  



Приложение Б

Пример оформления таблиц

Количество таблиц, рисунков помещаемых в курсовую работу, должно быть достаточным для того, чтобы придать излагаемому тексту ясность и конкретность. Все таблицы (схемы, графики, технические рисунки, фотографические снимки, осциллограммы, диаграммы и т. д.) именуются в тексте рисунками и нумеруются сквозной нумерацией арабскими цифрами по всему курсовому проекту за исключением иллюстрации приложения.

Пример оформления рисунка

Отраслевые комплексы

Рисунок 1 - Взаимосвязь между составляющими экономического роста


При необходимости уточнения содержания таблицы приводят ее название, которое записывают с прописной буквы (остальные строчные), над таблицей слева, без абзацного отступа в одну строку с ее номером через тире. Точку после наименования таблицы не ставят.

Таблица помещается в тексте сразу же за первым упоминанием о ней или на следующей странице. Если формат таблицы превышает А4, то ее размещают в приложении к курсовой работе. Допускается помещать таблицу вдоль длинной стороны листа документа.

Таблицы нумеруются сквозной нумерацией арабскими цифрами по всей курсовой работе. Если в курсовой работе одна таблица, то ее обозначают “Таблица 1”, если она приведена в приложении, то. таблицы каждого приложения обозначают отдельной нумерацией арабскими цифрами с добавлением перед цифрой обозначения приложения и разделяя их точкой.

На все таблицы приводят ссылки в тексте или в приложении (если таблица приведена в приложении).

Если таблица не умещается на одной странице, то продолжение ее переносят на следующую. Если перенос таблицы обусловлен большим количеством колонок, на последующих страницах каждый раз воспроизводятся названия строк. Если же перенос таблицы обусловлен большим количеством строк, воспроизводят внутренний заголовок таблицы. Название таблицы на последующих листах не повторяют, а над ее левым верхним углом делают надпись «Продолжение (Окончание) таблицы _________».

номер таблицы


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