Two Very Different Brothers

At school, Randy was shy and as quiet as a mouse. He was also very clever. He had a twin brother, Jason. Jason loved football and had to work like a dog to make good grades. In school, Randy was the bookworm. He loved to read. But without his glasses he could not see. He was as blind as a bat. Jason ate like a horse and was two hundred pounds at age seventeen. Both of them were early birds and got out of bed at four every morning. Randy read and studied. Jason went training. Today, because they were pigheaded and did not give up, Jason is quarterback for the Glendale Geeks, and Randy is the owner of the team.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на поиск идентичных или аналогичных фразеологизмов.

1. Не had to keep a sharp eye on his sister for the sake of her good.

2. The woman obviously had the gift of second sight, whatever it might be.

3. It was still not unheard of for an angry parent to cut off his son with a shilling.

4. If you haven't been born under a lucky star you just have to work all the harder to get what you want.

5. Oh, by the way, if you want a bath, take one. There ain't a Peeping Tom on the place.

6. The mere sound of that execrable, ugly name made his blood run cold and his breath come in laboured gasps.

7. He would stand second to none in his devotion to the custom.

8. I can't make out how you stand London society when it has gone to the dogs, a lot of damned nobodies talking about nothing.

9. According to Michael, they must take it by the short hairs, or they might as well put up the shutters.

10. He knew how the land lay between his hopes and the number of missions Colonel Cathcart was constantly increasing.

11. I thought it my duty to warn you, but I'm prepared to take the rough and the smooth.

Задание 3. Найдите английские соответствия крылатым словам в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения, поясняя значение фразеологизма там, где это требуется по контексту.

1. Выражение Иов многострадальный заимствовано из Библии и употребляется в значении: человек, безропотно переносящий бедствия и испытания.

2. Последним из могикан называют последнего представителя общественной группы, поколения или типа людей.

3. Бог запретил Адаму вкушать плоды со всех деревьев, за исключением древа познания добра и зла, плоды которого объявил запретными.

4. Метафора почить на лаврах означает, что человек удовлетворен достигнутым и склонен отдохнуть от трудоаи свершений.

5. Выражение львиная доля заимствовано из басни Эзопа о льве, который с помощью других зверей поймал оленя, а потом силой и угрозами заставил их отдать ему добычу целиком.

6. Сказано в Евангелии: не мечите бисер перед свиньями -- зачем тратить время и красноречие на профанов, которые не способны этого оценить?

7. Незначительное, на первый взгляд, противоречие стало настоящим яблоком раздора, которое привело компанию к полному краху.

8. Вот уже много веков филологи всего мира пытаются разгадать тайну вавилонского столпотворения.

Задание 4. Восстановите полную форму фразеологических единиц в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не had been a rolling stone too long to sit down in one place, breed cattle and wait for them to grow.

2. One look showed Swithin his condition. Drank again. This was the last straw.

3. He seized with avidity upon the subject, which had for him all the charm of forbidden fruit.

4. I wouldn't be surprised if he understood Hedda better than anybody does. I think they're birds of a feather.

5. Politicians look on the cliché as a friend in need.

6. Come on, you know where's the proof of the pudding!

7. My uncle was a rich man -- in other words, he paid the piper!

8. His father was a happy-go-lucky man, you might call him Jack of all trades.

9. Don't worry, Bob! We are two brave men with hands, brains and spine. So let the morn come!

Задание 5. Translate the following idioms into Russian:

1. an eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth; 2. custom (habit, use) is a second nature; 3. he laughs best who laughs last; 4.. let bygons be bygons; 5. like two drops of water; 6. look before you leap; 7. my little finger told me that; 8. a new broom sweeps clean; 9. no bees, no honey; no work, no money; 10. (one) can't see before one's nose; 11. (one) can't say boo to the goose; 12. to pick one's chestnuts out of the fire; 13. a prodigal son; 14. (as) proud as a peacock; 15. to return like for like; 16. to see smth. with the corner of one's eye; 17. there is no smoke without fire; 18. a tree of knowledge; 19. a voice in the wilderness; 20. to wipe off the disgrace; 21. to wipe one/smth. off the face/surface of the earth; 22. with open arms; 23. with a rope round one's neck; 24. whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason; 25. it is a bold mouse that nestles in the cat's ear; 26. fire and water are good servants but bad masters; 27. he who is born a fool is never cured; 28. beauty is a fading flower; 29. a bad beginning makes a bad ending (Greek); 30. a full belly makes a dull brain; 31. the belly is not filled with fair words; 32. bread and circus; 33. fair words fat few; 34. between the devil and the deep; 35. like water off the feathers of a duck; 36. what is writ is writ; 37. no sweet without sweat; 38. first come, first served; 39. eyes are bigger than the stomach; 40. not blink an eye; 41. work like a dog; 42. walk on air; 43. work one's fingers to the bone; 44. Alpha and Omega; 45. physician, heal thyself; 46. the salt of the earth.


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