Практическое занятие №7-8

Тема: Idioms.Phraseological Units.

Task 1: Match these idioms with their meanings. Translate the idioms.

-His bark is worse than his bite. -I will put up with him. -No wonder. -It costs an arm and a leg. -He's a bad egg. -I have a bone to pick with him. -I slept in. -I'm all ears. -Mind your own business. -I ran out of money. -Been there. Done that. -That is where I draw the line. He's the bad person of the group. I will tolerate him. I am listening. I spent all of my money I woke up too late. It is expensive. I can easily understand why. I will not tolerate any more. Do not ask about another person's work. I already know about that. He speaks strongly but he won't do anything I will confront him about something.  


Task 2: Match these idioms with their Russian equivalents. Translate the idioms.


A storm in a tea-cup Здравствуйте, я ваша тетя

Madam, I am Adam Крепкий орешек

Business before pleasure Никогда не падай духом

Land of milk and honey В тесноте, да не в обиде

A hard nut to crack Буря в стакане воды

Every cloud has a silver lining Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо

Let sleeping dog lie Делу время– потехе час

Never say die Молочные реки, кисельные берега

The more, the merrier Нет худа без добра


Task 3: Translate the following sentences into Russian.


  1. What is your favourite way of killing time?
  2. She leads her husband by the nose.
  3. He likes to throw dust in one’s eyes.
  4. It’s hard to deal with her because of the wind in her head.
  5. We see eye to eye, it’s hard to make us quarrel.
  6. After all you have to stew in your own juice.
  7. “We must throw salt on his tail at last”, the policeman said.


Task 4: Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets. Translate the sentences:


1. "Please stop that (mischief) and do some serious work."

(a) dog and pony show (b) monkey business (c) piggyback (d) road hog

2. The little boy asked many questions until his mother finally said that (asking too many questions will get him into trouble).

(a) the cat had got his tongue (b) you can't teach an old dog new tricks (c) curiosity killed the cat (d) there is more than one way to skin a cat

3. "Please (be patient and wait) while I make a phone call."

(a) call the dogs off (b) have a whale of a time (c) flog a dead horse (d) hold your horses

4. The new product is (a good source of money) for our company.

(a) a cash cow (b) as strong as an ox (c) a horse of a different color (d) a dark horse

5. The little boys thought that their friend was (easily frightened) because he would not play with the dog.

(a) as awkward as a cow on roller skates (b) a kangaroo court (c) as quiet as a mouse (d) a scaredy-cat

6. Our supervisor has a reputation for (watching and controlling) the workers.

(a) living high off the hog on (b) riding herd on (c) horsing around with (d) going ape with

7. When the police arrived the two men looked frightened and suddenly (ran away).

(a) hit the bull`s eye (b) let the cat out of the bag (c) turned tail (d) cried wolf

8. I heard about the plans for the new magazine article (directly from the person responsible).

(a) off his high horse (b) straight from the horse`s mouth (c) in two shakes of a lamb's tail (d) in a pig`s eye

9. The car engine stopping while driving on the freeway was the (thing that finally made me decide to do something) so I finally sold the car.

(a) straw that broke the camel`s back (b) black sheep of the family (c) cat on a hot tin roof (d) wolf in sheep`s clothing

10. The businessman really (misjudged his chance of success) when he found an unreliable partner for his business.

(a) led a dog`s life (b) bet on the wrong horse (c) cast pearl`s before swine (d) made a mountain out of a molehole

11. He is the (most important person) in his company.

(a) holy cow (b) dog in the manger (c) alley cat (d) top dog

12. I had not seen my cousin for a long time so when we finally met we talked (for a long time).

(a) in the dog house (b) as busy as a beaver (c) until the cows came home (d) like lambs to the slaughter

13. "You should (not worry about the problems from before). It is too late to do anything about them."

(a) lock the barn door after the horse is gone (b) let sleeping dogs lie (c) buy a pig in a poke (d) bark up the wrong tree

14. "Do not be afraid of your new neighbor. Her (words are worse than her actions)."

(a) tail is wagging the dog (b) tail is between her legs (c) looks are like something the cat dragged in (d) bark is worse than her bite

15. My grandfather moved to the country to get away from the (busyness and confusion) in the city.

(a) white elephant (b) horse trading (c) rat race (d) horse sense

16. The young boy (pretended to be asleep) when his friend came into the room.

(a) went to the dogs (b) put on the dog (c) served as a guinea pig (d) played possum

17. The man who owns the store is (very dishonest).

(a) as crooked as a dog's hind leg (b) as clean as a hound's tooth (c) as stubborn as a mule (d) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

18. We had (an exciting and interesting time) at the conference.

(a) a cock-and-bull story (b) a whale of a time (c) the best-laid plans of mice and men (d) a bull in a china shop

19. My supervisor is always angry so I do not like to (get into an argument with) her.

(a) lock horns with (b) monkey around with (c) go hog-wild with (d) make a monkey out of

20. We were (supporting someone who could not win) but still we continued to support our candidate in the election.

(a) killing the fatted calf (b) making a silk purse out of a sow's ear (c) backing the wrong horse (d) separating the sheep from the goats

Task 5: Переведите предложения на русский язык, подбирая соответствия выделенным фразеологизмам.


1. The most depressing rumours are about here as to the next... production — Julius Caesar or some such obsolete rubbish... Will nothing persuade him that Queen Anne is dead.

2. I could not let him talk to me like some Dutch uncle.

3. She offered me a choice between French and Russian dressing, and I chose the latter, and she brought something red in a small saucer.

4. He replied that The Star-Spangled Banner was the greatest piece of music ever composed.

5. They couldn't touch him because he was Tarzan, Cain and the Flying Dutchman.

6. Aunt Ursula knew Oswald well enough to be a little suspicious of his Greek gifts, but could not help being flattered by his attention.

7. This is a Trust Fund. Anything that it supports must be Caesar's wife.

8. In short, gentlemen, I come to you bearing an olive branch.

9. At last he would return, like the prodigal son, gloomy, worn out, and disgusted with himself.

10. They motored up, taking Michael Mont, who, being in his seventh heaven, was found by Winifred 'very amusing'.

Task 6: Translate the following idioms.

1. Birds of a feather flock together. 2. Like a fish out of water. 3. Straight from the horse`s mouth. 4. Like a red rag to a bull. 5. Once in a blue moon. 6. To feel down in the dumps. 7. A drop in the ocean. 8. Let the cat out of the bag. 9. His bark is worse than his bite. 10. To throw somebody off the scent. 11.To kill two birds with one stone. 12. To go to the dogs. 13. Buy a pig in a poke. 14. To take the bull by the horns. 15. Horse sense. 16. Устал как собака. 17. С поличным; на горячем. 18. Видеть всё в розовом свете. 19. Побледнеть от зависти. 20. Ложь во спасение; невинная ложь. 21. Журавль в небе. 22. Сильный как бык. 23. Лёгкий, как пёрышко. 24. Спокойный как удав. 25. На вес золота. 26. Тишина и покой. 27. Копуша; медлительный человек. 28. Закопать топор войны; заключить перемирие. 29. Не могу вставить и слова. 30. Сказать в двух словах.


Практическое занятие №9

Тема: Перевод фразеологических единиц и идиом

Task 1: Translate the text into Russian, paying attention to the translation of all idioms.


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