Structure of Civil Defence Forces

Задание: прочитать, перевести и пересказать следующие тексты.

Текст 1

activity – деятельность

duty – обязанность

higher education – высшее образование

entrance examination – вступительный экзамен

emergency situation – чрезвычайная ситуация

to consist of – состоять из

to study – учиться

to train – готовить, обучать

to be responsible for – быть ответственным

both … and … – как … так и …


Our Faculty


We study at the Civil Defence Academy. Our Academy is large. It trains both military and civilian students. The Academy has two faculties. One of them is ours. The faculty trains specialists for the Emergency Situations Ministry.

We are first-year students. Our study group consists of fifteen students. We came from different towns and cities of our country. In summer we passed our entrance examinations and became the students of the Academy. We study with a great interest. Our main duty is to study well in order to have a higher military education. We do not miss lessons and take notes of all lectures. In winter we’ll take our first tests and examinations. The best of us will get special grants.

The dean of our faculty is a highly-qualified and experienced specialist. Our dean controls the activity of our faculty. Besides, the dean is responsible for our studies and discipline.


Текст 2

tool – инструмент

personnel – личный состав

employment – применение

response – оперативное реагирование

to perform – выполнять

to extend – расширять

to protect against … – защищать от …

separate – отдельный

immediate – немедленный

to render assistance – оказывать помощь

Structure of Civil Defence Forces

Civil Defence Forces were formed in the 70s. Initially their mission was to protect civilian population and territories against the effects of mass destruction weapons. Increasing number of natural catastrophes, technological and ecological disasters faced the Civil Defence Forces the problem of immediate response to emergencies. The Civil Defence Forces had to act in peace-time crisis situations providing relief and rescue operations in the event of earthquakes, landslides, wild fires, traffic accidents, etc. So, their missions were extended.

At present the Civil Defence Forces are organized and trained to carry out missions on protection of people, industry, and environment both at peace and war time. Their structure is determined by tasks they are to perform. To train personnel for the Civil Defence Forces a separate training rescue center was organized.

The Civil Defence Forces include different units and subunits. The main of them are rescue units and subunits, CBR protection units, fire-fighting regiments as well as helicopter detachments, automobile units, and others. To conduct civil defence missions a high-risk operation centre, air squadrons, Central emergency communication centre as well as All-Russia’s monitoring and predicting centre are formed.

Units and subunits of Civil Defence Forces are equipped with modern search and rescue tools, measuring instruments, aviation and automobile machinery, special cross country vehicles, etc.

The Civil Defence Forces are subordinated to the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia). The Minister through his Deputy Minister controls the activity of the Civil Defence Forces. The Deputy Minister in his turn is responsible for ensuring preparedness of the Civil Defence Forces to act in emergency situations at time of peace and war. He performs his functions through civil defence centres located in different cities of the country.

While carrying out their missions the Civil Defence Forces of EMERCOM of Russia cooperate with regional civil defence centres, local civil defence headquarters, the Ministry of Defence, Ministry for Interior, Ministry of Health and other organizations.

The personnel of the Civil Defence Forces is enlisted by contract and trained in several professions. Civil defence specialists are highly skilled and capable to render qualified emergency assistance. They know foreign languages and are ready to conduct relief operations abroad.




Text 1


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