Test 8 Tense-Aspect forms


1 Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following text:

Then John (to go) up the long walk to his house.

The house (to be) old and strong and there (to be) lights in a few windows. His grandfather (to add) this huge porch which (to extend) all about the house. Here on rainy days he (to play) with his brother or (to sit) alone, listening, or talking with his father. What they (to talk) about? He (not to remember).

John (to stand) there now, looking at the still porch in the faint light that (to come) through the windows and from the street lamp and thinking of his brother.

One early spring evening when he (to return) from school he (to pass) here. It (to rain) all day and now the whispering sound of the rain (to be) on the air, rustling mysteriously through new leaves, and a wind (to sigh) down the long porch, which (to be) empty. Then he (to hear) a sound of sobbing, dismal and faint, and he (to turn) and (to walk) a short distance down the porch, which (to echo) with his footsteps, and he (to find) his brother, then twelve years old, crouched on the floor. He (to lift) his head at John's approach and (to stop) his sobbing, but he still (to crouch) there desolately.

John said," What you (to do) here, crying like a baby?"

His brother (not to answer) for a moment or two, and then he (to say): " Father (to laugh) at one of my paintings. He (to say) I (to have) no talent."

John (to say) bluntly to his brother, " I (not to know) if you (to have) any talent. But I (to know) that Father (not to have) any.

His brother (to catch) his breath, and then slowly (to rise) to his feet. " You (to mean) that, John?"

"Sure I (to mean) it. If you (to have) talent it (to show). That's all it should mean to you. If you (to start) listening to people, and their advice, you never (to amount) to anything." And he (to walk) away and (to leave) him.

He (to stand) alone on this hot July night, completely exhausted, and he (to remember) that rainy twilight and his brother. It (to be) certainly strange how things (to return) to a man when he least (to expect) them.

He (to open) the hall door and (to go) inside. The hall (to be) long and wide and the ceiling (to be) high. His mother (to paint) the dark wood of her favourite shade of pale grey, and she (to remove) the heavy old dark furniture and (to replace) it with graceful pieces beautifully arranged. She also (to hang) a crystal chandelier from the ceiling. A few of the lamps (to be) lighted now.

His mother (to come) through the door, and her thin silk dress (to rustle) as she (to move). She (to smile) but her eyes (to be) anxious. " Dear John," she said, " I (to be) worried about you. Why, you (to look) so tired?" She (to glance) down at his hands. She (to see) they (to be) red and the skin (to appear) dry and so she (to know) he (to operate). He (to see) her glance, and (to say), " Yes, I (...). Don't ask me who. I (to tell) you later."


Test 9. Indirect speech

1 Translate into English:

1. Джордж сказал, что в Белом Доме 132 комнаты и что некоторые из них открыты для бесплатных экскурсий.

2. Туристы попросили гида рассказать им о Лондонском Тауэре.

3. Туристы хотели знать, кто построил собор Святого Павла.

4. Гид сказал туристам, что первый печатный станок в Англии был изобретен Кэкстоном.

5. Учитель сказал, что население Кэмбриджа состоит в основном из преподавателей и студентов.

6. Знаете ли вы, что первым президентом США был Джордж Вашингтон?

7. Петр не знал, есть ли в Уэльсе высокие горы.

8. Его спросили, чем славятся Оксфорд и Кэмбридж.

9. Мой друг сказал, что пробудет в Лондоне несколько недель.

10. Туристы знали, что Трафальгарская площадь славится своими фонтанами, голубями и колонной Нельсона.

11. Его спросили, был ли он когда-либо в британском музее.

12. Он сказал, что ни разу не был в Ленинграде.

13. Вчера вечером мне позвонил брат и спросил, не хочу лия пойти в кино. Я согласился и не был разочарован. Фильм мне очень понравился.

14. Я надеялся, что успею на последний поезд, но я опоздал.

15. Вчера по дороге домой я зашел к Николаю. Он сказал, что только что получил телеграмму от матери и через час пойдет на вокзал встречать ее.

16. Когда я увидел Нину, я понял, что она чем-то расстроена. Она сказала, что заболела ее мать.

17. На днях я встретил Джона. Он сказал, что купил себе новый автомобиль.

18. Когда я зашла к моей подруге, ее мать сказала, что ее нет дома: она сдает экзамен, но скоро вернется.

19. В июне мы с сестрой уезжаем на Кавказ. Наш брат сказал, что присоединится к нам, как только сдаст экзамен.

20. Вчера я попросила Стива починить утюг. Он сказал, что его ждут друзья и он не может помочь мне. Он пообещал, что починит его сегодня. - В прошлом месяце он обещал починить мой велосипед, но так и не сделал этого. - Надеюсь, что на сей раз он сдержит свое обещание.

21. Я был удивлен, когда узнал, что Роберт не сдал экзамен. Он говорил, что долго к нему готовился.

21. Петр сказал, что будет ждать меня у входа на стадион и просил меня не опаздывать.


2. Open the brackets:

A spokesman for the environmental group Greenpeace said that fishing with drift-nets (1 kill) not only fish but also seals, dolphins and sea birds, which (2 not/can) see the plastic-fibre filaments and so (3 swim) into them, (4 become) entangled, and (5 drown). He pointed out that this type of net (6 can) be up to 55 km. Long and 15 m. Deep, and added that a global ban on its use (7 be) proposed and discussed at the United Nations the following week. A fishermen's representative replied that his organization (8 oppose) any attempt to prohibit drift-net fishing until scientific research (9 produce) evidence to show that it (10 be definitely harmful. " 1 suppose," commented the Greenpeace spokesman, '' that when the research (11 be) finished all the marine mammals and seabirds (12 vanish)".

The Mercian insurgents have announced that they (13 capture) Revod, the country's main port, from the government forces. Their leader General Mod told journalists that they (14 launch) a new offensive last Friday and (15 take) the town early on Sunday morning. The government, he said, (16 boast) that they (17 never / give up) Revod. " But," he continued in his excellent English, " they (18 have). So you (19 can) see now, if you (20 fail) to do so in the past, that they (21 make) only idle boasts and that their final defeat (22 be) certain." General Mod declared a month ago that the capture of Revod (23 be) a great propaganda coup for the insurgents, and he was right.

At a recent symposium on renewable energy sources, Professor Warner was asked if wind power (24 can) compete commercially with conventional sources such as coal and oil. His reply was that if it (25 receive) comparative financial investment it (26 now / be) just as competitive. But, he said, the Government (27 so far / invest) in wind power sums which (28 be) quite ludicrous in comparison with its investments in coal and oil and, above all, in nuclear power, which (29 be) shown to be the most expensive energy source at all. He said, too, that research into wave power (30 not only / be) grossly underfunded in the past but actually suppressed. '' Did you know," he asked, " that this country (31 be) at one time at the fore front of research in this field, but that the fruits of this work (32 since / be) reaped by other countries? And that this (33 happen) because nuclear power (34 be) the altar upon which the Department of Energy (35 sacrifice) our foture welfare?"

Lord Justice Cleaver, in pronouncing judgement at the Court of Appeal, said that Mrs Rudge, who (36 be) wrongfully accused of shop-lifting five years before, (37 since / live) with the terrible burden of having to clear her name. But, he now reminded the Court, Superstore's legal counsel (38 say) that the company (39 no longer / insist) that there (40 be) some truth in its allegations against Mrs Rudge. " Counsel makes it quite clear," he went on, " that Superstore (41 admit) that a very serious error (42 be) made." The Judge stressed that the increase in the libel award to 15,000 (43 be) not to be taken as setting a standard for such awards, which (44 normally / be) left to the decision of juries. " But in this case Mrs Rudge (45 be) entitled to greater damages than those the jury (46 award) her last year in the High Court." After the Appeal Court hearing, Mrs Rudge said she (47 believe) in British justice again. " It (48 not / be) the money that (49 really / matter), but the fact that I (50 have) a public apology from Superstore." She recalled how she (51 be) arrested by a store detective, searched, and locked in a cell for several hours. When the case (52 come) to trial in 1987 no evidence (53 be) offered and she (54 be) acquitted. •• But I (55 live) under a cloud of suspicion until this very day."


3. Put the following into direct speech with the appropriate punctuation:

1. She asked if he'd like to go to the concert and I said that I was sure she would.

2. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and was very badly lit.

3. They said that while they were bathing they saw someone examining their clothes.

4. I asked if she had looked everywhere and she said that she had.

5. He suggested giving her a bottle of wine.

6. He said that the new carpet had arrived and asked where he was to put it.

7. He said that two days previously an enormous load of firewood dad been dumped at his front gate and that since then he hadn't been able to get his car out.

8. They offered me some more wine and I accepted.

9. He said that if I found the front door locked I was to go round to the back.

10. She asked the burglars who they were and had let them in. They told her to sit down and keep quiet unless she wanted to get hurt.

11. He asked what the weather had been like during my holiday and I said that it had been awful.

12. He suggested going down to the harbour and seeing if they could hire a boat.

13. He said that ifl didn't like escalators I could go up the emergency staircase. I thanked him and said that I would do that.

14. He suggested that Tom and I should go ahead and get the tickets.

15. He said that he thought my electric iron was unsafe and advised me to have it seen to.

16. He said that if war broke out he would have to leave the country at once. 77. I asked him if he had enjoyed house-hunting and he said that he hadn't.

18. She said that she was surprised to see that the grandfather clock had stopped and asked if anyone had been fiddling with it.

19. She said that she had tried to ring her mother several times on the previous day but had not

succeeded in getting through. 20.1 asked her if she'd like to borrow the book but she thanked and said that she had already read it and

hadn't liked it very much.

21. He wanted to know if I was going to the dance and suggested that we should make up a party and go together.

22. I told to stop making a fuss about nothing and said she was lucky to have got a seat at all.

23. The clerk in the booking office inquired ifl wanted a single or return ticket. I asked if a return was any cheaper. He said it made no difference.

24. He said I mustn't mind if the first one wasn't any good.

25. I stopped a man the street and asked him to help me with the car. The man asked if it would take long, explaining that he was on his way to catch a train.


Test 10


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